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Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Nazis also launched a Kursk offensive:

We all know how that went.  I suspect much the same will happen to the Ukro-Nazis who are attempting a remake, this time using updated German vehicles.

No but seriously, what possible chance does Ukraine have to conquer Russia?  What possible goal is it trying to achieve?  The territory they're taking is a bunch of small villages of no import.  Whether Russia takes it back in a week or a year or a decade, Russia will take it back.  The patriotism of the people will never allow Ukraine to invade and conquer its land.  Unlike the land Russia is taking, which wishes to be part of Russia and voted to be part of Russia, the people of Kursk want nothing to do with Ukraine.  Especially since Ukraine went in guns blazing, mowing down civilians left and right, including pregnant women, their usual modus operandi.

It's absurd to think Russia will negotiate with Ukraine over the right to its own territory.  It's not going to give anything to Ukraine in exchange for the 'right' to own their own sovereign soil.  That's absurd.  This is a nuclear power with a population and economy far exceeding Ukraine's.  It doesn't have to negotiate with midgets.  If for some reason it gets too annoyed with Ukraine's behavior it could just nuke Kiev and be done with it.  Ukraine has no negotiating position whatsoever.

I've said all along that Russia should take this war more seriously and spend 50% of their GDP on the conflict, raising and equipping an army of 20 million men.  If they had done so Ukraine wouldn't currently be parked outside of the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant.  But Russia chose the cheap and easy route and so they suffer embarrassments like this.  They don't have enough troops to man the entire border so they just left this section of the front alone and assumed Ukraine wouldn't be suicidal enough to pick a fight with Russia in Russia's own backyard.  Well now they've learned their lesson.  Ukraine is suicidal enough to do anything imaginable.  They are suicidal enough to seize the Kursk nuclear power plant and then deliberately melt it down as a dirty nuclear bomb on Russia's soil out of pure spite, even knowing Russia would then have every right to nuke Ukraine in return.  They don't care.  They are past caring.  They're ISIS, who also suicidally decided to take on both America and Russia in a war, assuming Allah would somehow prevail.

Like the battle of Kursk or the battle of the bulge, Ukraine's offensives serve only to hasten the complete destruction of their army, by removing it from fortified areas with sufficient air defense.  These armored spearheads are just turkey shoot material for Russia's air power, and plenty of videos have already shown devasting losses among the Ukrainian mechanized brigades who were unlucky enough to be chosen for this stunt.  Russia is more than happy to take Ukraine on on favorable ground rather than continuously, laboriously pummel them out of citadel cities like Toretsk or Chasov Yar.  Zelensky is the gift that keeps on giving.

The way to win a war isn't to seize territory but to destroy the enemy's ability to continue fighting.  This comes either by killing their army in the field, demoralizing them (like how the Afghans beat the USA), or destroying their industrial capacity so they can no longer supply their forces.  Ukraine can't do any of those things to Russia.  Russia's industrial capacity is located in the Urals, safe from all attack, thousands of miles from the front.  Their morale is currently booming now that their homeland has been invaded, with new volunteers for the war streaming in at a manifold higher rate than before.  And they had no army in Kursk region, Ukraine is just wandering around empty space.

It's impossible to demoralize Ukraine because they are trapped in a media bubble of state propaganda which allows for no facts to reach the people.  Telling the truth about the war will get you arrested and tortured to death like Gonzolo Lira.  Zelensky is still out there saying Ukraine has only suffered 30k casualties in the war.  It's also impossible to destroy Ukraine's industrial capacity because it is getting its weapons from abroad.  So all Russia can do is eliminate the Ukrainian army.  They were doing that slowly due to all the fortifications, but now they can happily speed up the pace because Zelensky handed them some 14 brigades to slaughter with no fortifications to hide behind and no air cover.  Russia was going to annihilate Ukraine's army sooner or later -- all this incursion has done is hasten the war's end.  Once the entire male population of Ukraine is dead the war will end.  By Ukraine's choice, this is the only way the war can end.  Not only are they the most evil people on Earth, they're also the most suicidal.  I suppose the remaining Ukrainian women will flee to western Europe and make a living as prostitutes, or learn to love their Russian occupiers like the French did the Germans.  Either way their ethnicity will disappear forever.  All Putin ever asked of them was to stop abusing the Russians of Donbass, but they chose this future instead.  They want to go out in a blaze of glory with one more attempt to conquer Russia like their beloved Nazi forebears SS Galicia attempted.  They're even launching an offensive in the exact same ill-fated place.  What can you do with such people?

If Ukraine is the most suicidally evil people in history, Israel must be the most homicidally evil.  After many mainstream news sources reported that Israel was systematically raping and torturing Palestinian prisoners (who had been arrested on no charges) to death, including women and children, one of the ministers of Netanyahu's Cabinet released this bombshell in a public interview:  "It may be moral to starve two million Gazans to death."  Yeah, it's a tough call.  It could be one way or the other.  Never mind that those two million are overwhelmingly women and children (half of Gaza's population is under 18.)  Never mind that those two million had nothing to do with Hamas' secretly planned terror raid into Israel.  And never mind that said terror raid only killed a couple thousand people at most.  It's debatably arguable that the proper response is to collectively murder in one of the most agonizing and slow ways possible all the women and children in the region, millions upon millions.

This isn't some random kook, it's a member of the Cabinet of Israel's current government.  He hasn't been fired for saying this either.  Which means the rest of Israel's government thinks what he said was reasonable and normal.  I don't even have to talk about articles published by Politico where an American doctor discussed treating Gazan toddlers who had suffered from headshot sniping injuries.  I don't have to rely on hearsay or even photographs of the children's heads anymore.  I can just point to a public official publicly admitting he sees nothing wrong with murdering two million innocent civilians and the complete non-response of the rest of the government around him to said admission.  There can no longer be any doubt as to what Israel would like to do to Gaza, and what they are planning to do to Gaza, if the civilized world doesn't stop them.

