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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Tragedy of MENA:

During the period of the Roman Empire, the Middle East and North Africa were white.  They were as much Romans as Germany, France or Britain.  In some sense they were moreso.  More urban, richer, better educated, they were Roman to the core.  Famously, St. Augustine, one of the founding fathers of Christianity, was Egyptian.  There was no cultural gap between the whites north of the Mediterranean and south of the Mediterranean.  It was all considered 'our sea' and everyone living on its shore looked, thought and acted alike.

Mark Antony, who overthrew the overthrowers of Julius Caesar and held power in Rome for a while, was based out of Egypt and married to the famous Greek-Egyptian Queen Cleopatra.  Cleopatra's line traces back to the Greek Alexander the Great's subordinate general Ptolemy, who inherited Egypt after Alexander's unfortunately early death.  Greek history, Roman history, always involved the lands of Egypt, north Africa, Armenia, Iraq, Turkey, Israel, Syria, etc.  Famous Roman ruins and temples dot these lands, famous ancient cities, capitols of Roman provinces, still live among us today.

Much of Greece's population lived in the Middle East, until they were driven out by later historical calamities.  The Byzantine empire was centered around Constantinople, which is now part of Turkey.  Half of the Byzantine's population and territory was east of Constantinople, the Middle East was a larger part of its identity than Europe.  Greece/Rome existed even as far east as Trebizond, a colony on the far side of the Black Sea, until 1461, which is now part of Turkey.

The white world shrank due to the incursion of non-white people into these areas -- Arabs and Turks and Mongols and Huns and Bulgars and you name it -- and the inevitable change in culture that these foreign conquerors brought with them.  Armenia somehow survived as a white Christian outpost during all this, but its star is fading fast in the modern era.  There are only three million Armenians left, their population is aging and shrinking, and their territory is shrinking steadily as Azerbaijan, their Muslim neighbors, rake them over the coals.

MENA was white, and then it ceased to be white.  It was replaced by the Dar al-Salam, the pan-Islamic world.  It forsook its cultural roots, Greco-Roman culture, Christianity, the Latin and Greek languages, and the population itself was convulsed by foreign blood from the South and East and the bloody massacres and relentless grinding of their oppressive rule.  The region was lost to the West, like Mordor was overtaken by Sauron when previously it had been an abode of men no different from Gondor or Rohan.

The closest relative to Greco-Roman, Christian culture today is Russia.  They continue the Greek Orthodox church, traditional morality, and the imperial eagle sigil.  The Bolshevik Jews had their foot on the throat of Russia and tried to crush the whiteness out of them, but it didn't stick and white culture secretly, underground, persevered through it all.  You could call them the last white country on Earth.  If you haven't noticed, Europe and the Anglosphere, which is supposed to be white, no longer has any cultural ties to the white past -- Greco-Roman or Christian.  They worship diversity (i.e. blacks) and the rainbow flag (i.e. child mutilators).  They want nothing to do with eagles, marble columns (they tear down every old statue they can find), or God (who they condemn as a bigot/hater).

In portions of Europe it's a hate crime punishable by jail time to quote the Bible.  That's as final a severance from their white cradle as Islam's conquest of North Africa.  The emerging new race of Europe/Anglosphere isn't white, it's Diversities.  Diversities worship LGBTQIAblahblahblah's, and want people from all over the world to live together and race mix together into one homogenized Diversity.  Race mixing is proceeding at rapid speed in all of these areas, just as envisioned and dreamed of.  The cultural love of Diversity is quickly turning into a biological swamp of Diversity.  These lands are all slated to no longer be white, but Diverse, by the end of the century.  The once white lands of Egypt and Syria and Turkey are no longer white, and the once white lands of America and Australia and France are also no longer white.  There are errors that cannot be corrected, mistakes that can never be taken back, and mass immigration combined with race mixing is one of them.

