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Friday, June 14, 2024

Dead Enders reread:

To be precise the entire wyrd saga, the trilogy, Dead Enders, Choice Givers, Followers & Emulators was reread.  In just a couple days, I reread a trilogy that's a good deal longer than '100 Waifus.'  That's how gripping the story was.  I couldn't put it down.  I couldn't even stop between books.  I read all of Choice Givers and all of Followers & Emulators on the same day.  I wish I could keep reading the story forever but it ended on me.  I reached the last page and couldn't scroll right any further.

There's nothing better than this trilogy.  As I've said before, '100 Waifus' is the best book ever written, but the Wyrd Saga is three books (four if you count Changeling).  Back then I wasn't cursed with the habit of using 'just' and 'even' every sentence.  It reads much more smoothly.  I did notice some misspelled words in the books, but nothing was egregious enough to make me edit these works.  They really were done right and need no elaboration.  There are no fan fiction characters, all of them were imagined by myself personally.  There are no long and repetitive name galleries, every word in the book is an actual addition to the story.  Rather than one point of view character, there's at least ten, and if you include the well fleshed out and characterized villains, you could say twenty, if you included the wyrds you could say thirty or more.  All with their own unique way of looking at the world and narrating it to the reader, all of them so sympathetic you don't know who to cheer for or look forward to seeing next.  The trilogy is such a team effort.  There are so many heroes to admire, so many girls to love, so much beauty to worship, so much truth to learn.

These are books I've read many times -- not quite as many times as '100 Waifus,' but many many times.  Nevertheless, time and again I was forced to laugh out loud, I had sudden chills jump through my body of fear/dread, I almost cried.  (If it hadn't been the twentieth time or whatever I would have cried -- in fact these books have made me cry before, I remember.)  If raw emotions aren't endorsement enough, I can also say that line after line read like poetry, like the absolute best words ever strung together.  And if that isn't enough, I can say straight out that a lot of these scenes make the best arguments ever about things most people never think about or talk about their entire lives.  That hyper quality in a unique field makes the books indispensable.  No matter how many good books you've read in the past you still need to read these books, because they don't overlap with anything or anyone.

Not for nothing does Cute tell Christopher to read these books.  There's nothing like them.  They're divine, so of course they're divinity-endorsed.  Not for nothing are five demigods in '100 Waifus' named after the heroes of these novels.  Just as I can't praise '100 Waifus' enough, '100 Waifus' can't praise Dead Enders enough.

The entire wyrd saga is of course available on my permapost sidebar, for anyone who hasn't checked it out yet.  If you don't believe me just try it and see.

If only life were always as heavenly as these past two days.  But sadly it's back to my Precure rewatch for me.  If only it were July 14th instead of June 14th and the Olympics were about to start. . .

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