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Sunday, September 20, 2020

'100 Waifus' receives 11th 5-star rating:

 I'm not the only one who thinks my book is the best book in the world, these 11 other individuals have also given it the top possible honor, which is quite a few!

As I seek to continue to improve the novel via better names mentioning better series, I couldn't be prouder of what I've already done.  Touched 11 people's lives meaningfully enough that they would vouchsafe for me like this.  How many more before the end?

I want to re-read '100 Waifus' again myself, but only after I've improved as many names as possible.  For now Wheel of Time will do.  Also, apparently Terry Goodkind, who died a few days ago, continued to write more Sword of Truth novels even after Confessor, almost to his dying day, so maybe those would also be worth looking into first.  I'm sad for Terry Goodkind, but he lived a long and successful life, achieving everything he set out to achieve, leaving all his thoughts behind to the wider public, so it's really not a big deal.

It's not like Mozart who died at age 35.

On November 15th, 2016, I predicted Trump would swing the court to an 8-1 conservative majority as a result of his election victory.  We're well on our way to that dream.  If Trump is re-elected, which I expect he will be, he could do it.  Sontomayor isn't very healthy and Breyar is super old.  We're about to reach 6-3.  I was being optimistic and tongue-in-cheek, but here we are!  Yet another good reason to vote Trump next month.  At this rate we could get back our freedom of speech and freedom of assembly!  We could reverse Duke vs. Griggs Power and end the disparate impact doctrine.  We could hire or fire people on any basis we pleased, not just liberal controlled college degrees, and not get sued over it!  Abolish affirmative action as contrary to the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.  Heck, we could Make America Great Again.

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