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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

By a Slender Reed

Justification for the white race's continued existence must come from the unique value whites bring to the table when they do exist. This value must come from the source of all values, Love, Beauty, Truth, and the continuation of life that makes it all possible.

Whites are the most beautiful people on earth. But beauty is not just external. White behavior and manners are as important as their outward shell in achieving beauty. Furthermore, most beauty in the world is created, not born, by works of art. The most beautiful things on Earth are not living people or natural landscapes but various works of art -- including movies, buildings, paintings, songs, novels, poems, and anything else that engages and edifies the mind. The white women of the British night life are not beautiful, even if they are blessed with all the trappings of beauty, because their manners and behavior degrade and depress anyone who sees them. The same is true of materialistic women more interested in makeup and fashion than modesty and kindness. If whites degrade their beauty, their genes cannot save them from a negative judgment of said beauty. They have to make at least some effort to purify their souls to match the fairness of their skin.

Nothing in our culture encourages or helps women become beautiful. Everything in our culture encourages and helps women to become ugly. The obesity rate in America is just one symptom of how we have lost our treasured beauty. Another symptom is how our women dress -- sloppy, workmanlike, with cropped hair and men's attire -- or an alternative of slutty, overly made-up, pierced, dyed-haired, 'counterculture.' Women are more beautiful when they wear skirts and dresses, they are more feminine and that is the source of a woman's beauty. Women in a t-shirt and jeans with short hair can still be beautiful, if they just have the right eyes, the right figure, the right walk, and the right voice. But it is an uphill struggle, a far cry from the olden days' portraits of girls of all ages, at school or at home, in beautiful frilly soft colors and forms. I submit that a young healthy white girl of modest demeanor can't Help but be beautiful in a white or soft colored dress. The fact that women have discarded beauty as irrelevant to their lives and prefer workman like clothing, or a 'come fuck me' look for a rave dance floor, tells us that our culture has lost track of its priorities and no longer cares about producing Beauty.

Our art has suffered likewise. America was never serious about producing beautiful art, we left that to the Europeans. But still, even then, we managed to build the wonderful buildings of Washington D.C. We produced the movie Gone With the Wind. We were not catatonic. Today, nine times out of ten, we produce movies like "Invictus," "The Blind Side," "Avatar," "Gran Turino," or "2012," whose sole purpose is to indoctrinate the same messages over and over, "whites are essentially evil, non-whites are essentially good, but a white can become good by allying with non-whites and destroying his fellow whites." It is the same message over and over, there's really little need to even see the movie anymore. The preview is enough. Art is simply gone, replaced by the madness of Modern Art, which looks like vague shapes smeared in vomit. Our music has likewise suffered. Not to be a musical purist, but there is no way one can compare this last decade of musicians to those even of the immediate past. Their music is too simple, too beat-oriented, too boring. Even this music is weak when compared to the wonders of celtic folk music, or the classical symphonies of Beethoven, Dvorak, and Wagner. Whatever fiction is being written, it's obvious that the most popular novels -- Harry Potter, Twilight -- are monstrously weaker than the works of Shakespeare, Gibbon, Dostoevsky, Dickens, or the greco-romans (Homer, Virgil, Euripides, Thucydides, Plato, Aristotle). It is just as Charles Murray said in Human Accomplishment: Ask yourself, what work of art belongs among these greats in the past 50 years? Then ask yourself after you have drawn up a list of all their names -- Seriously?

Wheel of Time is a series still in progress, so it's hard to judge how well it will stand the test of ages. Suffice to say it is probably the best we've got. Even then, I doubt many people will be reading Wheel of Time 50 or 100 years from now. Compare that to the Iliad, which people have loved for the last 2,000 years. It would surprise me if any contemporary author genuinely won a place in our pantheon of great literature.

