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Thursday, December 8, 2022

I know the arguments used to defend Jews, they just aren't convincing:

Many arguments have been made for why Jews aren't to blame for anything, and antisemitism is a baseless hatred that grips losers and conspiracy theorists all around the world seemingly at random.  Like how all water eventually flows down into the sewage system, all losers/bigots/evildoers/idiots eventually end up becoming antisemites.  It's the universal law of gravitation applied to humans, the higher mass of worthlessness you are, the higher your attraction to antisemitism, the invariable constant of mankind's entire history.

This is the actual argument made by anti-antisemites.  The reason everyone on Earth has hated and persecuted Jews across all history is not that Jews are awful people who piss off everyone on Earth across all of history, it's because everyone on Earth across all history are so evil that they inevitably persecute the innocent Jews.  Either humans are innately worthless, as proven by the prevalence of antisemitism, or a more sophisticated theory goes that Jews are such good people, so successful in life due to their wonderful virtue and merit, that inevitably everyone else around them grows envious and thus hateful towards them, wishing they could be like Jews and have what Jews have but knowing they can never get it because they're losers, unlike their Jewish neighbors.

A sign of a truly virtuous, meritorious person, is his lack of antisemitism, because it shows he has no need to be envious of Jews because he's their equal or better.  So the higher class you are, the less envious of Jews you become, the less baselessly antisemitic you become.  And of course, anyone who spreads antisemitic conspiracy theories or tropes always inevitably turns out to be some low class loser, thus proving the theory true.

But what happens when you point out that virtually every famous philosopher and writer, from Kant to Fichte to Charles Dickens to Solzhenitsyn to Dostoyevsky to George Orwell to Shakespeare to everybody who's anybody, were people who pushed antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories and thought poorly of Jews?  Churchill wrote a long article on how ridiculously Jewish the Bolshevik Revolution was and the initial Jewish representation in Lenin's revolutionary government.  Is Churchill low class?  Ulysses Grant, President of the USA and the Civil War general who won the war for the North where all other competitors with Lee could not, complained of the Jews and exiled them from his administered territory.  President Nixon likewise complained of the Jews.  You can laugh at and mock Kanye West for being a loser who fits the bill of just the sort of person who becomes an antisemite, but he's one of the richest and most famous and popular artists to have ever lived.  Of course Hitler and his entire government ran one of the most powerful, learned and meritorious countries in history -- how did they achieve such power by being low class losers who can't tie their own shoelaces and are just envious of Jewish success?

But I don't need Kanye West or Hitler or whoever, literally everybody of any distinguishment hates Jews.  Even Karl Marx hated Jews, and he was a Jew!  The Roman historians, the most esteemed men of their age, wrote bitterly about how bothersome and destructive Jews were.  The Bible itself, written by Jews, is a long chronicle of Jewish misbehavior, saying that God hated Jews and was constantly punishing them because they were so stupid and recalcitrant!  Jesus went around whipping Jews!

Go back a few years, a century or two, and there isn't a single person who did not traffic in 'antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories.'  Of course all the despised peasants hated Jews (and why wouldn't they, the Jews were usurers who charged them 20, 30% interest on loans they needed to survive, they were tax collectors who would ruthlessly rob the peasantry at the behalf of the nobility far more than farmers could afford to pay, they were alcohol peddlers who would tempt poor people into expenses they couldn't afford and dissolution that led to the inability to work and provide for themselves, and universally, in every era, they refused to ever do any honest work.  It was always pawn shops, banking, tax collecting, slavetrading, pimping, this, that, or the other, but never farming, blacksmithing, soldier.  Like ticks they were always swollen rich, fat men living off the actual producers who were always rail thin and never got to keep any portion of their own wealth production.)

But those peasants were just losers, right?  If they were as smart and hardworking as Jews they could be the rich bankers so they only have themselves to blame.  Okay, I get it.  Fuck the working poor.  But what do you say to the eminent men of letters, the philosophers and historians and Presidents and Priests, who spent their whole lives in leisure, who didn't have to envy anyone, who were at the apex of society, far above anything Jews could achieve, who hated Jews as much or more than the peasants?  Martin Luther started the entire Protestant Revolution.  He is a lightbringer, a chosen one, someone so far above the regular class of man, a man who singlehandedly changed history like Jesus.  Guess what, he hated Jews too and condemned them in treatise after treatise!  Oh, but he was just prejudiced because of his religion.  Okay, so what about the atheists who hated Jews like Voltaire?  What about the Romans who could care less what religion you were and were a religiously pluralistic society that accepted Jews and pagans of all stripes equally?  Why did they hate Jews and crush them in war after war?  They weren't low class scum, they were Emperors of the most powerful country in the history of the world.

