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Monday, March 18, 2024

Rhett and Fuu dumped:

I saw an opportunity in Chapter 53 to improve my fictional character hall of fame within '100 Waifus,' not just in my permapost, so I took it.  Serenoa was added back into the book in place of Rhett Butler, while Shinku was added to the book for the first time in place of Fuu from Samurai Champloo.

Serenoa and Shinku have proven their worth previously and don't need to be talked up again.  But the reason they could be fitted in is because Rhett and Fuu have no particular connection to any waifu, so weren't required.  But they couldn't stand on their own merits, either.  Rhett is too much of a historical character, i.e., a real life person, so he never really belonged in a fictional character hall of fame.  In addition his main claim to fame is realizing far too late that he fell in love with a bad woman and leaving her only after she'd wrecked his whole life.  That's not exactly a sterling quality in a man.

Fuu on the other hand has two sins -- her name isn't unique, whereas Shinku's name is.  More unique names and thus less confusion in the book is always better.  Her other sin is that more was done to her than by her.  She's kidnapped more often than any other character in fiction.  Mainly she just stands around and watches as Mugen and Jin fight.  I'd much rather have the beautiful and loving Shinku, and the franchise inclusion of Irotoridori no Sekai, than the least interesting character in Champloo.

Because the Fuu name no longer doubled up I was able to cut an unnecessary sentence in Chapter 34, which is also a big gain.  Another edit I did recently is to cut out any mention of Final Fantasy children among the 8th borns, since it wasn't actually accurate (there was only one FF kid among the 8th borns, out of six FF mothers, hardly a trend).

All minor edits but they add up.  I'm now at Chapter 54 of my '100 Waifus' reread and I have to admit this 41st editing session was as necessary as any previous one.  I've actually edited more this time than some of the previous times.  I really jumped the gun thinking I was done.  Only six more chapters to go, though, so surely now the editing is done. . .

As for my wonderful fictional characters permapost, Serenoa and Shinku were already there, so this time I just subtracted two characters without adding anyone new, for a new grand total of 1110.  I expect I'll have two replacements ready once I've played Unicorn Overlord, though.  Barring that there's also the Eiyuuden Chronicle game coming out next month.  One way or the other I'll get that number back to 1112.

On the Russian front, the Nazi Jewish Dictator Zelensky (who has suspended elections, traces Ukraine's historical basis back to the S.S. collaborators with Nazi Germany and claims to be honoring, upholding and carrying through their legacy while dedicating statues to them, waving their flags around, and putting their symbols on his infantry and armor, and yet himself is a Jew the Ukrainian Nazis would have been the first to gas, making himself a clown on top of a genocidal monster), ordered the indiscriminate cluster round shelling of the Russian city of Belgorod, killing 11 civilians and wounding 90 more.  These are the very cluster rounds Zelensky promised not to use on civilian city centers to Biden, and Biden assured us in speech after speech would never be used like this.  Remember that?  One more provable lie from Ukraine and the Democrats.

Obviously Zelensky was enraged that Putin had a free and fair election with overwhelming turnout (75% or so) and overwhelming support for his re-election among that turnout (88% or so).  It was the most decisive electoral victory for Putin in his history of running for office.  It also mocked Zelensky's claim that it was impossible to hold an election in wartime, his lame excuse for why he has the right to become eternal dictator of Ukraine.  (Somehow America held elections during the Civil War and World War II, and yet we nod along and say it's totally reasonable that Ukraine can't hold elections.)  Among the newly liberated regions Putin had even higher support, from 88% in Kherson region to 96% in Donetsk People's Republic region.  (The region Putin is currently trying to fully liberate).  This proves beyond all question that these regions always wanted to be part of Russia and are happy with Putin's policies and want to see them continue into the future.  Anyone who believed in the principle of self-determination, when looking at these overwhelming election results, would favor Russia against Ukraine in this war.  And I remind you both the American Revolutionary War and the Mexican War were fought by the U.S. on the basis of self-determination trumping territorial integrity.  Without that principle the U.S. would not exist.  So basically you cannot be a patriotic American and side with Ukraine in this war.  Perhaps you could be a British loyalist, i.e., a traitor like Benedict Arnold, or a proponent of the Mexican dictator Santa Anna, but you cannot be an American patriot.

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