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Monday, February 15, 2010

Vdare Can't Make Payroll, Amren Conference Cancelled:

Tepid, respectable white nationalism, as represented by the excellent websites and, ones that specifically avoid condemning jews for anything, have both bottomed out.

After twenty years, Amren's positions have not shifted, but the American public has continued to change for the worse. Even in 1990, more often that not people disapproved of inter-racial relationships. Now that would be seen as absolutely unacceptable. When Amren was founded, there were vastly fewer hispanics in the country than there are today. After twenty years of continuous massive immigration, talking about keeping America white is inherently impossible. The proportion of kids born today in America is majority non-white. Even so, Amren and Vdare have offered no better solution than cutting off immigration, as though the problem was still somehow avoidable. After twenty years of speaking without being heard, there is little evidence that somehow immigration is going to be stopped in the future. Even in the midst of the worst recession since the 1930's, immigration keeps flooding in without even a murmur from the American public or Congress. Instead of deportations we're discussing amnesties. Traditional family values are also more or less gone. Women now have a higher employment rate than men, since the recession hit men with 3/4 of job losses. They also have better grades in school and higher college graduation rates, creating a never-ending cycle of women excelling in the workplace and not having kids. Sooner or later gay marriage will be made legal, as gays become increasingly mainstream and 'homophobes' the true 'out-class.'

After twenty years of lobbying for political improvements for the white majority, Amren, Vdare, and their ilk have achieved nothing. In fact, everything has gotten irretrievably worse in all categories. Restoring America is like putting humpty dumpty back together again. The generations born and raised today don't even have any concept of what America's past was like. If they learn anything about the past, it's that it was wholly evil and repugnant. Nor do the young of today have any knowledge or connection to their European homelands. They are completely rootless, tradition-less, and atomized.

This shift in the winds has reached such a point that, at a time in which it should be wildly popular -- calling for less immigration so that whites will have less competition for jobs -- can't raise a measly $30,000 dollars or so to run their organization. American Renaissance, meanwhile, can't even hold a conference anymore, since not a single hotel is willing to host a known racist organization. What kind of suicidal hotel chain would want its name associated with racists in the media? How much money would they stand to lose if Americans decided to boycott them for hosting such a gathering of evil? Amren has been holding these conferences for at least a decade, but that's no longer possible. The 'cover' that the council was canceled due to threats of violence is just that, a cover story. The truth is no hotel wants to accommodate these people. Whites organizing as whites in the hopes of providing a future for white people is now beyond the pale and can no longer appear in the light of day. Everyone must hide and scurry around in the ether -- incapable of raising funds, incapable of gathering physically, incapable of voting in politicians they would prefer, incapable of gaining votes as a third party, and incapable of winning an armed uprising. There is not a single strategy with a large enough appeal, backed by enough affluent and intelligent elite whites, to ever get off the ground.

The worse is better argument is often touted as what will change the dynamic in this sad tale. But that makes little sense. Whites know they are becoming a minority in all of their countries, but they welcome this as a good thing. Whites know they are going extinct, but they welcome this as a good thing also. Whites know the same facts we do -- what will the playing out of these events change their minds about? The economy is terrible but no one is calling for racial collectivism as the answer. How will the economy doing even worse change this dynamic? Brazil, South Africa, and states within the USA have all gone from majority white to majority non-white in a peaceful, steady progression without any hint or sign of resistance.

The worse is better argument can only succeed if pure anarchy replaces the current government. I suppose in such a situation a small group of strong men could delineate some sort of gang turf for a white collectivist movement, but it's impossible to believe America or Europe or Russia will become a worse anarchy than South Africa, and South African whites certainly have nothing good to write home about. It's just a daydream, a consolation for the fact that everything around us is getting worse every day.

If whites try to rally around implicitly white organizations in the hopes of generating wider appeal, they'll find factionalism destroying everything as soon as it's built. Union workers versus non-union workers. Gay versus straight. Men versus women. Religious versus non-religious. Jewish versus white. Poor versus rich. Libertarian versus socialist. Environmentalist versus industrialist. Pro-life versus pro-choice. Gun control versus gun rights. This is because a movement not united by race must be united by ideas, and ideas are incredibly fragile and amorphous. People who are not devoted to the common good will generate principles, a system of justice, beliefs that tend to favor themselves -- it's so natural that it's hard to even call it a vice. "There are as many justices as there are people in this world." Racial collectivism is a wonderful antidote against selfish factionalism, it's the only proven way to create and preserve a nation. For all history it has been the glue that ties a people, and a government, together. Abandoning it means abandoning all hope of any ties that bind. The vast majority of whites will lose out in the resulting process. A winner take all world leaves only a few winners with everything. Everyone else can expect to be losers. Since the losers cannot organize against the winners because they have too many factions and rivalries, the only strength of losers (that we are many and winners few) has been whittled away and the competition has become completely lopsided.

