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Friday, December 3, 2010

Needed: Principled, Articulate Voices of the People

A wonderful news item came out of the bnp website today:

The survey, conducted after an earlier report revealed that given current immigration and birth rates, white British people would indeed slip into minority status by the year 2066, found that 56 percent of British people would be "very unhappy” about white Britons becoming a minority by the year 2066, and a further 17 percent said they would be "fairly unhappy."

Twenty-one per cent said they would be "neither happy nor unhappy," while only 2 percent said they would be "happy" about it.

Of course, we all know that Britain will be majority minority long before 2066. But we all have to play pretend and go by the government's figures,to avoid being called fearmongers. The important news here isn't when Britain will become majority non-white, it is that we have been told all along that only a tiny few anachronistic racists want to keep it white. No one cares if they're surrounded by vibrant diverse people, or stuffy boring white people, or if they do care it's always in favor of vibrancy. This is simply not true.

Instead we find that the majority of Britons(?) would be very unhappy if their nation became non-white. The vast majority, 3/4, would be unhappy. And only 2% would actually be happy about this result. (I wonder if Britain is 2% Jewish?) So what we have is a fanatical, radical anti-racist group, which is only 2% of the population, imposing its will on the remaining 98% of the population, 73% of which will be unhappy if this fanatical, radical anti-racist group gets its way. This is a blatant act of aggression and tyranny. How much clearer must it be that if 2% of the population can overpower the other remaining 98% of the population and make them into miserable refugees in their own land, we are the victims not them?

Similar polls have been made in America and Europe, and everywhere whites have said they would be unhappy with their race being forced into a minority position due to out of control immigration and birth rates. This is what's so frustrating. It's not that 'racists' are out of the mainstream or 'fringe' or 'losers' or 'inbred' or 'neanderthals' or whatever. Everyone on Earth is a racist. Everyone. Those who say they aren't are either lying or deluding themselves. It is genetically inborn to prefer people like yourself and fear/dislike people divergent from yourself. Appearance, behavior, intelligence, personality, the dividing lines of race are manifold and people find themselves liking those who share similarities and disliking those who show differences from birth on. It is impossible to 'deprogram' racism, even though endless educators have attempted to do so. It is like trying to 'deprogram' selfishness in Soviet Russia. People will mouth the appropriate lines, but they will not live in the prescribed manner.

This is why 73% of Britons, and probably 100% of white Britons surveyed, said they would be unhappy if they were to become strangers in their own land. If they were to become a helpless, powerless minority in the only land they can call their own, the only home they have. This is frightening, dangerous, and painful. Their inner racism is flashing red: "Warning, Warning, Warning!" They can't help but admit, in this anonymous poll, that they are in fact racists and all that color-blind politically correct bullshit was just bullshit and always had been from the start. They want a land that preserves the existence of their people and a future for white children, Their children. When you scratch just beneath the surface, the inner 'Nazi' in everyone is exposed to the light of day.

This poll is not the only data point we can use to expose people's inner racism. Marriage rates are another example. Interracial marriage is far lower than what one would expect from a 'color-blind' populace. In particular, black-white intermarriage is practically non-existent. This is why blacks have preserved their existence as a minority for 400 years in America, after all. Just to wrap your head around the numbers, if Blacks married completely color-blindly, 88% of them would marry non-blacks. Aside from the absurdity of blacks marrying anyone with their 70% illegitimacy rate, no one has ever suggested that blacks should stop being 'racist' and have 88% of their members out-marry. It's not like anyone would accept their proposals anyway.

Every single commercial portrays a happy loving black-white couple as the norm, but this is just fantasy. Reality paints another picture.

A quick check of the numbers and we find only 2.4% of America's population is multiracial. The media is trying to manipulate 'racists' into thinking they are the minority. Like the poll showing only 2% of Britons would be happy for Britain to become majority non-white, only 2% of people are actually marrying individuals of another race. Racists are the natural, healthy, normal mainstream. Homosexuality and miscegenation are about equally aberrant, by the numbers.

Segregation is another issue. A while ago a map was posted showing in what exact neighborhoods various ethnic groups lived in, inside our big cities.

America is totally segregated. Blacks live clustered in their neighborhoods, hispanics live clustered in theirs, Asians live clustered in theirs, and whites live clustered in theirs. Despite the 'seeming' diversity of our big cities, they are all homogeneous blocks carefully walled off from one another. The dots never spray happily across each other in a color-blind free for all. They are all huddled masses yearning to be free -- from each other. This is of course overlaying the fact that most states come in 'diverse' or 'white' versions. Some states are still 100% white, others are majority non-white. Very few are the perfect balance of 65% white, 35% minority that a color-blind society would predict.

Having proven that everyone is racist (it's not like whites alone want to segregate, but blacks, hispanics, and Asians live happily together in a color-blind hotpot), and that no one wishes to become a minority in their own country, why do racists who wish to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children get treated like the fringe? What is this strange force that takes us out of the 98% of the population that agrees with us and turns us into some dismal less than 1% minority fringe?

It isn't true that by abandoning race we could become more popular in achieving our other goals. In fact, what is precisely missing as a wedge issue in America and Europe is the protection of our race. This is a strength, not a weakness, for any party that adopts the role of racial preserver. Almost universally the people agree with us on this issue. The majority of people would be 'very unhappy' to become a minority. They want a party that protects them from this fate. Opposing gay marriage is more controversial than preserving the majority status of one's race in one's homeland. Opposing the ground zero mosque is more controversial than preserving the majority status of one's race in one's homeland. People who strive for 'respectability' and 'acceptance' by attacking side-issues and avoiding the preservation of white majority status in our homelands is flying in the face of reality. The people are with us on this, betraying the people and moving to the left of 98% of the population does not make you more respectable or acceptable, it just makes you a coward. Why do people think they need to move to the left of 98% of the population? Because the remaining 2% are in power, and they control the discourse. It cannot be more clear that there is an enormous gulf between the ruling class of America and Europe, and its citizenry. While 2% of the population makes all the multiracial commercials, writes all the novels, speaks on all the talk shows, wins all the elections, makes all the money, and so on, thus having complete control of what's 'respectable' and 'acceptable', the other 98% languish in obscurity, having no voice and no access to the public stage.

