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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Hell Girl Ends:

For some odd reason they decided to scrap the rest of Hell Girl and just do reruns from previous seasons instead for the next six episodes.  Since that would take up the entire rest of the cour, I guess this is the end of Hell Girl.  What a bizarre season.  Why did they even bother?

Well, that reduces the summer schedule down to 15 series.

Meanwhile, the Defenders was certainly watchable, I marathoned it all in a day.  There were some good parts, like when Iron Fist fought Luke Cage, and when Iron Fist fought Daredevil.  But overall it was really lackluster.  Everything was so repetitive.  They'd go fight the Hand, then retreat, and then go fight them again, over and over.  Why retreat if you're just going to re-engage anyway?

All the Hand people we'd seen before, just the same old same old, people who have already been defeated but keep getting revived because comic books are stupid.

It also felt awfully forced, how they managed to get Luke Cage and Jessica Jones involved in fighting the Hand when really they had no reason to do so.  What are the odds that they'd just so happen to meet someone who needed their help who was currently being oppressed by the Hand?  At the same time, when all this time before they never did?

Daredevil Season 2 was great, because it had Punisher.  The Defenders didn't have Punisher, so there was nothing going for it.  Luckily the next show is titled 'The Punisher' so things should improve shortly.

Mega Man 9 is insanely hard.  Worse than any Mega Man I've ever played before.  But I'm still making progress, slowly but surely.  I have no idea what they were thinking when they made this game -- let's torture our fans?  At least the weapons are interesting.

I found a lot more remixes in my music hall of fame -- primarily from Heroes of Might and Magic 5 but also from Final Fantasy 15 and even Final Fantasy 7.  It's amazing how they've managed to lurk all this time without being found out.  As a result my hall of fame has been reduced to 4212 songs, though still strangely 9.5 days of playtime, so I guess it didn't move the needle much.

Hopefully Mega Man will entertain me until Utawarerumono 3 arrives in September.  Football season is also set to begin next week.

Corporations have banded together to eliminate all right-wing speech on the internet.  Alongside Antifa which bans all right-wing speech in the physical world, apparently the only right-wing speech allowed left is printed newsletters.  However, printed press is so behind-the-times, expensive, and lacking in terms of no comments underneath the article, that I really don't see anyone going back to it even with the internet banned.  No doubt some workaround will be found eventually.  It's just disgusting how little liberal Americans think of the first amendment.  Perhaps we should rewrite the first amendment such that no one can ever trample on its intent again -- "The right for any two or more people who wish to communicate with each other to do so shall not be infringed by anybody, in any way, for any reason."

But realistically speaking, most Republicans agree with Antifa, so there are no legal remedies.  That's why I keep saying we need to go found our own nation with our own laws.  America clearly isn't our country anymore.  It's irredeemable.

3% of Lousianans voted for Duke in 2016.  4% of Americans, when polled, said they mostly agreed with the Unite the Right protesters' position.  So we have a core Nazi audience of around 13 million people in America alone.  This is larger than the population of most nations on Earth.  It's larger than the entire world's population not so long ago.  There is no physical, economic, or survival reason why we haven't gone our own way long ago.  It is pure spiritual lethargy.  People don't want to go through the hassle.  America was founded by settlers who suffered over 50% mortality rates for the first fifty years.  It was a struggle just to get anything started.  Life was hell.  And yet they persevered.  Why can't we tackle this infinitely easier challenge?  The fervency of our beliefs, that give us the courage to be dauntless in the face of hardship, are clearly infinitely weaker than the fervency of theirs.  This is what I mean by larping.  The Nazi community is plagued with LARPERS.  They're nazis-in-name-only.  Or NINO's.

If we actually cared about anything we said we cared about, we would have a nation of our own by now.  We could have settled in Antarctica if it came to that.  Instead we fruitlessly whine that our first amendment rights are being oppressed.  Guess what, powerless minorities have always been oppressed, across all history.  Every single nation does it.  It's just how human society works.  I wouldn't want liberals talking in Vinland either, I'd ban all their lies from the get-go so that they could no longer poison our youth.  This is why your nation should consist solely of homogeneous fellow believers in the first place.  This problem doesn't occur if everyone is united behind a common culture and ideology.  It will always occur in a polyglot monstrosity such as the USA.

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