Political organizations, whether they rally around explicit whiteness or try to help the average white through various subterfuges, will both fail and sputter away to meaninglessness in the coming decades. America, Russia, and large parts of Europe will become majority minority. There's little hope of holding the line anywhere. Economics requires that a global market will eventually result in a global equalization of wages. Immigration is the only way to equalize wages, therefore the rich and the powerful will always be in support of it. And if you have the rich and the powerful on one side, and a raceless, atomized, bickering rabble on the other, it's obvious who will get their way. The white Americans making $40,000 a year today will be making $10,000 a year tomorrow, just like all the Indians, Chinese, and Africans will. Some disgusting statistic even mentioned that out of every 100 people born in the next century, 97 of them will be from undeveloped nations. All of those people will be competing for our jobs, whether as outsourced labor or insourced immigration. Demographics is destiny.

White racial collectivism was a good idea, but it stood no chance against the rich and the powerful of the world, who are only interested in global markets and cut-throat materialist meritocracies. If you can't convert the rich, you can't get anywhere, because they control the media and schools, and thus the culture and views of the people. It's like a hamster spinning in a wheel connected to nothing.

Where to next? Let's call it futurism. We should be relying on science to change the basic facts on the ground. Create a race of supermen via artificial intelligence, cyborgs, or genetic engineering, and give them access to things like immortality, nigh-infinite energy, automated servants that fulfill all material needs, skipping childhood and starting as a fully formed adult, circuits that don't even allow force or fraud to be implemented as conscious choices, the whole caboodle. Remake sentience, and life, from the ground up. Today we have a new field of study, 'synthetic biology', where people are creating life forms gene by gene that have never existed on Earth before. In a few decades to a century, this will apply just as well to humans as bacteria. There are also computers that have as high brain functionality as cats. In a few decades to a century, they will be much smarter than us in every way, not just number crunching like they are now. Computers can already 'see' the world around them. Computers can drive cars through deserts or cities on their own, as DARPA projects have shown. We have computers composing their own music and giving concerts. We even have computers running science experiments of their own choosing and producing new, perfectly viable, scientific research for their universities.

With the speed of technological progress we are seeing today, political arguments are so 20th century. The 21st century will prove beyond all doubt that there is no such thing as a nation-state, a people who feel themselves to be a collective, or any individuals willing to sacrifice for said collective body. In such a climate political solutions become impossible and tycoons become the de facto rulers of the world. Some will be in government, others will be in business, but they'll essentially be the same people wearing different hats at different times. While they choke out and control all political threats to their power, they have left open a scientific threat that they really don't dare close -- since the economy and the material bribes they provide people with to keep political power are dependent on continuous scientific progress. Besides, the tycoons aren't united, and in order to win competitions for market share with their rivals, they have to keep funding their R&D departments to make the next new computer chip or wonder drug to stay a step ahead. Technological progress has a sort of self-building momentum and has approached a sort of inevitability. There are enough current leads in science that simply applying what we already know would mean the complete reordering of the world.

It's kind of a shame, because I don't feel like humans ever reached their full potential as human beings. I feel like a rightly ordered society full of normal humans could have accomplished so much it more than we have today. But a rightly ordered society at this point is more difficult than teleportation and time travel, so the point is moot.

We have already seen the new generation of machinery coming online. Cost effective solar power, wind turbines, electric cars, GPS navigation, virtual economies like WoW outperforming the GDP's of real nations, automated factories that churn out whole new cars without a single human hand, drone warplanes striking terrorists with deadly efficiency all around the globe, stem cells that can be programmed to change into anything, and working quantum computers that can now perform all the basic essential logic functions of normal computers. Futurism is not science fiction or fantasy, or about stuff hundreds of years away. It's basically taking a realistic look at the technology that already exists all around us -- most of it in pilot projects, or university labs, or government sponsored weapons, etc, then extrapolating it to a universal level and looking at where that leaves mankind. The answer is nowhere. The future does not involve mankind.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hilarious. I've been reading predictions of imminent technological change forever and things are mostly the same.

Magic tech will save us! Rapture of the nerds indeed. Minus the nerds, of course.

To skeptics of the singularity: This time it will be different!

Fine writing, especially at the end.