We don't need more people propping up the phony respectability and phony acceptability of the radical 2%. We don't need more people tiptoeing around and saying the same false lines as our enemies. What we need is more people who speak for the 98%. What the 98% portion of our population lacks is a principled, articulate voice that agrees with their common sense racism.

Everyone is racist. No one has justified why they are racist. No one has proven racism is good. No one has proven that racism can be intelligent, objective, fair, scientific, and benevolent. So currently all we have is 98% of the population feeling guilty that they are racist, instead of 98% of the population putting into effect policies that support their racist desires. All that is needed for sweeping change in America and Europe is for some spokesman, somewhere, to justify the inner racism inherent in everyone. If the floodgates were opened, and people did not feel bad about being racist, the 98% of our country which doesn't want to become majority minority would take power overnight. Sadly, the majority of intelligent people who argue from first principles in a coherent systematic fair manner are on the other side. This isn't because they are right, it is because it is easier. If they live in this manner, they can quickly get promotions, social approval, applaud, and so on. If they spoke for the 98%, they'd be ostracized, fired, perhaps even thrown in jail or killed. The intelligentsia know which side their bread is buttered on, and logic is such a slippery thing that virtually anything under the sun can be justified. Socrates had the same problem with the sophists of his age.

For racism to move from an inborn feeling that we are taught to feel guilty about and consider evil to a healthy instinct we are taught to approve and support, racism needs a metaphysical justification. It cannot be ad hoc. It must be moral. It cannot be based on an appeal to popularity or appeal to authority. It has to appeal to truth and nothing else. It has to incorporate all other known values and show how it is not in conflict with previously established wisdom. It has to be fair and not self-serving. It has to be professional and use big words in long chains, but not obscure or pretentious. I hate all esoteric language and all appeals to old dead people's equally esoteric beliefs. If you cannot write in plain English your own justification for racism, don't bother writing.

Seldom has there been such a flashpoint of tension between the ruling class and the ruled than the question of racial preservation. Any revolution in this country will be on the basis of this fault line and no other. There is no more violent disagreement between the ruling and the ruled than whether white countries should remain white or be given away to non-whites. Those who abandon racial preservation to further their chances at a revolution are misguided. It isn't worth the effort to stop gay marriage, or higher taxes, or global warming, or abortion. The only potentially galvanizing issue is the life and death of the white race. This is the only question that is so dramatic, so serious, and so clear, that a split is inevitable. Debating tax rates isn't nearly as critical as debating genocide. The genocide of the white race is off the charts more important than every debate in every election cycle.

A principled, articulate argument for why people's inner racism is okay would inevitably lead to a revolution in every white country by the ruled against the rulers who are trying to genocide the white race. This is just math. Once 98% of the people are confident in their own wishes and don't think they're evil for holding them, they will vote in rather swiftly whatever measures it takes to align their inner racism and external reality. As the years pass, more and more people are becoming aware that they really will become a minority in their countries if they do nothing. This is in our favor. "The worse the better" is based on this. But if too many years pass, we really will become majority minority and then it doesn't matter how many people 'realize' this because they can't do anything about it. This is what happened to California, Brazil, and South Africa. They didn't act in time and now it doesn't matter how many people 'realize' they should have. At some point the lines will cross and racism will stop profiting from the increase in non-whites and start falling. At the crest of this curve is when racists should be striving for revolution. The more people are ready and willing to listen to our side of the argument, the more important the quality of our arguments become. It's like a multiplication. Even if we have wonderful arguments for racism (which we don't have, by and large, since racism has mutated into collapse-chorus-ism), if people aren't willing to listen to them we make no progress. But if we have a swelling number of listeners our arguments could have much greater effect.

The project of racists is to have their metaphysical justification as honed and polished as possible by that time. Karl Marx's communist manifesto was honed and ready for the socialist stirrings in Europe. Where is the racist manifesto of the modern age? Where is the single, short, moving, inspiring speech all racists can point to as the ultimate justification for their movement? We don't have a Thomas Paine yet, we don't have the Rights of Man. Why is that? It should have been completed long ago. Where is the Lenin with a "what must be done?" Where is the Mao with his "little red book?" Where is the intellectual with a speech that can, from first principles, clearly elucidate to the broad masses why the revolution must and shall be?

The manifesto must be up to date and not based on failed ideologies of the past. It must have no negative associations people could smear it with. It must make no reference to any other entity or group but stand on its own merit with a completely new, unsullied reputation. A revolution requires a revolutionary thinker, it can't just live in the past.

One point I keep returning to is Wizard's Sixth Rule: (Or maybe it's some other rule, I don't care) Deserve Victory.

White racialist sites are busy debating whether we should restore the Third Reich or the Medieval era. They are completely out of touch with this world. They make fantastic, generally nihilistic predictions that never come true. They have come to hate that which they used to love, and end up sounding even more virulently anti-majority than the present ruling class. I honestly don't know who I could point readers to that they could safely read without being repulsed by white nationalism. There doesn't seem to be anyone with the talent or the heart to write a racist 'Rights of Man.'

White nationalists don't deserve victory. We should be ashamed of ourselves. All we need is one decent argument that 98% of the populace already basically agrees with, and we could save our race. But we can't produce even one. As Tim Wise says, "tick, tock, tick, tock."

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