Whites likely have no future, because Diversities hate whites and are trying to eliminate them wherever they find them.  Russia is the enemy of Diversity because it is white, not because of any particular action or behavior it has recently taken.  Nobody cared when Morocco invaded Western Sahara and annexed it.  In fact the USA recognized Morocco's territorial gains in 2020.  Nobody cared when Turkey invaded Cyprus and created a puppet state there, Turkey is a valued ally and partner in NATO.  Nobody cared when Turkey invaded northern Syria.  Nobody cared when Israel annexed the Golan Heights, in fact we give Israel foreign aid every year after doing the exact same thing as Russia, whom we are warring against for their egregious sin.  And yes, we've recognized Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights.  America does not have some religious principle of always upholding territorial integrity, this principle comes and goes as convenient, based on whether its enemies or its allies are violating it.  It also has no religious principle of self determination, it thinks self determination is important in East Timor, South Sudan and Kosovo, but magically doesn't apply in Donetsk, Luhansk or Crimea.

Canada allows Quebec to hold referenda on independence because it recognizes the right to self determination.  The United Kingdom allows Scotland to hold referenda on independence because it recognizes the right to self determination.  Except both are at war with Russia for recognizing Crimea's right to self determination.  So no, this is not about Russia's behavior.  Diversity-land hates Russia for being white.  It hates anyone that isn't pro-Diversity.  Anyone who is against perverse sexual deviants or open immigration plus race mixing or atheism (really Satanism when you dig deeper) must be crushed.

Do not believe Diversity when it proclaims its opposition to China is based on China's desire to reunite with the breakaway province of Taiwan.  The very same America, in 1970, recognized that there was only one China and that the government of China was based in Beijing.  The entire United Nations admits to this, which is why Beijing's China sits at the security council, when previously Taiwan's government did.  Furthermore, there are multiple other countries in the good graces of Diversity who have quashed rebellious provinces' ambitions -- Spain denied Catalonia, the Union denied the Confederacy, Bosnia denied the Republika Srpska, the U.K. denied the IRA, and so on.  The real reason China is hated by Diversity is it hasn't accepted Diversity into its heart yet.  It doesn't condone or promote LGBTQIAblahblahblah's.  It doesn't support cultural splintering via Muslim Uighurs, Christians, or other minorities.  It doesn't allow mass immigration of Muslims or Africans and the resultant race mixing that would come of it.  China is still a pure Chinese nation, a nation-state, whose state apparatus exists to serve the Han Chinese nation.

You can bet that if China were a degenerate democracy with open borders and rainbow flags flying next to mosques, nobody would mind or care if they invaded Taiwan.  Of course, they wouldn't need to invade Taiwan because Taiwan would willingly rejoin them anyway, since Taiwan is no longer Chinese but part of the all-consuming, all devouring new race-culture of Diversity.

The same is true of North Korea, by the way.  Nobody actually thinks North Korea represents a threat to South Korea anymore.  South Korea is much richer, much more populous, and much more powerful than North Korea.  North Korea has no chance and no interest in invading South Korea again.  So what are all our sanctions and war drills on North Korea's borders about?  They aren't about deterring North Korean aggression, which has made no move to attack South Korea in over fifty years.  So what are they about?  This constant harassing and intimidating of North Korea?  North Korea's true sin isn't its foreign policy (it has none, it's called the Hermit Kingdom, all it wants is to be left alone), but its non-alignment with Diversity.  North Korea is against mass immigration and race mixing.  It is against LGBTQIAblahblahblah's.  That's why it must be destroyed.  It has nothing to do with human rights abuses (Ukraine is abusing human rights right now, on video, indisputably.  They are mass killing suspected Russian sympathizing civilians, torturing and castrating Russian prisoners of war, taping people naked to light poles as some sort of vigilante justice system with no trials or juries or even clear understanding of what crime these people did, it has banned the Russian Orthodox religion, eliminated freedom of the press, banned all opposition political parties, arrested or assassinated its leading political rivals, relentlessly and intentionally shells the civilian population of Donetsk in a crude attempt at genocide, etc., etc.)  Nobody cares about human rights.  They care about whether you're on their side.  If you abuse human rights in the name of Diversity you're a hero.  They'll give you $100 billion and name you man of the year.

