Blog Archive

Tuesday, March 11, 2025


For around $20 I purchased the premium and light passes of Heaven Burns Red, which gave me enough quartz to get to my SS Guaranteed ticket.  I calculated it out and there was just no way to reach my target in time otherwise.  I didn't want to waste all the effort to achieve my goal I'd already made and miss out on the opportunity as well as all the sunk cost.

There are two bright sides to this decision:  after delivering such a magnificent game, the best game ever made, I don't mind supporting Yostar with my money.  Hopefully this will encourage them to keep releasing the game in the USA and translating it into English.  Fans like me need to step up and provide the resources they need to deliver the product or the product will be canceled midway.  That's the last thing I want.  I would be willing to pay much more for the game if it guaranteed they would translate all of it.

The other bright side is the SS Memoria I got from my hard-earned ticket was Muua, one of the sextuplets and a healer.  I love 31-E, the sextuplet sisters, so getting an SS memoria version of her is especially nice.  (I now have 5 out of the 6 sextuplets at SS level.  I can almost field the whole squad as-is).  And that she's a healer expands my capabilities moving forward.  She's only the 2nd SS healer I own, and the game has started demanding I field two squads in combat at once, so being able to give both those squads an all-important healer is basically essential to all my future combat victories.  She couldn't have come at a better time.

Healers are also useful in gig mode, keeping the band alive long enough to reach the end of the song.  If I could make a powerful enough healing focused squad maybe I could satisfy gig mode's 'intermediate' level of skill and unlock a lot of extra rewards thereby.  The hard difficulty of gig mode is absolutely impossible, I don't even understand what the symbols mean or what it's asking me to do.  But if I were just a little bit stronger I feel like I could beat the intermediate mode.

I also took the opportunity to 'relive memories' to fill out the game's art gallery.  Now I've made all the branching route choices necessary to unlock all 299 works of art currently in the game.  You can call it a 'full clear.'

Full clears suck, I want to keep playing Heaven forever. >.<.  To be fair though, I still have plenty of new games left to play, and March Madness is only a week away.  It's just difficult to step down from 'the best game ever' to doing anything else in life.

P.S.:  I promoted 'Bubble Rise' to my 5-star music hall of fame, demoting Snake Remains Chamber and assorted other ilk to maintain symmetry.  There are still exactly 1,100 songs in each tier, and the songs are rated accurately.  Victory!

P.P.S.:  In Japan Heaven Burns Red is currently 5 chapters long, but the sixth chapter is in the works.  By the time America gets all of Chapter 5 I suspect Japan will have a chapter 6.

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