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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Ciga Choco:

The newest entrant to my Music Hall of Fame is 'Ciga Choco,' from of course Heaven Burns Red.  To make room I kicked out another weak Valkyrie Profile song.  While I was at it I also promoted 5 of the Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest songs to 3-star, demoting Beethoven classicals to make room.  This caused a chain reaction in my '100 Waifus' playlist as there were now 5 more eligible songs (3-star or above songs) that could represent Fairy Tail characters.  When possible a Fairy Tail theme should represent a Fairy Tail character, so I also changed their songs to more suitable ones.  Now every Fairy Tail character has a Fairy Tail theme personally matched to them.

All in all my music hall of fame is still symmetrical and correctly rated, which is as it should be.  Anyone interested in the details can always check my music permapost.

The SS Memoria I got from the guaranteed ticket was totally useless.  It was Sumomo's base form SS Memoria, when I already have a level 2 limit break version of her in swimsuit mode.  Aside from some edge case where I need a powerful lightning breaker instead of a lightning attacker (like, say, if I were farming Amon B for some strange reason), it's completely unusable.  It's about the worst SS Memoria I could have gotten.  Well, at least I did get Tama in swimsuit mode, a stroke of luck which I'll never forget.  Next month I'll purchase another premium pass which will give me one more SS Memoria guaranteed ticket, after which the fun times will end and there will be no more easy routes to SS glory.  Hopefully that one will give me Megumi. . .

Meanwhile, I promoted Keke to my Fictional Character Hall of Fame.  She wasn't a good fit for '100 Waifus' because her name is spelled Keke but pronounced Kuku.  The book is complex enough without unnecessary complications like that.  But she's actually a wonderful girl.  When she performed as center, in Absolute Lover, I absolutely loved her.  The very first Liella performance, Tiny Stars, was also special because of her.  She's basically the heart and soul of Liella, the reason it formed in the first place, the passion that led it to unprecedented success.  The Shanghai arc concerning her was the best in Season 3, and virtually all of season 1 is about her.  To learn that she's not only a talented performer but the top of her class in Shanghai (which is the highest scoring city for school students in the entire world) makes me marvel at her determination to make it big as an artist when she didn't even have to.  She could've become a doctor or lawyer or whatever, but she staked everything on moving to Japan and learning to dance and sing.  That's so amazing, and that she was good enough to succeed makes it all the sweeter.

Also, congratulations to High Point, Omaha and Southern Illinois-Edwardsville for their first appearance in March Madness.  The Dance is great at producing Cinderellas.

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