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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Summer 2024 Anime First Impressions Part 2:

Madougushi Dahlia:  This is a nice enough story reminiscent of Atelier Escha.  In a world where magic is technology people invent magical tools to sail through life.  Not a bad idea, but not a very strong basis for a riveting story either.  Pass.

Tensui no Sakuna-hime:  A bad art style and a reluctant hero don't excite me much.  Fail.

Mob Kara Hajimaru Tansaku Eiyuutan:  A strange mixup of fantasy dungeon crawling and modern life, a weak guy lucks upon a powerful summon servant, which takes the form of a cute loli.  He decides that to be respected by the girl he likes he needs to be powerful not rich, so he decides to use her to become strong instead of sell her to become rich.  All problems in life are caused by the unreasonable demands of girls.  But luckily by following this path the opening assures us he'll also get a devil-type loli servant so I guess his decision was correct.  Pass.

Soushimen Series:  The art is fantastic, but unfortunately the genre is mystery.  In addition the 'detective protagonists' are conceptually incapable of romance, so what's the use of the heroine's good looks?  They're wasted on her.  Fail.

The Elusive Samurai:  I wonder how historically accurate this story is?  Well, I imagine there were lots of coups in Japan in the 1300's.  The art is great when it wants to be, and awful when it chooses to be, so it sort of averages out.  The animation is amazing.  The plot so far is okay.  I wish shonen jump series would stop inserting non-funny humor into every two minute sequence though, it really breaks the mood.  Pass.

Meanwhile, I finished Sokushi Cheat.  The story ends with Yogiri defeating the Great Sage, the overseer of the world, and him returning with Tomochika to Earth.  Because Yogiri isn't very good at inter-personal skills, he asks her to be his friend instead of wife, but Tomochika loves him so I'm sure it will work out eventually sometime after the story ends.  It's a nice ending but I feel like the story could have been shrunk down a lot without any loss in quality.  Oh well, writers need to make a living.

This plan of reading the light novels that follow after great anime is working well for me, so next I downloaded By the Grace of the Gods.  Apparently the anime reached 3/4 of the way into Book 5 of the light novels (a bizarre place to end the anime, but oh well.)  So now I'm finishing off Book 5 and starting on book 6.  There are currently 14 English translated volumes so I'll be well-equipped for a good while.

I have no idea what Bakemonogatari is planning to animate now, since they started at the end of Orokamonogatari instead of the beginning.  The anime might be planning to do a 'best-of' kind of selection, in which case reading the light novels would still be a necessity.  I guess we'll find out when the series ends -- I don't even know if it's scheduled for one cour or two, so. . .*shrugs*  Bakemonogatari has always been a wild ride.

At least we can trust Fairy Tail will be adapted faithfully.  It resumes just 12 hours from now.  I'm so excited.

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