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Thursday, December 19, 2024

Amphibians for the win:

The current diabolical system that controls everything, including what people think inside their own heads, only lacks sway over two different groups of people:  those who can naturally see through the system's lies, and those whom the system have so egregiously injured that they cannot help but see its injustice.

Being able to see through lies and propaganda isn't difficult to the people who can do so, it's like breathing it comes so naturally.  Everything the system says is obviously a lie and there isn't even a necessary argument to come to believe it.  At the same time it is impossible for people who see through the lies to convince other people the system is lying, because it's like convincing people to breathe through their gills.  It's easy for those of us who have gills, and impossible for those who don't.

Once you've become so victimized by the ruling system that you have to believe it's wrong, despite all your initial instincts and premises, you have also been rendered helpless and powerless precisely due to the severity of that victimization.  If you're only slightly injured by the system, it's easy to shrug the injustice off as 'bad luck.'  You can say 'generally the system works but in my case it didn't.'  But when you're Derek Chauvin and you know for a fact you did nothing out of the ordinary when restraining George Floyd that day and are rotting in jail for murder (of a thug who stuck a gun into the belly of a pregnant woman while invading her home), you finally know the system is rotten and broken to its core -- and you're in jail and your reputation has been shredded beyond restoration.  So you have absolutely no influence on the remaining captured citizens of your country who believe the brainwashing that you're the problem, not the system that demonized you.

This is why it's impossible to bring down the system.  The only people who are not slaves to it have no influence over it.  They cannot persuade the larger public that something is desperately wrong, so perverted and twisted that it cannot be reformed but only destroyed.  There is something biologically different between people who don't believe obvious lies and people who do, they may as well be different species, and they cannot interact.  Like neutrinos we pass through the public our voices unheard.

It's not like we, who believe the truth, have special access to information the rest of the country lacks.  We are operating from the exact same facts that have been published in mainstream news articles and scientific papers all across the world.  The difference is in our ability to interpret facts in a way different from how the government spins the facts.  When I notice that every single aid giving body in the world, including up to the President of the United States, says Israel is denying the Gaza Strip sufficient food aid to survive, I put two and two together and realize this is an attempted genocide aimed at all the men, women and children of Gaza, not an 'anti-terrorist police action.'  For those who can't see this obvious fact and believe the government when they say that Israel is 'only attacking Hamas' and is some sort of humane Western democracy we should all worship and admire, pointing out that every single official spokesman on Earth is saying Israel is attempting a genocide via starvation (the most common form of genocide, by the way -- look at the Holodomor, the Irish famine, the Great Leap Forward, etc.), is not sufficient evidence to break through what they heard from the news or at church or at school, that Israel is a wonderful country and Jews are a wonderful ethnicity that would never harm innocents.  Instead they'll just dismiss everything everybody is saying, including Biden himself, by explaining it all as the ravings of antisemites.

Likewise, when every single scientific study ever made shows there is a large genetic component to IQ, and that the genes that code for higher IQ are unevenly distributed between the races, I can put two and two together and realize blacks are biologically inferior creatures.  The public at large, however, will listen to some expert on the news or at university somewhere say that's 'pseudoscience' and 'real science' says all the races are equal and IQ is a pure figment of the imagination with no basis in reality whatsoever.  In fact, races themselves don't exist and that too is a figment of the imagination, never mind what your own lying eyes are telling you.

People like me who can obviously see that's a lie can point to various correlations between IQ and success in school, at work, in marriage, and even in length of life, proving that IQ is real and explains completely the variation in success between the races, as their success tracks perfectly to their IQ -- Asians at the top, whites next, Hispanics next, and blacks last.  This pattern wouldn't emerge if IQ were meaningless or races weren't real.  Therefore the science is not pseudoscience but accurately explaining the world we see around us every day.

People like me can also point out the scientific studies showing IQ is genetic, not environmental, by pointing to the Minnesota Transracial Adoption study, where blacks were raised by white parents, thus having exactly the same environment as whites, and ended up with the same adult IQ, or maybe a point or two higher, than blacks raised by black parents in presumably much worse environments.  I can also point to the modern statistical wizards who have isolated thousands of SNP's that reliably correlate with higher IQ between individuals, which shows a concrete genetic basis for your total IQ score building block by elementary building block.  These statisticians have already explained something like 40% of people's IQ with the SNP's they've already found, and every year their data samples grow and that percentage grows.  The same person taking an IQ test on two different days has an 80% correlation between the two test scores, and an identical twin of that person also has an 80% correlation, proving that genes account for 80% of IQ.  If you're genetically identical you may as well be the same person.

But no matter how much mainstream, published evidence I provide, no one will listen, because they were trained by the 'experts' to dismiss all such 'kookery' as 'pseudoscience.'  So if you say 'Israel is depriving the Gaza Strip of necessary food, medicine and water, which by logical necessity, because man is mortal and requires certain things to survive, will result in the complete genocide of that population,' you're an 'antisemite,' and if you say 'twin studies show IQ is genetic,' you're a 'pseudoscientist.'  No matter how thorough or rigorous your argument is, it cannot beat the label the government slaps on you, which warns people to dismiss you out of hand, without a hearing, without ever turning their brains on.

Due to various loyalty tests the system runs from school onwards, it's impossible to become an 'expert' which the government gives people the 'license to believe,' and then say the truth.  All truth tellers are rooted out long before they're given their expert status.  If somehow an expert does go rogue all that happens is they strip the person of his 'expert' status and say 'actually he was a kook all along, never mind what he said.'  So long as the majority of 'experts' denounce the rogue 'expert,' people will believe what the majority of 'experts' are saying is the consensus truth.  The system is foolproof.