It is true that due to a recent rise to prominence of Jews, such that they're at least 50% of the powerful people in America, and due to America's outsized influence on the world that power radiates all across the globe such that no one feels safe criticizing Jews anymore, high class people very rarely criticize Jews anymore.  But of course this is a self-fulfilling prophecy.  No one who criticizes Jews in the world today can remain high class anymore because they will immediately be 'canceled' and their class will immediately become low again.  With that kind of power, to make anyone you dislike an instant loser, it's no wonder all antisemites are worthless losers who are just 'jealous.'

Of course anti-antisemites have an explanation for this phenomena too.  It's not that Jews are canceling your high class status, firing you from your job, kicking you out of college, divorcing you, losing the next election, cutting you off from Twitter, ruining your reputation in the press, or whatever.  It's all men of conscience, sanity and good will who are doing that to you, because what you did is so awful, so stupid, so insane, that of course you'd be punished.  Jews have as much a right to condemn and punish you as other people of conscience, sanity and good will, so it's just a coincidence when Jews punish you for your antisemitism.  Even in a place with no Jews you'd be punished just the same by the upper class echelons, because they're as well mannered as upper class Jews, and so they behave in the same disgusted way towards you as upper class Jews would.  How could anyone be an antisemite in this day and age, knowing the lessons of the Holocaust, knowing how many Nobel Prizes Jews have won, knowing how much good in the world Jews have done and how many successful businesses they run?

This explanation is also used in Revenge of the Sith.  When Anakin claims that Obi Wan has ruined his personal life, "You turned her against me!"  He replies smugly, as a high class winner to a low class loser who can't even keep from getting divorced, "You did that yourself."

You see, when you betray what a worthless scumbag you are, by slaughtering younglings or criticizing Jews or disagreeing with Jewish-invented-and-Jewish-pushed ideologies, the results that follow are all on your own head, a natural consequence of your own stupidity and evil.  Maybe you shouldn't slaughter younglings, Anakin!

In fact Obi Wan did turn Padme against Anakin, by misrepresenting the power struggle between the Jedi and the Senate as somehow the Jedi being this holy force of righteousness and Palpatine just randomly being evil because he cackles at the thought of being evil, not because he wanted to reform the mess the Old Republic and the Jedi had made of the galaxy, which then undermines the justification Anakin gave to Padme that he "would not betray the Senate," and would see to it that the Jedi answered for their crimes of an attempted anti-democratic coup.  But nevermind who was right in that case, maybe you shouldn't slaughter younglings, either way, I vociferously deny the fact that antisemites merit the punishment handed down to them because they're evil/insane/stupid/jealous, and not because they're oppressed truth tellers trying to save the world.

It is undeniable that Jews have a great deal of power and have exerted a great deal of influence in the modern world.  Both sides of this debate agree on this.  We all know how rich Jews are, how overrepresented they are in the entertainment business which creates our fiction, in the news media which creates our non-fiction, how much money they donate to politicians during election campaigns, that they own all the social media companies aside from Twitter which they are now trying to destroy, how many Supreme Court justices are Jewish, how many Cabinet members are Jewish, how many Senators and Representatives are Jewish, how many famous and esteemed 'influencers' are Jewish, like Boaz the anthropologist, or Gloria Steinem the feminist, or Freud the psychologist, or Marx the communist, how many social movements began with the Jews, like the Civil Rights Act, the Immigration Act, the ending of Apartheid in South Africa, etc.  Jews are front and center and everyone knows it, on both sides.  Biden casually said to a group of Jews that gay marriage was entirely due to them, and then added 'and that's a good thing.'  That's the only difference.  Philosemites say all the power Jews wield has been for the modern world's good, and antisemites say it's been to the modern world's detriment.