The emerging new man, the Diversity, this new race/culture trying to take over the whole world, brooks no rivals or alternatives.  Little North Korea, who hasn't done anything to anyone in forever, is sanctioned and war drilled continuously for daring to be un-Diverse.  That's it.  By the way, America butchered 200 thousand North Korean civilians, women and children, by deliberately targeting and destroying all their dams and firebombing all their cities to rubble in the Korean War, a war crime nobody seems to mention or care about anymore.

The same, of course, is true of Iran.  Supposedly we hate Iran for financing terrorist groups who occasionally shoot rockets at Israel.  (These terrorists kill fewer Israelis than street crime in Chicago on a yearly basis, but still we need to go to war with Iran and destroy them for this.)  But Iran's true crime is not being on board with LGBTQIAblahblahblah and women's rights.  Women acting like men instead of women is of course part and parcel of Diversity, which wants to abolish all traditional and natural aspects of life and celebrates sexual deviance in any way shape or form.  Iran has not invaded anyone in centuries.  In fact, Iran was invaded quite recently by a nation funded and armed by the USA.  We, using the catspaw of Iraq, attacked them.

Don't talk to me about the stupid embassy hostage crisis.  In the end they didn't kill anyone, and countries have the right to shut down embassies of foreign nations who are hostile to them.  America at the time was supporting the Shah, a rival government to the Islamic Republic of Iran, so of course they took countermeasures against us.  That does not give us the right to wage permanent war on Iran via sanctions, threats, proxy invasions, etc.  It's a completely absurd overreaction.  Note how nobody cares about the Libyan attack on our embassy, which actually did kill people.  That embassy attack doesn't further our political will, so it's buried into oblivion.  But a completely minor embassy attack that killed no one from the 1970's is treated like the most important and recent thing on Earth when it comes to Iran.

Why doesn't America and Europe try to destroy Japan in the same way it does Iran, North Korea, China and Russia?  Does this prove this is completely innocent foreign policy disputes and not an attempt at world hegemony?  No.  First off, the American press is constantly pressuring Japan to accept mass immigration and race mixing, and Japan is virtually as decadent when it comes to LGBTQIAblahblahblah as Diversity-land.  It produces as much gay propaganda as we do.  It has choked out the birth rate of women and turned them into worker bees just like we have.  Plus Japan hosts the USA military which means A) it's a good launching platform for when we want to attack North Korea/China, and B) it can never get from under our thumb anyway.  Japan's lack of racial diversity is considered a minor hiccup in an inevitable trend since it has already embraced cultural Diversity.

You can be sure once all other enemies of Diversity have been eliminated, they will turn on Japan and destroy it too, but for now they're useful idiots who help Diversity in its battle with Russia, China and North Korea so they're allowed to live.  That's all.

The same is true of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the like.  Diversity will work with repressive dictators who ban LGBTQIAblahblahblah and limit women's rights so long as they aid Diversity in its war with Russia, China and Iran.  They don't mind these minor Arab monarchies because they represent no threat to Diversity.  They are intellectually, economically, and demographically minor entities.  They are also useful idiots who will be devoured last, once they are no longer useful.  Right now they are on the right side of history, a bulwark to the petrodollar, a military threat to Iran, an ally of Israel, so they are permissible.  Also, it's totally fine for Saudi Arabia to use famine as a weapon against Yemen and kill millions of Yemenis because human rights don't matter unless China or North Korea is abusing them.  And Yemen is an ally of Iran so of course they deserve to be genocided.

It is possible for whites to be overtaken and destroyed.  It has happened before in history, to vast continents' worth of land.  Whole empires have been conquered and erased from the map.  Why is it strange to say it's happening now?  The physical Great Replacement is happening as we speak, in every white country our population is shrinking and Diversity's population is growing.  But like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the spiritual Great Replacement happened long ago.

