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Sunday, March 3, 2019

New Game S2 Rewatched:

New Game is one of the many series I've despaired of ever seeing the blu-rays to.  It's been nearly two years since the anime aired, so it was time to rewatch it already, blu-ray or not.

It was a good season, but not as good as the first season.  I actually liked the scenes involving Nene more than the ones with Aoba.  Well, it was still very solid as seasons go.  Maybe once the manga completes its third game they'll make a third season?  Here's hoping.

Meanwhile, I caught up with 'They Say I was born a king's daughter,' which is apparently currently on hiatus.  I also read a new interesting isekai manhua, this time based off of a chinese novel, 'Release that Witch.'

It's short so far but I like how practical it is in describing the benefits of modern technology.  (Or not so modern, cement existed even in Roman times. . .)

'Sounan desuka?' is getting an anime this summer.  It's an intriguing manga that really goes into the nitty-gritty of how to survive on a deserted island, or just the wild in general.  It also has sympathetic characters you really want to root for to stay alive.  I guess I always felt it was little too graphic for me -- eating bugs and the like.  I'm not sure people can get too primitive without reverting back into wild beasts, and I have zero interest in nature documentaries about monkeys.

People were meant to live in society, in the midst of built up infrastructure, using all sorts of technological tools.  They aren't people otherwise.  Children raised by wolves are just really effective wolves, not humans.  We really have nothing in common with them.

Well, Sounan desuka isn't that primitive.  It's a community of four girls (and eventually more people show up), so there's still a society of sorts.  And they start making various infrastructure improvements like showers, so they don't just completely revert to wild animals.  It's just on the edge of complete barbarism, which makes me a little queasy but also extremely curious seeing as how there's no other story like it.

I predict, like Uchi no Musume, it will be a good but not great anime, just like it's a good but not great manga.  What I'm really hoping for is a Lazy Dungeon Master anime.  That would be great.

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