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Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sounan Desuka, SAO Girls Ops available:

Sometimes the USA commercially translates manga that never reach the piracy sites.  If you want to read the conclusion to your favorite works, buying it from Amazon is the only recourse.  This was true of SAO Girls Ops volume 8 and Sounan Desuka (Are You lost? is the English title) volumes 9 & 10.  Since I'd already enjoyed the manga this far in and wanted to see how it all ended, I forked over the $25 or so it took to read all three.

I wasn't disappointed, both had wonderful endings full of great art and tense action.  Silica made the cutest pose in her cat-eared Alfheim avatar saying 'Kirito-onii-chan!"  The purchase was instantly justified right there.

Sadly it didn't take long to read all three manga volumes.  Unlike video games, any other form of entertainment, however good, is always over in a flash.  But at least I can harbor good memories of these two works for the rest of my life.

I'd say the biggest demerit to Sounan Desuka is its insistence on vulgar content, whether it's drinking piss, eating bugs, or just dumb stuff like wearing seashell bikinis that expose your butt for all the world to see.  I understand that given the situation, being stuck on a deserted island, civilizational norms will tend to break down, but that doesn't mean it's enjoyable to watch.  I'm not sure if there's a good solution for this given that's the theme of the story.  Due to this problem Sounan Desuka is worth buying, but it isn't worth ranking in my manga hall of fame.  It's somewhere between those two thresholds.

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