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Friday, April 30, 2010

More Proof the Present Doesn't Suck:,0,6414574.story

The author is kind enough to regale us with many positive facts. Our cities are cleaner, our houses are on average twice as large, we have 4 times as much leisure time as we had in the 1800's. 78% of us have air conditioning and 95% of us have heating. Crime is down. People are far richer than any previous time.

Unfortunately, he doesn't address what people actually worry about in the present. Atomization. Loss of community and tradition. The breakdown of the family. Below replacement fertility. The prospect of slavery and genocide of immigration-conquered natives in the future. Degradation of moral norms. Solving the world's material needs can't be done at the expense of our spiritual ones. An economy has to make sure both are being met. This is where nationalism diverges from his rose-colored glasses.

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