It started as far back as the Civil War, when the North suddenly started calling for black and female equality, to the astonishment and disgust of the South.  That was the first stirring of 'Diversity' replacing Christianity, Greece and Rome.  Before then America was modeled as a Christian heir to Republican Rome.  We copied their architecture, learned and spoke Latin regularly, borrowed their imperial Eagle as our symbol, quoted their famous philosophers and statesmen in every political debate, etc.  Women were expected to marry early (by age 20, regularly much lower) and have lots of children.  In fact, the women of America were the most matronly people on Earth, having on average eight children a piece.  Their role on Earth was to have and raise children and upkeep Christian morals and Greco-Roman learning in the next generation.  Slavery, which was previously accepted as a matter of course in Greece and Rome and the Bible was accepted here as well.  We were as white as white could be.  But after the Civil War we served a new master, 'Diversity.'  From here on women weren't to have duties any longer, only rights.  Blacks were free not only from slavery, but oversight of any kind, allowed to regress into criminal scroungers.  And by the time of the 1920's, sexual morality was also in play, with adultery, abortion, contraception, pornography, gays, transsexuals, divorce, etc. all suddenly okay.  There is nothing in ancient white civilization that supports this stuff.  This is not what Plato, Aristotle, or Jesus Christ wanted.  This is not what Alexander the Great or Augustus Caesar wanted.  This is not what Charlemagne or Richard the Lionhearted wanted.  This is not what George Washington or Thomas Jefferson wanted!

Nazi Germany does not stand out as a particular aberration of white civilization.  It was actually the norm.  It was what every white country was for thousands of years.  Yes, warlike and given to conquering their neighbors -- what do you think France and England were doing to each other for a thousand years, playing tiddlywinks?  How do you think Russia and America got so big?  How exactly was the entire world colonized?  But more importantly, they were deep admirers of Greco-Roman culture and adherents to Christianity.  Look at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, how it ties the athleticism of the current athletes back to the ancient Greek rites and values.  That was intentional.  Germany wanted to inherit the sacred flame from Greece and keep it burning.  They flew the Iron Eagle banners descendant from the Roman Legions.  They embraced the Greco-Roman heroic ideal that there were great men who should strive for greatness, the triumph of the will, through artistic, scientific, scholarly, military or athletic prowess.  It didn't matter what you succeeded in, but a man should try to succeed in life and the State existed to promote men's chances to succeed, to become great.  And many great men did indeed come out of the Nazi system, from Rommel to Wernher von Braun to Heidegger to Orff.  Leading field marshals, scientists, athletes, musicians, philosophers, Nazi Germany achieved exactly what it set out to do.  They wanted women to stick to kirche, kuche, kinder (church, kitchen and kids.)  They rewarded women who had lots of children and tried to match them up with promising men in the pursuit of eugenics (a concept first imagined by Plato and then reinforced by the discovery of genetics by Francis Galton).  They rounded up and killed the LGBTQIAblahblahblah freaks among them, like the Bible enjoins you to do (consult Sodom, Gomorrah.)  These aren't new ideas.  They're old ideas.  As old as the white race itself!

Why did they kill Jews?  Because Jews were the religious, racial, political and cultural antagonists of Nazi Germany and the white race.  Jews were the vanguard of this new religion of Diversity that had already overthrown Imperial Russia and the USA and they had turned Germany into another sickening Diversity cesspool before the Nazis took over in reaction to their excesses.  They had flooded traditional Christian Germany with gays, transsexuals, pornography, prostitution, and deviant, demented movies, sculptures, literature, etc.  They were less Jews and more straight out Satanists.  They attempted a communist coup (like the successful Bolshevik one in Russia) which was only put down by the heroic efforts of an already defeated German army coming home from the World War I front.  Nazi Germany didn't want Europe to be body snatched like Russia and America and England had been.  They didn't want Jews in charge of Germany (which they were, the richest class and the head of every prestigious University and newspaper) like they were in the USSR and America.

At first Nazi Germany tried to reach some accommodation with Jews, by deporting them or giving them a new country in Madagascar or Palestine, but due to Jewish machinations (FDR was influenced by Jews all over his Cabinet, who later all turned out to be literal communist agents of the USSR, Churchill was put in power by Jewish backers and financiers, the USSR was born of a Jewish atheist philosophy and all its most powerful positions aside from the frontman, Stalin, were Jewish), a minor border dispute in Poland turned into a World War.  By the way, it was wrong of the Versailles Treaty to cede historically German land, populated by Germans, to Poland, and it was right of Hitler to try and get those lands back into the embrace of the Fatherland.  It's insane to go to war with Germany over this, and honestly at the time no one pretended to care about Poland's territorial integrity, they just wanted an excuse to destroy Germany.  Poland itself had violated Czechoslovakia's territorial integrity a few months before then and nobody cared.  Nobody cared when the USSR invaded Finland.  Nobody cared about any of this crap until suddenly Poland was sacrosanct.  Obviously Nazi Germany was targeted for the same reason in World War II as China/Russia/North Korea/Iran are targeted today, not due to foreign policy, but only due to domestic policy.