People go on and on about how we should have done more to stop the Holocaust.  Well here you go folks.  In a public manner, far more publicly admitted to than any Nazi ever admitted to the Holocaust, Israel has laid bare their plans for the Middle East.  (Do you really think it will stop at Gaza?  They intend to destroy all their enemies.  If it's moral to kill everyone in Gaza because of Hamas, it's also moral to kill everyone in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Yemen because of Hezbollah.  Now we're up to 200 million people.  2 million, 200 million, what's the difference?  It's morally debatable that this too would be okay because they're also aiding and abetting and harboring terrorists.)

So Israel has nuclear weapons and the stated desire by the government to eliminate 200 million people.  That looks a lot like a looming Holocaust, doesn't it?  Wouldn't this be the right time to demand regime change in Israel and block off all trade with them and of course all financial or military aid to them until they do so?  If the Holocaust is the most unforgivable thing in history, but we're now talking about people with the means and motivation to kill 200 million instead of 6 million, shouldn't we be all 'never againing' them?  But okay, if you don't think that could seriously happen, isn't 2 million also a Holocaust?  Would it have been okay if Germany had instead holocausted 2 million Jews?  Does that no longer reach the level of 'never again?'

It's laughable.  If Germany had deliberately starved to death 2 million Jewish women and children in WW2, it would still be treated as the worst crime in human history.  Why does Israel get to openly brag about doing the same?  Because some terrorists somewhere did something?  Do you know how many things Jewish terrorists and revolutionaries did to Germany and surrounding countries before the Holocaust?  If those are the new rules you can no longer condemn the Holocaust.  Everyone has a choice.  They can either oppose the Holocaust then and Israel now, or they can embrace both of them as a generalized murderist and sadist, or you can be a principled antisemite who supports both the Holocaust and the destruction of Israel.  I think the only reasonable person in this trio is option #1.  We should oppose the mass murder of women and children in World War 2 and in Gaza.  It's really not such a difficult moral calculus.  Unlike the cabinet minister from Israel, it's not actually this close-run thing, this morally debatable, arguably correct stance.  It's manifestly, obviously wrong.

The government of Israel has gone mad.  It's 'high on its own supply' as Scarface would say.  It has drummed up such a propaganda of hate and hysteria around the Palestinians that they think they can say and do anything and get away with it.  After Netanyahu, on trial for genocide, was given 58 standing ovations by the US Congress, I'm sure Israel really does think it can get away with this sort of rhetoric -- which if it doesn't directly lead to the wholesale annihilation of Gazans, does encourage the atrocities already discussed -- the raping, torture and murder of randomly arrested Palestinians who were never charged with anything, the sniping of children in Gaza for target practice fun, the bombing of hospitals, of charity organizations trying to deliver food, etc.  All the previously detailed war crimes are verified by this rhetoric.  Now we know they weren't accidents or coincidences, they were exactly what the people of Israel intend, as they now publicly admit.

There is a well known moral law of proportionality, also known as 'common sense.'  If terrorists kill 1,200 Israelis and take 250 more hostages (who let's say all subsequently die), you can't kill 2 million unaffiliated women and children who just happen to live in the vicinity as reprisal.  You can't even kill the ones who like or support Hamas.  Of course they would like and support Hamas -- Hamas is killing the people who are raping, torturing and murdering them while talking about their wholesale plans to genocide them.  You assured that hatred.  You've been implanting that hatred among Palestinians for the past 100 years.  That's on you now.

The answer was a precision campaign against terrorism, like America conducted against Al Qaeda or ISIS.  We never targeted civilians or attempted to wipe out the people of Afghanistan, even the ones who supported Bin Laden.  We actually tried to help them, giving them money and food, booming their population and economy.  Call it soft-hearted but we followed the law of proportionality.  We lost 3,000 people on 9/11 and we hunted down and killed the culprits, then stopped there.  No one in Bush's or Obama's cabinet said it was morally arguable that we should wipe out the Afghan people as terrorist sympathizers or whatever.  If someone in the cabinet had said that they would have been fired.  This isn't rocket science.  Every other country has faced terror attacks before, and none of them have ever responded like this.  When the horrific attacks on the school children of Beslan occurred, Russia didn't wipe out Chechnya in response.  They pacified Chechnya in a war and ended the terror threat.  Then Chechnya went back to being a normal friendly portion of Russia.  When ISIS-K, this time consisting of Tajiks, did a terror attack on the Moscow theater killing hundreds, Russian officials didn't say it was morally arguable that Tajikistan's entire civilian population should be eradicated.  They arrested the culprits and called it a day.

Great Britain, France, Spain, many people have been attacked by Islamic terrorists.  In no case did any of those states decide it was morally acceptable to wipe out, say, the minority Muslim populations in their countries.  Only Israel thinks being hit by a not-particularly-bad terror attack justifies a new Holocaust.  This country is a rogue state.  It's operating outside the bounds of common sense and international law.  We should not be giving it 58 standing ovations.  We should honestly be bombing it.  But at the least we should stop giving it bombs.

Nor do I want to wipe Israel off the map in response to their wish to wipe Gaza off the map.  I just want to put in a responsible government who acts sanely and normally, like every other country on Earth.  Whether that's an occupation government like what happened after World War II or our invasion of Iraq, or some internal government of sympathizers who aren't genocidal, I don't care.  I just want to stop the genocide.  I don't want to genocide Israel instead of Palestine.  I want people to stop wholesale killing each other, on all sides.  This isn't a difficult concept.  Nor is it hard to implement.

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