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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The people of the lie:

The purpose and full flowering of the human brain is categorization and pattern recognition.  All truths stem from this process.  To deliberately deny there are any categories or patterns in humanity is to reduce ourselves to sub-sentient beasts.  To regress back to the lizard brain.  And yet that is what liberals demand of everyone on every issue.

The beginning of wisdom is to lump like things together and notice their commonalities so that you can make accurate predictions when you come across another specimen of the same type.  We predict that oxygen will ignite because all the other oxygen we've come across ignites, whereas nitrogen won't ignite because all the other nitrogen we've ever seen hasn't ignited.  This is how we build tools to take advantage of patterns.

There is no difference between this process and predicting that blacks will do crime because all other blacks we've met across time and space have done crime, or that gays will predate upon children because all other gays across time and space have been known for their predating upon children.  The refusal to acknowledge the nature of a group which is just as fixed as oxygen or nitrogen is insane and universally leads to bad outcomes -- like what would happen if you need something not to ignite, so you trust some good natured molecules of oxygen to not ignite this time.  Or if you trusted that 'this nitrogen is different' and tried to start a fire with it.  It's absolute nonsense and of course it won't work.

We are now trusting our entire country to assorted lowlifes who have already proven their inability to maintain civilization anywhere else it's been tried.  This is because we refuse to use humanity's most powerful tool, pattern recognition, and we refuse to predict that a black America would be about the same as a black Zimbabwe, a black South Africa, a black Haiti or a black Detroit.  Being this obtuse, being this recalcitrant in recognizing reality, cannot be due to good-natured mistakenness.  No one can be that stupid.  Only deliberately embracing a lie and willfully living by it can lead to such insane conclusions.

The people of the lie cannot be described as anything but Satanists.  For one thing, Satan is the father of lies and liars are said to be 'his people,' by Jesus in the Bible.  But another goal of Satan is to undermine, corrupt, and destroy everything good about humanity and pervert every divine aspect of mankind.  Getting people to throw away their divine wisdom, pattern recognition, the thing that makes us like unto Gods in this world, capable of splitting atoms and launching into space, and instead getting us to destroy our civilization to the point that we no longer have working water or power or sewage or roads or trains or anything (like in South Africa), and our birth rates are half of replacement so we're all going to die (like in South Korea), is exactly Satan's plan and desire for this world.  When you are fulfilling Satan's wishes what does that make you except a Satanist?

Thirdly, it's impossible for anyone but a Satanist to vote for Hillary after we found Podesta (her campaign chairman) had decorated his mansion with pictures and statues of sexually abused naked little boys.  They are openly worshipping Satan, pure evil, and you go ahead and vote for them anyway.  That is a Satanist, there's no other words for it.

Anyone who supports drag queen story hour, where freaks dressed up in bizarre rainbow clown outfits cavort with toddlers they aren't related to in order to teach them the glories of chopping off their genitals, is a Satanist.  What else can you call that but a satanic ritual?

There are no misguided individuals on the other side.  There are evildoers and opportunists and that's it.  The evildoers actively and openly worship Satan, like Podesta and Hillary, and genuinely do want to kill, maim, desecrate and destroy as their prime objective in life.  The opportunists are those who go along with the program because it advantages them -- for instance women who like having the power to divorce their husbands and get a free house out of it, or blacks who enjoy affirmative action or lighter sentencing than they deserve for criminal behavior, or gays who get to create more fellow travelers that they can then hopefully sleep with tomorrow, or some corporate drone who knows he'll get praise, money and job security from repeating obvious lies.  The opportunists are riding the wave, though, they cannot create it, otherwise there would be no opportunity for them to cash in on in the first place.

Opportunists would switch sides just as easily if the wave were Nazism.  They would take the opportunity to rat out their neighbors and send them to concentration camps just as quickly.  They aren't the real problem because they'll side with the powerful whoever they might be.  The problem is the evildoers who promoted these satanic beliefs in the first place.  The problem is how the hell did these people get to be in charge of everything such that opportunists could be rewarded by them?

In a democracy, power is achieved by promising the most goodies to the most people.  A do-gooder can't promise much to people because it would be unjust to give it to them.  For instance, a do-gooder wouldn't promise women could cheat on their husbands or dump them at whim.  A do-gooder won't give you free jobs and promotions based on your skin color.  A do-gooder won't let you get away with a crime.  A do-gooder won't let you brainwash children into a deviant lifestyle with a 50% suicide rate.

But an evildoer can easily promise people anything.  Communists were so stupid, they stopped at 'a chicken in every pot.'  They're lightweights.  In a democracy you can easily promise over 50% of the population the ability to achieve their most twisted and sick desires legally and freely, at any cost to society as a whole, and all you need is 50% of the vote.

The inherent nature of the democratic system will inevitably yield this result.  We vote the people into power who are most willing to let opportunists scrounge from the public good, and then we legally pillage our neighbors and our future for some temporary benefits which is all these stupid people can understand anyway.

Evildoers, under this system, have a competitive advantage in elections over do-gooders, and so universal democracy instantly translates to rule by Satan.

