The only good route in this visual novel is Yuuri's. The rest border on the absurd. Furthermore, in Yuuri's case it embraces the potential of new technologies, but in the other two it rejects them. Which means 2/3 of the routes aren't actually about science, but anti-science screeds. They make ridiculous arguments like death is a good thing and it's impossible to be happy if you aren't going to die soon. It's even impossible to achieve anything or love anyone. Death is the cause of all good traits in mankind. It's just pathetic. I never did anything because I knew I was going to die. I did everything I did because I wanted to enjoy my life. This would be true whether I was going to die or not. The writers behind this story are just dumb.
Who the heck worships death? Who praises death like these people? Maybe they should go visit a hospital, see all the grieving families, all the horribly crippled people, and say that to their faces. "Don't worry, death is a good thing, death is what makes life worth living."
Immortality would eventually become a curse due to boredom, but that's a decision people should make on their own time. People should die when they want, not when their body decays and degrades against their will into pained helplessness. The idea that we should just leave our fate up to nature's whimsy is revolting. Why do you think we've spent so much time and effort trying to cure various diseases? It's precisely because we don't want nature to decide when we live or die. Who are the luddites writing this story?
Another dumb argument was we shouldn't create sentient AI because it would quickly outcompete us. What if that same argument were used towards our own children? We shouldn't create children because they might be better than we are. Why would that be a bad thing? Why shouldn't we want to be replaced by wonderful people like that? Why would you be opposed to progress? Also, doesn't that go against the previous maxim they were just saying? Why should death be a welcome thing but the extinction of mankind a bad thing? So what if we die if sentient life carries on? So long as they're better behaved and enjoy themselves more than we do, what is lost?
For Yuuri's sake, I'll give this visual novel a passable grade, but overall it was a huge disappointment. Why is it that every sci-fi story turns out to actually be opposed to any scientific advancement? If you hate technological progress so much, write a damn fantasy novel. Get the hell out of our genre. Sci fi should be for the people who want to see the future arrive.
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