Blog Archive

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Kimetsu no Yaiba S3 out in bluray:

Humorously, the bluray version takes less hard drive space than the tv rips, so there's really no drawback to upgrading your archives.  This puts people in good position for a rewatch before S4 starts in April.  Of course I was too impatient and already rewatched S3, but it will be helpful to somebody somewhere.

Meanwhile, I'm halfway through my 40th readthrough of '100 Waifus,' editing along the way.  All the edits have been minor tweaks for the sake of accuracy and clarity, things normal readers would never notice.  Deedlit is a full elf and thus more immortal than the half-elf Myusel, so I used her as an example of an immortal instead of Myusel, since that made more sense.  I switched the rounded number twenty out for the fully accurate number of 24.  I switched out 'Cure Magical' with 'Riko' so people would understand she was in her normal civilian state at the time.  It's all been minor details like that.

I want the book to be perfect, so the edits are well worth it, but I had hoped this time I wouldn't find any mistakes to correct.  So much for that plan.  Yet again the work accompanies the pleasantry of just reading a good book.  But if all the edits are like this, just clerical issues, I think I can already say the book has reached its completed state.  I doubt I'll ever add another paragraph to the story, much less three chapters like I did in 2023.  My previous updates already covered everything I wanted to say about the actual plot, setting and characters.  And I absolutely love how all the characters in the story are portrayed.  They have such genuine emotions and such pleasant souls.  They're all people you could enjoy being around.  If not forever, at least for thousands of years.  :).  It's so different from the other books I've read recently, where people are annoying, insulting, or speak purely in inappropriate quips instead of like a genuine human with real feelings.  It makes you wonder if most people even have feelings at all, since other books fail to portray any, and most characters are apparently trying out for jobs as comedians instead of souled individuals.

Every waifu Christopher interacts with is so charming that any sane reader would fall in love with them as deeply as Christopher did -- even without knowing a single iota of their back stories.  They're just that on-the-face-of-it lovable.

The gap between '100 Waifus' and all other books is like divine writ versus doggerel.  It really is that vast.  Even other great books in my hall of fame look like hastily scrawled children's books in comparison -- whether in the depth of their content or the poetry of their delivery.  Of course most other authors didn't have the benefit of editing their works 40 times before publishing like I have, so I can make some allowances.  Nobody has worked harder at polishing a book than I have mine, and my book really has improved dramatically since the first edition.  But even given that it's always astonishing when I switch from reading other people's books back to my own.  It's embarrassing how it's not even close.  Not even remotely the same.  Like the sun to a candle.

I have until February 24th for FF7 Rebirth to come out so I can take the reread slowly.  Six days should be plenty of time to wrap things up.

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