All you need after this is a group of scribbling sophists in your newspaper industry to justify all the evil politicians are doing for the sake of rallying their 50% opportunist threshold vote -- and enter the Jews.  Before Jews were in control of the newspapers, whites with enough IQ to write newspaper articles didn't have the chutzpah to write obviously false, pernicious, and nonsensical things.  They had a sense of shame, of guilt, of noblesse oblige, of honor, of pride, that did not let them say such things.  "Go ahead and divorce your husband, it's not your fault."  Is not something they could stomach to scribble.  Or "1,000 sexual partners whose names and faces you never learned is just as much love as a straight married couple and should be accorded the same rules and respect in society."  Or "Empty the prisons, defund the police, criminals should be given therapists not confronted by mean guys with guns!"

But for every insane, radical lie that no white was willing to write, there is a gaggle of Jews willing to trumpet it from every rooftop and every institution.  These people have no shame, no guilt, nothing.  They detest the country they live in and the people they live around so they don't care what happens to others.  They lack all internal checks or moral compass because they were taught from a young age that Jews need only look after other Jews.  They don't care what the consequences of their lies are because those consequences will never reach them.

It is the world's misfortune that a stone age tribal culture cultivated both a hatred and animus towards everyone else in the world and the highest IQ in the world.  Through this bizarre twist of fate they managed to become the perfect instrument of democracy's ruinous system.  Democracy requires the consent not just of the majority (which can be bought off by promising people unearned goodies), but of the minority victimized party which is actually being pillaged by the opportunists.  The consent of the victim.  Ayn Rand wrote all about this.  And where does this consent of the victim come from?  It comes from those victims reading newspapers full of scribbling Jews willing to say the most insane, evil, malicious things imaginable and either being duped by said lies because they're too stupid to see through them, or more likely being led to believe that the opposing side honestly and sincerely believes these things and thus aren't opportunists but simply misguided well-meaning co-citizens who are trying their best to do the right thing.

How do you get the consent of the victim?  Easy, just make them believe it's all an honest mistake and it can be cleared up through some honest conversation or debate or negotiation or something.  They don't really mean to rape and kill us, they're just trying to correct some imaginary injustice they genuinely think exists, so if we can just explain to them that they're wrong about this imaginary injustice they'll go back to being normal people again.  It's like the carrot on a stick placed in front of the animal's head.  We think if we can just dispel the latest lie in the latest Jewish editorial everything will go back to normal again.  But the lies exist for a reason, as cover for the depravity of their intentions and goals, so they will never allow the lies to be dispelled.  No matter how much evidence you gather or how clearly you present it to them, they will refuse to be convinced because they cannot afford to be convinced.  Then they would lose the reason to pillage you.

The other side is motivated by pure malice.  They straight out worship Satan and wish for the end of the world and the corruption of every soul on Earth.  There is no reasoning with them, they are intentionally lying and knowingly embrace obvious lies about everything.  The evildoer politicians at the top empowered by democracy to reach the top, the Jewish scribblers who provide cover for them with drivel their intelligence could not possibly reach through a chain of logic, the opportunists who want free privileges or wealth or respect or whatever who are happy to vote for it since they can't earn it any other way, the entire pyramidal structure is composed of nothing but evil Satanists.

It's like when Kyle Rittenhouse was pursued by that raving mob of antifa that was trying to murder him with skateboards, pistols, his own gun, etc.  Every guy Kyle shot in self-defense turned out to be a convicted felon, gay child rapist, or the like.  It was like he was openly duking it out with demons from hell.  That is our opposition.  That is the other side.  That's all they ever were.

If we knew that we'd stop shaking our heads and sighing, "Oh, the poor dears, they've been fooled by the newspapers yet again into believing something that isn't so.  Michael Brown was actually rushing the cop, he wasn't holding his hands up and crying 'don't shoot,' if only they knew we could have peace and prosperity again."  While letting openly Satanic rulers destroy the country because after all, they won the election.

If we only knew the true nature of our opponents we wouldn't care what the democratic election vote total was.  We would refuse to let evil rape and pillage good regardless if evil people are the majority of the population.  We would take up arms and kill them, like Kyle Rittenhouse did, the entire den of demons, until they were gone and we were the majority again.

And then we'd realize that democracy is the worst possible system imaginable, it encourages lies and promotes liars and bribery as the route to success.  It's a moral hazard to 'elect' the politician who bribes over 50% of the population to hand him total power so he can in turn pillage the nation to raise the bribery sum he then distributes to his supporters.  This is total insanity.  What an easily gameable system.

The law code of the nation should not be up for sale to the highest or most numerous bidder.  It should be based on objective, universal principles of human nature and what best promotes civilization.  There should be a fixed, unchangeable law philosophically derived from our observations on historical ups and downs of previous societies, pattern recognition of what works and what doesn't, and categorization of who succeeds and who doesn't.  Then the government's sole job would be to enforce this unchanging, eternal law so that society never regresses again.  There is no role for elections or the democratic will in such a system.  There is no room for lies or bribes either.  There is no room for Jews or Satan while we're at it.

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