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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

A Dreary September:

We might get a football season, if we're lucky.  A stunted season but at least something.  At the end of September, a new volume of Hataraku Maou-sama, #17, will come out.  It's not even a good series anymore but for completion's sake it ought to be read anyway.

That's it.  Nothing else is slated for release in any category of entertainment.  There's still currently ongoing anime and manga, of course, but those are never sufficient.  What we really need is a new visual novel or video game, real time wasters, but nothing's coming out.  I'm currently settling for Nyan Cafe Macciate as a visual novel, and it is pretty fun, better than Imouto Paradise 3, but compared to Summer Pockets it's dust and ashes.  Compared to the good old days of Final Fantasy 7 Remake. . .

This coming month is going to suck, there's no way around it.  There will be nothing worth posting about.  This whole year has sucked, but September is the nadir.

I continue to re-read The Wheel of Time while listening to music.  I'm slowly working my way through blu-ray Inuyasha.  Nothing is riveting or new, on any front.

Nothing is new about these BLM riots either.  Some thug who deserves to die resists arrest and gets wasted by the cops.  Who cares?  In a civilized society they would have gone to the guillotine long ago, the cops are just cleaning up the trash for us.  The antifa in Kenosha jumped a guy with a gun and got what was coming to them, it's all on video and indisputable self-defense.  This nation has gone mad, rioting over nothing for the last 6 six years.

I'm more and more convinced that our opponents are either gullible low-IQ idiots or literally insane.  Over 50% of young liberal women admit to being clinically diagnosed with a mental illness.  That really says it all.  The Biden-Harris platform is such utter gibbering nonsense that it could only ever appeal to these two groups.  Abolish the border, abolish prisons, abolish the police, abolish fossil fuels -- it's all such absolute madness that would obviously result in our instant destruction.  This is what we're competing with.  It's a farce.  And luckily, the polls are starting to shift in our favor as more and more people wake up to the reality of their choices this November.

I now suspect Trump is going to win the election again (probably yet again via the electoral college).  I can't see how middle America could possibly stomach the antifa anarchy government Democrats are now running as.  I predict a lot of black and Hispanic voters switching over to vote Republican because they're sick of the crime and chaos just like we are.  This can't possibly go on, so it won't go on.

Liberals will only have themselves to blame for burning the country down before the election and thus losing what should have been an easily winnable race yet again.  Maybe they'll do us all a favor and commit suicide at the prospect of Trump being in office another four years, ridding us of them once and for all.

Either way, November will certainly be exciting.  October will be exciting with the excellent new anime season incoming.  It's just September.  If D-day was 'the longest day,' September is slated to be 'the longest month.'

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