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Sunday, May 12, 2019

A Fun Day:

Koutetsujou no Kabaneri: Utano Kessen was the highlight of the day.  A beautiful movie with incredible detail and animation, including even an animated dance scene (one of the rarest and most beautiful events in anime).  The romance was strong in this movie, proving yet again why Mumei is mai waifu.  What more could you ask for from a woman?

My only remaining complaint with Koutetsujou is that the zombie menace seems endless, and their ability to live happily ever remote.  For this anime to improve further it needs a resolution, and so far none has been announced.

At the same time, Grisaia: Phantom Trigger ova 1 was released.  It was a nice, condensed version of what I've already read in the visual novel.  Nothing really stood out but it's solid as far as a single episode of anime can go.  For Phantom Trigger to improve it would need a lot more episodes as well.  So far they've announced a crowdfunding project for one additional ep, which really wouldn't make much of a difference even if it succeeds. . .

The latest episode of Shingeki no Kyojin was also splendid.  And to top it all off Game of Thrones had a fun episode where lots of villains got what was coming to them.  I think my favorite scene was The Mountain vs. The Hound.

I'm looking forward to the end of GoT next week.  After all the civilians and surrendered forces we nuked, starved, froze to death or burned during and after World War II I hope no one tries to jump into any humanitarian lectures.  We treated our defeated foes infinitely worse than Daenerys ever did.  And across history, it was routine and accepted standard practice to put a city to the sword if it refused to surrender and then subsequently lost.  Julius Caesar did it.  Heck, Shakespeare speaks of this concerning King Henry vs. the French.  Everybody did it.  So of course Danerys would do it too.  This is a realistic medieval fantasy, not a unicorns and rainbows human rights summit.

Burning down a city you've already conquered is a bad idea, but it isn't an uncommon or out of character idea.  This was really how wars were fought up until 1945.  So I tip my hat to the creators of Game of Thrones who understood that reality.

I also discovered a new fun manga -- Monster no Goshujin-sama.  It's yet another isekai story with a gritty twist.  I like how willing the main character is to kill bad guys.  Someday I hope there are no more pussies left in all of fiction.  Maybe then people will be inspired to crack down on crime in the real world.

'It Can be Done' turned out to be a remix of 'e platoon's theme', so I squashed it.  That brings my music hall of fame back down to 5415.

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