That's it!  It's not tropes, stereotypes, or conspiracy theories.  Both sides agree on all the facts, and that they are ironclad facts.  We just draw different conclusions from the exact same dataset.  One side thinks every generation of Americans doubling their percentage of LGBTQIAness is good, the other side says it is bad.  Bill Maher, a Jew, admits that the percentage is doubling every generation, he showed a graph of it on his own show.  This isn't a conspiracy theory or a trope.  The only difference is our conclusions.

I am not antisemitic because I'm stupid, insane, evil or jealous, it's not because I'm a low class loser, it's because I think Jewish power, in aggregate, is changing the world for the worse.  That the changes Jews vanguarded over the last couple centuries have all made the world worse, and I wish they hadn't done them.

And yes, I know the next anti-anti-semite argument, that Jews aren't responsible for the progressive movement around the world.  They aren't responsible for feminism, open borders immigration, gay tolerance, wars starting, etc.  That those things were all baked in the cake, inevitable historical destinies, due to the overwhelming consensus of all high class people, Jewish or not, or the impossible to divert historical necessities of past events like new technologies or the outcomes of previous wars or economic cycles or whatever.

I don't care.  Let's grant that Jews don't matter at all, that everything would happen in the exact same manner if Jews had all argued and donated and voted against these changes instead of for them.  (I don't believe that, but let's grant it for the sake of argument.)  That's as stupid an argument as Brutus saying that by the time he stabbed Julius Caesar he was destined to die anyway.  It was a historical necessity, all the other high class Senators were already doing it, so what are you blaming me for?

Because, Brutus, you stabbed Caesar.  You killed him.  You betrayed your own benefactor who treated you like a son.  You overthrew a working, good government and threw it into a bloody chaos which would go on to cost tens of thousands of lives, or God knows how many.  You made a horrible decision on a personal level, and on a political level, you did it and you can't deny it.  I don't need to know anything more -- I don't need to know how many other Senators stabbed Caesar or what economic cycle drove you to kill Caesar or whatever.  You did it!  That portion of the question is undeniable.  You still did it!  I can hate Brutus for just that!  I can blame Brutus for just that!  Brutus is burning in the lowest circle of Hell in Dante's Inferno, being chomped on by Satan's jaws, because he's a traitor that Dante reviled, like Judas, as the lowest form of human scum.

Dante didn't say, "well, yeah, Brutus did kill Caesar, but you have to look at Marius and Sulla's reigns, and the weather in China, and how much wheat was selling for at the time, and all in all does it really matter, Julius was dying sooner or later anyway."

Dante said, "Brutus is burning in hell because he committed the sin of betrayal."  Dante didn't have to prove anything more.  He didn't have to provide any additional context!  And I don't have to either!

So, going back to the only thing that matters, are the modern day's changes that Jews pushed for good or bad, I think the vast majority of Americans agree with me.  Most Americans agree America is on the wrong track.  Most Americans agree things were better back in the 1950's.  Most Americans, like me, are revolted at these tranny child surgeries.  Most Americans do not like Hillary attending Satanic performances where creepy people hold up bloody decapitated goat heads and call it 'art.'  Most Americans do not like that Epstein palled around with all the most famous and powerful people in America and then died mysteriously before he could reveal any of his secrets.

This stuff is a slam dunk.  Is it good or is it bad that Americans now have over 100,000 overdose deaths a year?  Is it good or is it bad that we're at war with Russia, who happens to own the largest nuclear arsenal on Earth?  Is it good or is it bad that murders are up 30%?  Is it good or is it bad that American life expectancy is dropping like a rock?  Is it good or is it bad that inflation is around 10%?  Is it good or is it bad that millennials earn less than Baby Boomers did at the same age, despite all the productivity growth in technology between our era and theirs?  Is it good or is it bad that the average weight of an American girl is over 170 pounds?

Everyone knows everything is awful.  Everyone knows it.  Were the changes for the better?  Of course not.  So no, Jews did not deliver paradise on Earth with all the changes they advocated for.  No one thinks that.  Every trend is getting worse, none are getting better.  In the regular lives of regular people, they are less healthy, poorer, more likely to die young, be victimized by crime, have fewer friends, are less likely to marry or have sex or children, straight out report being more depressed, are on more medications, are more likely to be diagnosed as mentally ill, just name me the God damn statistic.  Any statistic.  Any trend at all!  What has the modern world Jews have ushered in given us?  What the hell is this?

