It's not really fair. Ukip gained 3% of the vote and the BNP gained 2% of the vote, but neither party gained a single seat in the British Parliament. Meanwhile, random small parties that got .6% of the vote gained 8 seats in Parliament, another gained a seat in parliament with just .1% of the vote.
You could spin things by saying the BNP and UKIP were making steady strides of success and were growing at a wonderful speed towards someday being major powers in British politics. The BNP scored nearly triple the votes they gained in 2005 for instance. But this is just spin. In the end nationalism ended up with no seats.
Consider how dismal the situation is for nationalist politics. Many people argue that we should avoid race and just talk about civic, or cultural nationalism. These people insist that if you just portray your anti-immigrant message in a non-threatening light you would gain major support by the public. After all, the public, when polled, always shows 70-80% support for restricting immigration. However, UKIP gained no seats. So why compromise your message when you get nothing in return for it?
The BNP meanwhile has been saying, over and over, that there is a small window of opportunity for politics to save our demographic crisis. They relied on a panic mode where everyone would give everything they had to win at least 'one seat' in this election, so that there would be enough momentum to save Britain by, say, 2020.
By 2040 or so it's all over for Britain. After all, the majority of Britain's children are no longer white. I'm guessing the demographic transition will be even sooner than that. And the BNP still has the same sized mountain to climb. Not only do they have to become a legitimate party that wins seats, they have to become an outright majority party that can, all on its own, run Britain. Otherwise, just like Vlaams Belang and other nationalist parties, they will be shut out via a cordonne sanitairre. Since no other political party will make common cause with the BNP, the only way to stop non-white immigration into Britain is for the BNP to win 350 seats or so. They have yet to win even one. And they have maybe 4 more tries to go from 0 to 350, until their message is meaningless because their country is already majority non-white.
One can imagine various real-life events that may bring new support to the BNP, like higher crime, muslim terrorism, high unemployment, or a tanking economy -- but at some point the cure is worse than the disease. After all, how much better off are whites as some sort of apocalypse survivors after the economy has sunk to the point that 9/10ths of humanity has died off for lack of food or energy? How much better off are whites by being cast into a nuclear war with the nearly 2 billion muslims on Earth? How much better off are they by toppling their government into some new anarchy or tyranny after crime and unemployment create a new Somalia? Worse is better is bullshit. The amount of structural damage necessary to bring down the current government exceeds the ability of any politics to repair it.
The goal must be to change the government before any harm is done -- after the harm is done it is too late. Adding more harm on a pile on top of the harm the government's current policies create is counterproductive. Once the harm has been permanently fatesealed in, the only thing people can reasonably do is find ways to mitigate it or endure it. Creating yet more problems in protest, or trying to make things even worse just to prove your point that the government policy was a bad idea originally, is irrational. Nationalism is about protecting one's people, not making living conditions worse or more perilous for them.
It's hard to imagine a way that could educate enough of the British public, painlessly, such that they would go from 0 nationalist seats in either the milk-sop UKIP or hard-line BNP parties, to 350 nationalist seats that could all on their own run Britain, in the next 20 years. The gulf is just too vast. Is there even a precedent for any party in English politics going so far so fast?
It's sad to write off the will of millions of people who went out to vote for UKIP or the BNP yesterday. But it's all false hope. It's an illusion to think these voters will someday represent the majority and be able to change the course of history in time. If there were going to be a miraculous turnaround in British history, it would have started this election cycle, with seats going to either or both parties. Now that we know they came up empty, why wait another 5 years to see how it goes next time? Even if they win 10, 50, or 100 seats, it will be too long to make a difference.
There are easier ways to change the world than winning a majority in politics. Artificial Intelligence, Genetic Engineering, Nearly-Free Energy, the cure to old age (stem cells?), cybernetic implants, population control measures succeeding in people of third world origin, or space flight could all change things to the point that all previous worries become irrelevant.
If one field of technology fails to live up to expectations, some other will rise to the occasion to take its place. We are bound to succeed at something. Computer Scientists are predicting computers that can simulate human brains by 2030. Space agencies are creating plasma engines that can get to Mars within a month and solar sails were deployed on Japan's latest spaceship. We are finding more and more ways to increase solar power efficiency, battery efficiency, storage of said solar power efficiency, electrolysis efficiency, biofuel efficiency, electric car miles per gallon efficiency, etc. Genome sequencing is predicted to cost as little as $1,000 per person and soon it will become a routine health procedure to sequence everyone, and a routine scientific study system to observe massive genome samples to come to definitive statistical conclusions like the nature and source of intelligence, personality, and behavior. We have already discovered a cheap way to make pluripotent stem cells from our own adult skin cells, allowing theoretically a non-cancerous, non-immunity reaction creating cure to all known genetic or aging-related diseases.
There are also race-neutral cultural or political cures for our woes. A religion could sweep across the world that encourages moral behavior. Or a class based revolution could lessen economic inequality while also encouraging economic growth. A tough on crime culture could make even blacks behave or face the consequences. An immigration policy that only favors highly educated immigrants could relieve dysgenic pressures. ((Like the one Canada largely has today.)) Perhaps the next generation of well to do whites will want more kids than their parents had as just a fad without any higher theoretical reasoning. There's always a way. Sometimes less visible paths are far easier to travel because they have less opposition. For instance, sneaking in through a drain pipe of a guarded castle is always easier than walking through the front door. If the enemy is dead set against seeing a rise in racial politics then you just have to use class, religious, pop culture, or some other politics that achieves more or less the same results. It may not be ideal, but all battle plans disintegrate upon first contact with the enemy. The trick is what a strategist does from there to pull off more or less agreeable results.
Those who put their hope in nationalism will eventually fall into a pit of despair. They should find hope in something actually hopeful, and therefore live happily in the present. The BNP was a good idea, but it's definitively failed. Why continue to flog a dead horse? Everything has its season.
1 comment:
Yup. Tech has so far saved every supposed looming disaster time and again.
What bothers me about all this is there is tremendous risk if things go bad in a society like the British one where they may partition on racial lines and make life very unpleasant for the indigenous Brits. Or it will lead to the most foreseeable civil war ever.
This is the same in all the White countries. Too much risk. Immigration being even remotely okay all depends on the good times never ending.
Also, there was never any need for the non-white immigrants. They have simply served no purpose. Europeans had the technological innovation, the wealth, the culture, the everything.
So why do this? Why take the risk? Why give up the accomplishments to races and cultures that have nothing to do with it? Why strip your youth of the wealth and culture that would be theirs and give it to people who are actively hostile?
All very humanitarian, I suppose, but what a cost to your own people.
It violates my sense of justice.
All that being said I am comfortably certain that should gene engineering advance, and it will, White traits will be the most selected worldwide.
I'm also not convinced we won't be mostly silicon-based in a hundred years so who cares...
But I still care. I still think it's wrong for such a successful ethnic group to fold and risk its young.
Maybe tech will save us. Maybe.
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