Once it became clear not only that Germany was in an existential struggle with World Jewry and its new religion of Communism/Atheism/Satanism/Diversity, but that it was going to lose that struggle, then and only then did it turn to the Final Solution.  The Holocaust was revenge against the Jews destroying Germany.  They, united world Jewry, had started World War II, and by 1942 it was clear they were going to win it, ushering in an era of darkness and destruction the white race would never recover from.  This was prophesied by the Nazis at the time and they believed it so devoutly they committed suicide rather than surrender and live to see its dawn.  So why wouldn't they try to kill as many Jews as they could in response?  Jews were the vanguard of Satan.  They don't even deny it.  They celebrated all the degeneracy they pushed on Weimar Germany, the Frankfurt School and its maniacal teachings of racial and sexual equality, they bragged about being 2/3 of the USSR's most powerful positions.

If the white race was going to die, and believe me it did die in 1945, at least we could take the Jews down with us.  This was the hope, or at least the consolation Germany had when they activated the Holocaust.  If, perhaps, Jews and their pernicious influence in Europe were wiped out, then maybe whites could claw and scrabble free of their malign grip someday down the road.  Hitler predicted in his farewell address that someday whites would realize he was right and the Jews were wrong.  The fewer Jews there were to push their Satanic propaganda on those future white victims the better.

Look what Jews did to Germany before and after the war.  In the 1920's and 1930's the German people were starving, bankrupt, unemployed and half their lands occupied by foreigners.  In the 1940's they were thrown into a war they did not want and multiple times tried to negotiate peace during, even when they were well ahead and had conquered most of Europe with only England outside their grip, they wanted peace and offered a return of all that land if only their right to German Poland was respected.  After being devastated in the war, losing 10% of their total population, much of it to merciless firebombing of civilian centers, women and children, like in Dresden and Hamburg, the Allies then continued to genocide Germans well after the war.  Russia systematically raped the women of every German city they conquered and slaughtered all their prisoners of war, the USA and its allies starved their prisoners of war to death, Russia et al forcibly evicted ethnic Germans from all of Eastern Europe, land they'd lived in for centuries or millennia, including the origin of Germany, Prussia, in the dead of winter, killing two million people after the war.  And after all of that physical destruction came a long period of occupation and desolation, which didn't end until 1990 when the USSR finally relinquished its grasp on East Germany, which had one of the cruelest secret police in human history, the Stasi.

And that's just the physical damage they did to Germany.  The spiritual damage was actually more important.  Nazi Germany realized that and lamented it more than the physical damage they knew was incoming.  They realized that everything they had set in motion, everything they had preserved, would be overturned and destroyed by their demonic occupiers.  The openly atheist and murderous USSR, the race-mixing and morally degenerate USA, it hardly mattered which one came out on top, it was all Jews either way.  Whether in the USA or the USSR, women's rights had overtaken the traditional role of women.  Whether in the USA or the USSR, race-mixing was encouraged.  In the USA gays and the like were welcomed while frowned upon by the USSR, but certainly there would be no gassing of them anymore.  There would be no further eugenics.  The state would no longer promote Greatness and Striving among its men, the new spiritual dream would be 'equality,' in other words the abolishment of all standards and celebration of mediocrity.  Nazi Germany knew its people would either be physically destroyed or spiritually body snatched, and that's exactly what Jews did after the war.  Why should Germans have been nice to Jews, knowing that?  Knowing what Jews had done and would do in the near future?  Why should they care about Jewish suffering?  Did the Jews care about all the German suffering they had caused, the Russian suffering they had caused, the Ukrainian suffering they had caused, the bright futures they had snuffed out left and right?  