To all those people who say feminism, no fault divorce, mass immigration, Black Lives Matter, transgender affirming surgeries, gender unicorns in kindergarten, gay marriage, war with Russia, banning fossil fuels, that all these wonderful innovations pushed by Jews are all for the better and the world is improving every day thanks to all their wonderful theories and efforts, I answer them thus (like Samuel Johnson, I need only kick a stone!)

Jews have shaped this world for over a century and everyone agrees everything is worse than before.  It is untenable to claim that every single innovation Jews are pushing is actually, through some Rude Goldberg like device, through some series of epicycles, good and improving the world, but through some bizarre series of coincidences it just so happens that the world gets worse every year anyway.  No doubt because antisemites are still saying mean tweets or whatever.  I sneer at your hand waving excuses.  You've been in power for a century and everything sucks.  CASE FUCKING CLOSED.  I don't have to argue any further individual points.  I want someone else in power.

Oh, and by the way, if Jews and their ideas aren't responsible for anything that has gone wrong, this can easily be proven.  Kick the Jews out of power, kick them out of the country, change the law to the exact opposite of everything Jews have been lobbying for in the past century, and run the natural experiment.  If you're right and Jews are innocent then the country won't change and everything will keep getting worse down the exact same trend lines.  Give me ten years and if I can't reverse any trend lines I will apologize and commit seppuku for my unfair suspicion of the Jews.  On the other hand, what's the harm in trying?  If we can, in fact, reverse these trends just by getting rid of Jews, why not do so?

In one case we save the world through this one easy trick, and in the other case a few Jews aren't allowed to be rich, powerful influencers for ten years.  Given this Pascal's wager, why not throw the die?

Giving in to immediate despair, saying no one is to blame and nothing can be done, that the world is indeed getting worse but all we can do is watch and wait to die, because antisemitism is even worse, is anti-life.  We should do everything in our power, everything we can, anything we can think of, to try and reverse these trends which are rapidly heading towards human extinction.  Ruling out antisemitism a priori because it makes you feel low class is not putting your priorities straight.

Did white liberals, before Jews, give many of the same arguments and support the exact same policies as Jews do today?  Yes, of course.  But Jewish power is real and undeniable.  Let us say that every bad thing Jews do, some white liberal did before Jews, and will continue to do after Jews.  Who cares?  Remove the Jews and you have that many fewer malevolent influences than before.  Maybe, just maybe, you have enough less power doing the Devil's work that instead of losing to Jews and their white liberal allies we beat the white liberal allies alone.  Isn't it worth a try?  Isn't it worth running the experiment?

Let us say that Jews aren't really the problem, it's the gullible whites who listened to them and were persuaded by them.  Fine, okay!  So what are our options, given that whites are gullible?  I say we remove the Jews and their ideas from gullible white's ears, so they aren't fooled anymore!  What's your plan, keep the Jews and remove the gullible whites from existence?  Is that somehow better?  So we can have gullible whites with no Jews living in paradise because no one is tricking them anymore even though it is so easy to do so, or Jews with no more gullible whites because they all believed and all died.  Does it matter who is to blame?  All that matters is the end state!  What do Jews do after killing off their host?  Cannibalize each other?  Fool each other?  Degenerate each other?  There's no telling because Jews have never lived without a host since the beginning of our historical records.  (I have nothing against self-sufficient Jews living in Israel, I wish they would all move to Israel and never talk to us again, the Jews I am antisemitic against are not the Jews living in Israel, God bless them.  The Jews whose only known method of survival is apex predator/parasite are the Jews I'm talking about in this scenario.)

What do gullible whites do when left to their own devices?  Oh, I know, they go on picnics, build cathedrals, watch football, work, throw up skyscrapers, marry, reproduce, and plant a flag on the moon.  The gullible whites, left to their own devices, live and prosper.  We already know that's what they do because that's what they did!  For thousands of years!

No anti-antisemitic argument holds water when you stop and think about it for five seconds.  I've heard them all.  I've thought about them all.  I could argue them better than the actual believers argue them.  The only difference is I thought one step further and realized it was all bullshit.

My hatred of Jews came about due to a love of truth.  I don't envy them.  I am not drainage water.  I'm not even obsessed with them.  I don't believe God wanted this to be Earth's present or future, and so I'm trying my best to change it.  That's it.  That's all. 

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