If you point out that Yanukovych was the freely and fairly elected President of Ukraine before being overthrown by violent riots rather than defeated in an election, which all mainstream sources willingly report, and therefore the new government in Ukraine cannot be deemed as the legitimate reflection of the will of the people (which logic dictates), which then allows for groups seeking liberation from tyranny to secede (as America did under the battle cry 'no taxation without representation'), which also allows said seceded groups to join with whoever else they please (as Texas did in 1845 and America accepted), and if you accept the mainstream, western OSCE and their video tape evidence showing that Ukraine in February of 2022 dramatically increased its massive military shelling of the Donbass weeks before Russia intervened, proving that Russia was acting in self-defense of its allies, then from purely mainstream, acknowledged facts, you can reason that Russia's invasion was not 'brutal and unprovoked.'  It was just and a humane attempt to prevent a genocide, not start one.  You can line up all these logical and historical principles and all the facts that are readily acknowledged by the other side to no avail, however, because the other side can just call you a "Putin fanboy" and your whole argument dissolves into dust.  You see, the real reason I support Russia in this war is because I want to have gay sex with a 70+ year old short bald man, not because of any of the reasons given, and therefore my opinion can be dismissed out of hand.

There are no winning arguments against this overwhelming power of 'experts' backed by 'majorities' who wield labels instead of logic.  I have tried for decades, I'm now well aware how utterly fruitless it is.  When I was young I believed that if I just honed my wordcraft, made my facts more ironclad, my reasoning easier to follow, that everyone would have to believe the truth, that they'd all come around.  If I just wrote the next article a little bit better everything would work out.  Now I realize the complete futility of persuasion and have stopped bothering.

With all that as prelude, I'll finally get to my main point -- the only way to defeat the system is to outlive it, and the only way to outlive it is to be able to succeed while living under it, and be able to succeed when it's finally out of the way.  This is why we must all become amphibians.  We must be able to breathe within the system, and without the system.  The system is self-destructive, it cannot indefinitely continue.  When you live counter to reality eventually reality wins.  This is true of every historical epoch and every land on Earth.  It happened to the communists, it happened to the Romans, it happened to the Incas and Aztecs, it happened everywhere.  It's easy to succeed within the system, you just have to sell your soul to the system, and become one of those 'experts' with a license to lie.  So long as the system survives you'll be rich, popular, earn all sorts of accolades, whatever.  But you'll have lost all spiritual goods like honor and pride, like integrity and freedom, and on top of that you'll also lose all your material goods when the system comes crashing down, like being a member of the politburo of the Communist Party in 1988.  You will be a fish, not an amphibian, and you'll suffocate soon enough.  Or your children will, if you raise them in your values, and the empire comes crashing down after you're dead, which spiritually and genetically speaking is the same thing as if it happened to you directly.

If your soul is so utterly crushed by the injustice of the system that you cannot find any way to coexist with it, then you'll die long before the system does, which makes you a reptile, not an amphibian.  You could not breathe in the water until the tide receded and left you free to breathe the air.  You failed just like the fish failed.  This is the vital question in life, how to coexist with a system while not becoming part of it (if you integrate into it then you'll be a fish, not an amphibian).  That CEO shooter Luigi failed to coexist with the system so now he's in jail for murder.  He failed.  Every drug addict or homeless bum failed.  Everybody who's unhappy or commits suicide failed.  They were crushed by the system and found no way out (other than joining the system, at which point their souls disappeared and they became fish).

One of the points of this blog is to show people that it is possible to be an amphibian, to succeed, to be happy, living under this system, while not becoming the system, and being ready to live in a future that's radically different from this system.  By constantly reminding people that there is a happy present that can escort us to the free and just future, I dissuade people from becoming reptiles who are crushed by the system or fish who are suborned by the system.  I give people a golden path.

The key to amphibious life is to never lie, to accept whatever loss in status, friends, lovers, wealth, job opportunities, etc. it takes, but never lie.  Never support the official version of events that justifies genocide or jailing innocent cops or whatever.  Never become the injustice.  Hold your tongue if you must, but never lie.  At the same time, it's important to realize that all those friends, all that status, all that wealth, was never the key to happiness or spiritual wellbeing to begin with.  That happiness can and should be found elsewhere, in the innate goodness of things, and by having a direct relationship with those things, that no outside human intermediary can deny you.  The goodness of God, the goodness of art, the goodness of the fictional characters displayed within that art, the goodness of the virtues and values those fictional characters embodied, the goodness of your own soul and emotions that respond to said forces.  You can coexist with the system by realizing they can't take anything important away from you, no matter how hard they try.  You can obey all their laws and not be sent to jail or shot in a battle or whatever and just outlast them.  You can peacefully, patiently await their doom.  Because you're operating from a calm, serene, happy place that could potentially live in this same manner forever.  Amphibians do not choke or need to hold their breath underwater.  They can stay underwater as long as required of them.  It doesn't take an extreme exertion or heroic effort to breathe underwater.  They can do so effortlessly.

I have trained my soul to be happy within the world of anime, games, music, visual novels and books I can surround myself with at very low price -- basically the price of an internet subscription and a new computer every ten years.  If I can do it anyone else can too.  By constantly talking about the newest happy activity I'm undertaking I prove that this happiness is genuine, not a 'sour grapes' cope, and a healthy alternative to vices like smoking, drinking, gambling, drugs, overeating, etc. -- and a healthy alternative to selling your soul to Satan and becoming a government worker/propagandist.  I want to show that there is something better on offer for those who wish to be good but also don't want to suffocate to death like the other reptiles.  I want to offer my open hand to them to join me on this journey through life towards redemption -- in a political future that recognizes obvious truths, or in the afterlife where ultimately God will reveal whose side she was on all along.  Sooner or later we will all be vindicated, so the key until then is patience.  Just breathe, as it were.

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