Communism, created and nurtured by Jews, is responsible for the death of 100 million people and the enslavement and impoverishment of many more.  The spiritual decadence of other Jewish teachings, like feminism, LGBTQIAblahblahblah, abortion, race-mixing and the nonexistence of IQ, atheism and straight out Satanism, has destroyed billions of lives.  Literally billions.  People who never got to live life as it was intended, with two parents, one spouse, and at least two children.  People who were never born at all because they were aborted, or contracepted, or women just couldn't bother to have sex with a man.  People so overtaken by vices, all championed in the media by Jews, that they drove themselves to an early death with drugs, drink, obesity or whatever.  Children destroyed by gay pedophiles allowed to roam the streets and 'recruit' as many adherents as they desire.  Children mutilated by doctors openly and celebrated.  Gay choirs literally singing 'we're coming for your children' and posting it on YouTube to brag about the fact that there's nothing we can do about it.

People who will never get to live in an intelligent, rich, orderly and peaceful country which whites previously were able to easily create and sustain -- instead condemned to live in chaotic shitholes like South Africa.  Everyone born in the post-2100 world, stuck in a Diverse homeland instead of the white homeland they deserved and would have inherited normally -- how many trillions of victims does that add up to?

How can we look at these hundreds of millions of dead, dead at Jews' hands, literally, they were the Cheka that carried out the executions, and these billions or trillions of people spiritually destroyed, their lives and opportunities wrecked at birth, children literally tortured and mutilated -- and say the poor Jews, what did they do to deserve the Holocaust?  This rending of our cloth and tearing of our hair and beating of our chests, all these Holocaust memorials, oh the poor Jews, the poor Jews, cry more, cry more for the poor victimized Jews.  Every day, every hour, we must be reminded of the plight of the Jews and how unfairly victimized they were!  Remember the 6 million!  Remember the 6 million! (or else!)

As it happened, tactically speaking, the Germans were in error to do the Holocaust.  Since they weren't able to kill all Jews everywhere, all it did is empower the remaining Jews who could point to their victimization as a sort of pity plea that meant stupid wishy-washy whites went along with all their demands and granted all their desires.  Whites, revolted at all the scenes of stacks of naked Jewish corpses, and all the gruesome testimony of what Nazis were doing to Jews in the camps, became insanely pro-Jewish after the war (when whites were actually antisemitic until then).  And I suppose you could make some sort of ethical argument that not all Jews were responsible for what other Jews were doing at the time (though most of them were.)  (and that didn't seem to matter when we were nuking Hiroshima or firebombing Dresden, now did it?  Why aren't we condemning those 'unethical' actions every hour of every day?)

So yes, the Holocaust happened and it was bad that it happened.  But Nazi Germany was not bad to have done it.  They were overwrought, understandably, given what had happened and what they knew was going to happen, and they struck out in anger and despair.  It's an understandable, human thing to do, that anyone would have done in their situation.  Germany's heart was in the right place, but there's no sense doing things doomed to failure, all they do is exhaust you and ruin your chances in the future when you might have the strength to actually succeed. 

Alternatively, if the Holocaust had been more thorough and actually killed all Jews, shutting up their venomous mouths for good and ending all their propaganda from that day forth, what a paradise we'd be living in right now.  Whites would have returned to their traditional roots, like we saw Russia do after they overthrew the Jewish Bolshevik USSR (perhaps aided by all those missing Jews Germany so conveniently got rid of for them?)  We would be a Christian, Greco-Roman civilization, the essence of the white race, instead of this Jewish chimera, the essence of their race.  Jews would not be in control of the press, the social media companies, the entertainment industry, our banks, most of our Cabinet, they would not be dictating our foreign policy (Blinken, Nuland, etc., who launched this potentially nuclear war with Russia, all Jewish.)  If the Holocaust had been done right, there would be no gay pride parades, no gender unicorn lessons in our kindergartens, no monkeypox epidemics, the birth rate would be above replacement, and America and Europe would be majority white, not majority black/Muslim, in 2100.

