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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Let's Legalize Drugs:

Given that we cannot adopt the policies of Singapore, which have completely and totally successfully ended drug use in their country, because our citizenry is polluted with far too much wishy-washy fluffy care-bear nonsense, the next best alternative would be to legalize drugs completely.

Total drug legalization is better than the status quo for a variety of reasons:

If drugs were legalized, it would switch from a black and hispanic business, originating in South America, traveling up through Mexico, and then infiltrating every corner of America via diversity drug pusher gangs, to a white business that was cheap, safe, and normal through Walmart and Target. This would lower crime in America, because violent gangs wouldn't have any advantage over Walmart in selling drugs, so they would all be driven out of business. Furthermore, the vast profits in the drug trade are due entirely to their illegality. If they were legalized, we could make vast amounts of any drug to suit all Americans' needs for pennies. There would be no profit in smuggling artificially rare drugs into America, so all the violence in South America and Mexico would disappear overnight. This would save tens of thousands of lives and reroute trillions of dollars of the economy back into white hands. If people weren't paying such high premiums on drugs, I'm sure they could use the spare money for something else, like a nice house or car, in which case money would stay in America, and would employ other white people, instead of drug gangs in Mexico and black drug dealers in inner cities. The government could even benefit by taxing a business that existed out in the open instead of watching fruitlessly as vast sums are exchanged in the black market.

If drugs were legalized, I'm sure some large number of losers would get addicted, overdose, and die. Others would turn to theft to support their habits, or quit work, etc. This is all an acceptable price to pay. We have to remember these are all losers so it's no loss if they die anyway. No real person takes drugs. Nobody with any hope of having high utility would fall for such a hedonist, materialist, nihilist substance. There is no need to sympathize with losers, and really it's just a good way of culling the weak. To keep costs down, all we have to do is arrest drug using criminals like we do normal criminals, and refuse to treat drug users in our hospitals. There is no reason why we should treat anyone's injuries when they bring them upon themselves. Just let them all die in a gutter somewhere and good riddance.

Furthermore, if we legalized drugs, blacks would stop whining about how all blacks are in jail for non-violent drug offenses. They could not use it as an excuse that justifies their 'it's a white conspiracy' nonsense whenever we bring up black incarceration rates. We need jail to mean a specific thing, so that everyone in jail is a genuinely bad guy. It's not true that most blacks in jail are non-violent offenders. It's not even true that blacks are disproportionately in jail for drug use compared to whites. But we could get rid of this entire excuse without even having to debate these facts if we just legalized drugs. If we legalize drugs, all the black-on-black gang violence centered around the drug trade would disappear, as would all the non-violent drug dealers stuck in jail just for trying to make a living. Then we would finally see, without any obscuring smoke, how criminal blacks are innately, and how much crime they do just for the sadistic pleasure of it, without any economic incentives at all. Then we could point to these sadistic criminal blacks and say, clearly and unequivocally, that blacks are a public danger and must be restrained for the good of the community, without any liberals/libertarians talking about the evil drug war punishing innocent angels.

The War on Drugs is like the War on Terror, it's endless and the cure costs more than the disease. We should quit both wars and tell the drug users and terrorists to just do whatever they want. We'll ignore them and continue living our lives as normal, and it will turn out that this return to normalcy will be worth far more to the innocent people of America than any harm either group of bogeymen can do.

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