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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Index GT 7 read:

The first half of this book was great, focusing on humor and romance, but inevitably it switched to 'battle mode,' like every Index story, where Touma yet again had to fight enemies way stronger than him he had no realistic way to beat.  The story this time bails him out as Alice Anotherbible decides to stop fighting and leave midway.  I would prefer Index stops fighting altogether.  There have been too many fights in this series, and in most cases all these superpowered fighters survive.  Which means the number of super powered people, all of them way stronger than Touma, keeps multiplying endlessly.  This means Touma's fights are all meaningless, as the super powered people determine what happens in the end anyway.

Index has become too grand and epic for its main character.  It has outgrown him.  In that case, Touma's humorous daily life, going to school and flirting with girls, is way more interesting.  It should become a slice of life series like Yuru Camp or something.  Or, you know, it could end.  Instead of striving to become the longest series ever and all.

Meanwhile, the right-wing Brothers of Italy party gained control of both houses of Parliament, giving them basically total power.  I would be more overjoyed about this except that right-wing governments have run Italy time and time again and nothing ever came of it.  Berlusconi, Salvini, none of them fundamentally altered anything, so this new girl won't succeed either.  Whatever she attempts to do will be held up in the courts or vetoed by the EU or something, and after a few deep-state concocted scandals she'll be driven from power, just like they did Berlusconi.  We've seen this time and time again.  Trump was also president with Republican control of both the House and the Senate.  Even a Republican appointed Supreme Court.  What did it matter?  In the end they passed one tax cut bill and then Trump was replaced by Biden and a totally Democrat controlled House and Senate.  Theoretical power in the hand of right-wing elected positions never translates to actual power.  Actual power is still in the hands of the deep state, media, corporations, Ivy-league-college-educated-class, which always gets its way.  An actual study was done about this, and the study found that if the top 1% and the bottom 99% disagreed on something in America, 80% of the time the top 1% would prevail and the law they wanted would pass.  That's democracy for you.  You can be the 99% majority but at best you'll get your way 20% of the time.

Nothing will really change until we kill our enemies and replace them with friends in all their seats of power.  There should be no left wing media, no left wing bureaucrats, no left wing judges, no left wing billionaires, no left wing colleges, no left wing anything.  All of these places should be replaced with right wing loyalists.  Only then can you actually exercise power.  The people have spoken -- they want you in power, not all of these unelected people, so the answer isn't to be a powerless puppet that only gets battered around by the real people in power, the answer is to use the people's mandate as a launching point for a violent revolution that hunts down and liquidates all enemies of the people.  Also, leave all supranational organizations.  All they do is bind you down with various left-wing rules that are the true sovereign of your country so long as you serve under them.  It's pointless to be a right-wing member of the EU, which has 'human rights' laws and crap that mean all right wing positions are automatically banned.  It's an oxymoron.

Everyone knows Meloni doesn't have the cojones of Lenin or Castro or any true revolutionary who actually changed things in their country, so everyone knows Italy won't actually conform to right-wing ideals.  The same is true if Trump or DeSantis or any other Republican were elected in 2024.  They're all weak, tired people who impotently protest what's become of America but can't even stay on Twitter so that the people hear their impotent protests.  The left won't even let the elected President of the United States talk to his own people.  At that point it's all a joke.  If you aren't willing to kill people you may as well let Democrats win every election, nothing will change either way. 

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