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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

SAO Progressive: Scherzo of Deep Night available:

The long awaited blu-ray release of Scherzo, giving us English speakers a chance to watch this movie that Japan got to see last year, has arrived.  As usual SAO is in top form, there's a reason this is my 3rd favorite anime, and with far fewer episodes to work with than #1 and #2.  So in other words it could be rated first in terms of quality density.

The tense fighting segments with perfectly fluid animation and emotional epic music are the highlight of this movie.  Everything but the Mito content is canonical, and I don't mind how they included Mito in this movie.  It didn't get in the way of the story.

Asuna is crazy beautiful like usual.  Perhaps the most beautiful girl in anime, which in turn means the most beautiful girl in creation.  And she does it all with normal brown hair and brown eyes.  It's crazy.

Everyone should go to and download their copy of this movie and watch it post-haste.  There's nothing better than movie-length, movie-budget SAO.

Meanwhile, Kanojo mo Kanojo ended in a decent but kind of anticlimactic fashion.  All the important scenes happened two chapters ago, but it's as good an ending as any.  I'm satisfied.  I love it when good series actually reach a conclusion, instead of wandering all over the place eternally.  (Full Metal Panic and Shakugan no Shana have decided to add new books to their stories, so yet again we don't have endings when we were supposed to).  That's the conclusion to the manga, though.  The anime isn't nearly complete, and I'm afraid a second season won't be enough to reach the manga's ending.  They'll either have to skip over a bunch of the chapters in the middle of the series so that they can animate the ending, or they'll have to leave the show at a cliffhanger and never animate the ending, because 12 episodes just isn't enough time to cover the whole manga.

If I had a choice I'd tell them to animate a season 3 of Kanojo mo Kanojo so that they could faithfully cover everything, but if the upcoming season this fall really has to be last, I'd like for them to skip the middle and go straight to the ending.  It's more important for everyone to know that polygamy triumphed in the end than the fun hijinks of the middle.  Well, we'll see soon enough what the animators decide to do.

My decision to keep Surprise in '100 Waifus' was wiser than I thought.  She's also the main character of Stork Naked which I just read, wherein she continues to impress.  She's in fact such a good person that the Demons bet whether she's incorruptible or not, and put her in as compromising a position as humanly possible, and still she prevails.  It turns out she really is incorruptible.  She's just that good a girl.  My instincts were correct to keep her around.  I read the book before but it was so long ago I'd completely forgotten about this plotline, but I hadn't forgotten that for some reason or other I really liked Surprise.  Now I remember why.

Only one chapter to go for Hills of Silver Ruins.  Then we can celebrate another great franchise's ending.

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