All of our most beautiful buildings are ancient. Perhaps the combined skyline of a city like New York City can equal the Notre Dame Cathedral, but can anyone really look at a beautiful city in America without thinking about the crime, poverty, pollution, and corruption that infests its streets and apartments down below? Every major city is just a blight in America, a wasteland that has been lost to civilization, a necessary evil where people go to work but do not stay to live or have children. Beautiful cities like Paris, Moscow, and Berlin suffer the same fate. Surrounded on all sides by slums and ghettos, high crime and graffiti, gangs and poverty, these once bright cities that attracted the best people from around the continent to talk and study, build and perform, govern and produce, now attract the worst elements from the darkest corners of the third world, the idle, listless, stupid poor who move there only to wreck and destroy.

Whites are no longer beautiful to look upon nor do they produce anything of beauty. White existence can no longer be justified by appeals to beauty. Our culture has made us a rotten and ugly people.

Asians (and by this I mean East Asians) produce more beauty than whites. Asian women still act and look beautiful. In Japan, for instance, all girls must wear a dignified school uniform that always includes a skirt. There is very low obesity in Japan even though they could easily afford to gorge themselves just like we do. Their cities are perfectly clean. There are no slums or ghettos -- the very concept of them simply doesn't exist. Anywhere you go in Japan will be safe and well maintained. Asian divorce rates, illegitimacy rates, and other 'trashy' indicators are all in the single digits. What Asian women lose in external shells, they make up for by their femininity, modesty, dignity, and grace. When have you seen a western woman taking pains to sit in a graceful position? How about drink in a graceful manner? Little things add up.

Even though I know Japan best, I have little evidence to say South Korea or China is any worse in these behaviors. Perhaps they are, but it hardly matters, they would have to fall a great distance to reach parity with whites. The Beijing olympics were beautiful, the bird's nest stadium an amazing building, the opening ceremony incredible, and the closing ceremony a sad commentary on the difference between the bizarre, stupid 'London' presentation of all sorts of diversitys, including a dancing wheelchaired person, and the professionalism and masterly choreography of the homogeneous Chinese who came before them.

More importantly, the art that comes out of China and Japan consistently beats the art coming out of the west. Chinese movies include the Romance of the Three Kingdoms historical drama 'Red Cliff,' and films like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Hero, and Curse of the Golden Flower. All of these stories have powerful themes of duty, virtue, honor, and the terrible suffering life, even a good life, entails. The message they constantly send is that there are things bigger than yourself, that those who live for themselves are destroyers, those who live for others preservers of life, peace, and righteousness in this world. That often, it takes the sacrifices of those who live for others to stop those who would live for themselves, and those with honor accept this fate unflinchingly.

Japan's corpus of work is even vaster. A day doesn't go by without some amazingly good anime being shown -- for instance currently on air is Clamp's Kobato, a story about an angel coming down to earth to live a normal life and try to heal people's wounded hearts, who works at a nursery and takes care of kids she loves with all her heart. The goodness of the people who live in the town and work at the nursery is only matched by the harshness of their fiscal circumstances, which constantly require enormous sacrifice and struggle by Kobato, Sayaka, and Fujimoto just to keep on running. I mention this just to show the plethora of riches Japan has to offer -- I can endorse a series this highly, without even having to refer to 1 of the 50 animes I've already praised.

Novels like The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumya or Crest of the Stars easily surpass the trite and childish Harry Potter. Japan's music, which usually accompanies their anime, far surpasses the country or hip-hop styles of the west. Japan's video games still entertain the vast majority of the world -- and for all the addictive value of Blizzard's World of Warcraft, or Xbox's Halo, no one really argues they are beautiful like one could (and should) argue of Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Trigger, Ogre Battle, Xenogears, or Valkyria Chronicles.

No one in the west has told any story as heartrendingly powerful or touching as Clannad After Story.

So much for Beauty.

Let us discuss Truth. Everyone in the West lives a giant lie. For one thing, anyone who believes in the monotheistic religions is a deluded fool. There is no God, no afterlife, no miracles, no salvation. This world is all we have, and all values are of this world, and for this world. The East largely understands this. Aside from various superstitions and passing references to some sort of spirit world, they are grounded in the here and now, and do not allow important decisions to be made by ridiculous thousand year old story books. They control their religion, they don't let their religions control them.

