Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Flickering of Deep Eternity flickers out:

All of my hall of fame songs must be listened to 100 times and enjoyed all 100 times or they don't make the final cut.  Flickering of Deep Eternity didn't impress me on the 71st playthrough so out it goes.  It isn't even music, just atmospheric sound effects.  That's not good enough.

That brings the total back down to the nice round number of 5460.  This is about the same total as what I started with this year, except the newly added music is better than the songs I've cut.  Quality over quantity is the name of the game.

If something, anything would come out with a good soundtrack I could shoot that number up -- Bravely Default 2nd or Tales of Arise for instance -- but I guess this covid-19 stricken year just can't be bothered.

I'm most of the way through my 24th read-through and revision of '100 Waifus.'  It's amazing how many stupid errors were still in need of proofreading.  You would think the first 23 attempts would have caught them, but oh well.  At least they're fixed now.  None of the changes affect the plot so there's no need to re-read the book or anything, but for people who haven't read it yet the polish could be beneficial.

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