I wish Nazi Germany had won World War II.  That would have been the best result.  The second best result is if Nazi Germany did the Holocaust right and killed all Jews instead of just half of them.  The third best result is if Nazi Germany hadn't invaded Poland and did not give Jews an excuse to invade and destroy them, thus creating at least one white bastion on Earth that could inherit the future.  The fourth best result is if Nazi Germany had not done the Holocaust at all, leaving World War II little different, from a propaganda perspective, from World War I.  But of course we are in the worst of all possible worlds, the one overtaken by Satan, where every single thing went wrong.

Now, somehow, whites have to live in a world where white culture is forbidden by law or censored into oblivion.  Where the white race will physically be race-mixed out of existence in a century or two.  And meanwhile, we have to live in a demented nightmare born of a depraved Jewish race that for some reason always embraces the antithesis of the good, the true and the beautiful.  From this starting point, we're supposed to somehow turn everything around and create a bright future for ourselves and our white children.  It's so ridiculous.  No one has ever achieved such a heroic feat.  What on Earth are we supposed to do from here?  What can we do?  There's nothing we can do.  Okay, there is one thing we could do.  Invent spaceflight, and then get on a rocket and leave.  That's it.  That's the best we can do from this starting point.  And it's damned unlikely.  For a hated and persecuted minority like us, the non-body-snatched, to get our hands on a planet-colonizing-worthy spaceship, is some sort of one in a million gamble.  Odds are instead this Jewish-hatched war with Russia will end the world.  Or maybe Fauci's next bioweapon concoction will kill us all.  Or more likely, we will just be 'canceled', unable to organize together, to speak to each other, to marry and reproduce, to make money and support ourselves and buy a starship, to do anything.  Every single attempt we make to survive will be hunted down and squelched out.  Even if we get a college degree, find a wife who agrees with our ideology, and have children -- those children will be forced into an education system that preaches to them about gender unicorns, the Holocaust and slavery -- or the state will just deem us unfit to be parents and rip the children directly from our arms.  This isn't hyperbole.  There are already cases in law where this has occurred.  In Virginia an official proposed to prosecute any parent who didn't accept trans ideology with child abuse, the penalty being the forfeiture of their children.  This is already here or it's coming.  Good luck surviving and continuing into the future when those are the rules.

The truth is our generation was born too late.  There were multiple chances to save the white race.  Perhaps our best chance was in 500 A.D. or so, before the fall of Rome.  Or at least 1453, before the fall of Constantinople.  Or at least 1865, before the fall of the South.  Or at least 1945, before the fall of Nazi Germany.  Or at least 1965, before the passage of the Civil Rights bill and the Immigration Act.  After that it just becomes a joke.  Everything has already been decided.  The entrenched powers control everything, we aren't even allowed to speak or get a job or start a family.  There are no winning moves from here.  Even a chess grandmaster can't turn around a hopeless starting position.  The sooner the world ends and we get to move on to the afterlife the better.  It's like watching the Portugal-Switzerland game.  When it's 3-0 Portugal you just want the game to end but instead you have to keep watching as Switzerland gets pulverized into an unrecognizable pulp, goal after goal after goal, and still the whistle isn't blown, and when it's all over it's 6-1.  Why do people born at 3-0 have to keep playing all the way until 6-1?  What's in it for us?  This is ridiculous.  You want us to beat Portugal from here?

Meanwhile, Morocco defeated Spain in a penalty kick shootout.  Spain did its normal thing of passing the ball around aimlessly, never creating any threats, and ran out the entire clock, so they deserve this loss.  It's a stupid soccer style and it deserves to lose.  But like I was originally trying to point out, if not for a cruel twist of fate, Morocco would be as white a country as Spain, so it isn't that surprising that it's still in the tournament alongside 7 other white countries.  Arguably Morocco is whiter than France or Brazil.  But Morocco's next opponent is Portugal and it's going to get destroyed.  Portugal isn't Spain.  It's the team that just devoured Switzerland 6-1.  That will be the end of the non-whites in this World Cup.  The World Cup went from 75% white countries in this round to 88% white countries in the next round and the round after that it will be 100%.  My predictions are playing out as expected and I am being proven right, Morocco's upset notwithstanding.

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