Egalitarianism is a lie that has infected whites and only whites. While whites make complete fools of themselves, denouncing solid science for the sake of ridiculous environmentalist theories, East Asians maintain their homogeneity and nationalism as a matter of course. While whites spend trillions of dollars on useless crusades to make the world in its image, Chinese quietly buy natural resources in Africa and Japan maintains strict non-aggression curbs on their military.

Whites continue to outperform Asians when it comes to scientific breakthroughs, but what does it matter since Jews outperform whites in turn? The only argument our science gives us is that Jews should continue to live, not that whites should. To be 'uniquely good' is required for us to have any argument against our annihilation. If, after all, nothing is lost with our passing, what is the point of getting into a dudgeon over it? Jews will make all the necessary scientific progress the world needs even if whites cease to exist. If any argument on the basis of science can be made, it would be how whites need to protect and help Jews grow their population and preserve the jewish genome.

Even so, Truth is more than just the current level of technology in a country. It involves people's willingess to believe the Truth, to speak the Truth, to pursue Truth over lies, no matter where that leads. With the onset of 'hate speech' laws, Whites have shown they have no further interest in pursuing Truth. Diversity and Tolerance, yes. Truth, no. Whites no longer care about the Truth. They have deconstructed the Truth. Whites won't even accept the theory of evolution, we are so backward, so unwilling to face the naked Truth of this world. We are an un-scholarly people. We don't read books anymore, not even one a year. We don't read the Classics and try to learn from our past. We don't know our own history. In fact, Japanese probably know European and American history better than the average European or American does. What history we do know is a crock of lies. We are taught to hate ourselves for crimes we never did, using value systems we never should have adopted. Japan, which really has done terrible crimes and murdered and raped millions of people in its recent past, doesn't waste its time feeling guilty over any of it. The same for China, which killed tens of millions of its own people for no good reason. No one in China cries over it, or says China is the cancer of human history. They simply learn from their mistakes and move on.

People complain about China's censorship of the internet. But are they really censoring anything of value? Almost all products of the west are lies and sewage anyway -- including our belief in democracy. Every white country on Earth is going extinct and yet they want to export their governmental and ethical system to the rest of the world as some sort of great blessing. Give me a break. China is far better led than America.

Truth is also mystically wrapped up with Beauty. Piercing truths, like finding a connection between two, seemingly unrelated things, or revealing the nature of Man and the inner workings of our minds, are best told through art -- through Beauty. True Stories, stories that tear off the veil of illusion and reach the truths we carry in our hearts and souls, belong to those who produce the most beautiful art. We've already established that this trait is most present among East Asians. Therefore, they have the greatest portion of Truth as well.

Let us discuss Love then. There are probably two ways to best measure love in a culture. First, statistics such as divorce rates, number of sexual partners, adultery rates, and the like. Whites underperform Asians in all of these statistics. Second, you could look at love stories. If you can understand the ideal romance of a culture, what people think of as the most romantic union possible, you can probably understand the depth of their feelings of love. Are there any love stories told by whites anymore? We could look at Twilight -- but who would call that love? Being attracted to a supernaturally attractive, powerful, cultured, dangerous, bad-boy superman? That isn't a love story. That's a hormone story. The same for her second love interest the bare-breasted muscular motorcycle repairing werewolf. More of the same. More of the same adolescent fantasy without any hint at sublime, self-sacrificial love. When I think of contemporary culture, my mind draws a complete blank. The most recent love stories whites told was Onegin by Pushkin, and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. After that my mind draws a complete blank. Most teenage romance movies are modeled after Shakespearean plays. That doesn't show any contemporary understanding or veneration for love in our society.

