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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Who Are We Protecting?

Elite whites? They'll do just fine no matter what happens. Their wealth and power will secure their future in the new world no matter what shape it takes.

Common whites? But they tend to be immoral, ignorant, and stupid. Who wants to protect someone who believes any of the ridiculous religions written thousands of years ago, or that the Earth was created 6,000 years ago, or astrology. Who wants to protect a group of people who can't keep their own lives together? Who are too busy drinking, smoking, lying, cheating, and taking drugs to even notice the peril that is encompassing them?

Ourselves? In that case we should just shut up and fit in. Our children? Likewise.

Western Civilization? Does anyone really read the Great Books series, listen to Classical music, attend operas and ballets, but DOESN'T belong to the elites, who are quite capable of protecting themselves? Furthermore, couldn't Asians do all that stuff on our behalf after we're gone anyway? It's obvious that the vast majority of whites have no connection whatsoever to any ancient philosophical or artistic creations of our ancestors. Nor do they have any interest in reconnecting to them.

Science? This would make sense, only at current trends, science will invent artificial intelligence before white scientists die out due to dysgenics/race-mixing. After that computers will far surpass us and be able to do any science they please. Besides, it's not like Asians are completely incapable of science. Having gotten the ball rolling, it's likely Asians could invent AI from here, even if we all died tomorrow.

Art? Western art died long ago, Asians are better artists anyway.

People who are suffering? Plenty of that in the third world.

People who would, if given a new constitution, write a better one for themselves than any existing code of laws, and thus live a happier life among people like themselves -- creating more chances for friendship and marriage?


The best thing a political advocate can do is design a utopia. Discriminate so much that only a few people would like the laws and policies and beliefs and morals you advocate. Once you've discriminated enough, everyone left will be someone you'd enjoy being around. Then -- go hang out with them. Preferably under said proposed laws. But even without them, you could at least coagulate in a central location and cooperate in all other areas. Friendship, love, hobbies, churches, home school programs, even workplaces. In this way, we wouldn't have to conform to a community we are unhappy under -- we could instead conform to a community of our own choosing, that we thrive in. Our children, who will most likely be similar to us, would also thrive in these locations -- and if they don't, well, they can always leave when they're adults to some place that better suits them. Heck, if virtual reality progresses far enough, these communities can be entirely virtual. Like World of Warcraft, people who physically live all over the world could spend most of their waking lives in a virtual guild where they essentially live together anyway. This would overcome the restraints of needing to live where the economy best suits you living. Provide for your physical needs in one location, and your spiritual needs in another.

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