Meanwhile, I can yet again present the best love story in Japan, Clannad After Story. A couple who meet in high school, one sickly, the other shiftless, who encourage and help each other into normal good citizen roles. The struggle the boy has to support his new family, the pain of losing his wife in childbirth, the pain of losing his child to illness, and after all of it, his reaffirmation that he would meet her all over again and walk down the same path all over again, just to have been with her those few years, speaks of love's strength more powerfully than anything the West has ever dared. That he loved her too much to trade it, all the pain, all the suffering, all the loss, for anything. That is true love. I can point to the love story in Da Capo SS or Da Capo II SS, Kanon or Air, any of a plethora of choices. The love in these stories is more thorough, more self-sacrificial, more willing to endure and suffer hardship, more invincibly impossible to break, more devoted, more touching and soft (instead of sexual and hormonal), more everything that sings of true love.

Of course, love isn't so narrow as to only include romantic pairs. It also includes love of friends and family. Love of country and folk. And ultimately, love of the universe in all of its unbearable brightness and agony of being. The ability to embrace what Is, despite all its drawbacks, is the final test of love. Love of life, love for life, is the alpha and omega. Compare the cheerful stories of Japanese anime to the continuous futuristic dystopias of western movies. Tell me, which has more love of life? K-ON, a story about four girl friends enjoying their high school life as part of a music club? Or 2012, the story of how the world ends? Or Legion, or The Wolfman, or The Book of Eli, or whatever is currently being shown -- it's always a horror movie, or an apocalypse movie, or just some depressing movie like Batman full of depressing characters and death.

Chinese movies speak with almost every brush stroke their love for the beautiful land they inhabit, its majestic beauty, the strength and self-sacrificial devotion of its inhabitants, the wisdom and courage of its leaders. They tell of heroes doing great deeds. We write about the world ending, people dying, and anti-heroes who have as many faults as they have virtues. Whose hearts are truly loving? Do whites want to compete on the level of familial love with China? Everyone knows we don't stand a chance. Whites no longer keep ties with their extended family. Whites no longer even preserve ties with their nuclear family.

It used to be that Asians were too cold towards each other. They rarely let love even enter the practicality of their relationships. Even though they enjoyed stable relationships, often they lived in separate spheres, rarely communicating. When whites entered their culture and presented them with an alternative way of life, when we told them our love stories and showed how dearly we hugged and kissed our wives even in public, we probably gave Asians a great gift they will not forget. But what do we have to offer them NOW? They have accepted all the good things about White love, and rejected all the bad things. They have surpassed us. While the Japanese celebrate Christmas, we can't even set up trees anymore for fear of giving offense, and celebrate some sort of all encompassing 'winter break.' In the same way, Asian love stories have incorporated the affection and tenderness of white romance, long after we've abandoned and retreated from it. Now they are the only sign of our ever having been.

Whites hang by a slender reed over the ash heap of history. Not only have we lost our will to live, we've largely lost our right to live as well. The broad strokes of our civilization are ugly and empty -- the beauty, love, and truth of our people burn in isolated pockets, heated coals, river water that flows on beneath the ice. If the virtues that animated our ancestors formed the daylight of the sun, the brightness of today's whites are like fireflies blinking on and off in the night. We are few, so very few, so far fewer than we ought to be, and have been. These keepers of the ineffable flame.

The survival of our race is now for the sake of those few scattered sparks, here and there, who still live a good and decent life. Who still sing the ancient songs, read the ancient lore, love their family, tell the truth, scorn riches, take pride in the health and sanctity of their bodies, defend the weak, and honor the strong -- that remnant of a remnant. How can I even describe them? Imagine the Rohirrim from Lord of the Rings. People like that. People who still think and live like that. Or if you prefer, the Lensmen from E.E. Doc Smith's writing. Or the pilots from Zindell's Requiem for Homo Sapiens. These are the people that must be preserved. These are a genetic and cultural strand that should not be lost, that the world can ill afford to lose. America and Europe may have discredited themselves through their own behavior and products. But we do not all agree with the way our countries have gone. We don't all endorse it. There is a small voice which has spoken for alternative ideals, alternative values, alternative art, and it IS growing. Its membership is growing every day. Say what you like about whites -- but don't destroy us too.

We still deserve to live.

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