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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Music hall of fame adjusted:

I've already listened to Unicorn Overlord's music for 220 hours, so I'm pretty sure I know how good it is without a lengthy trial period.  You can say it's already had a very lengthy trial period.  As a result, I went ahead and fitted the 16 surviving songs into my music hall of fame immediately.

I tried to keep their ratings down because a) the music of Unicorn Overlord isn't actually that great, and b) it makes it easier to fit songs in when I don't have to demote as many songs.  As a result 1 song was given a 1-star rating, 14 a 2-star rating, and only 1 a 4-star rating (the best song in Unicorn Overlord is Cornia Overworld (Day).)

To make room at the bottom I deleted Eternal Promise entirely, and merged to death 20 other short songs into 5.  Now there isn't a single song in my hall of fame shorter than 30 seconds in length.  There's now a hard barrier saying you cannot be great at that length, the minimum floor is 30 seconds.  Going with the theory that short songs can't be as good as long ones, I demoted the necessary 4-star song, 'Shop,' for the crime of being the shortest song in its tier, and the necessary 2-star songs, ranging from Final Fantasy to Mega Man to Chrono Trigger, for being the shortest in their tier.  That made life easy because I didn't have to specifically listen to every song in the tier to discover the exact eleven worst songs, etc.  The method isn't perfect but it's better than nothing, and it keeps the tiers balanced.

Most of the merged songs were by Nobuo Uematsu, Motoi Sakuraba, Hitoshi Sakimoto or Masaharu Iwata.  They already have so many points they hardly notice when a few are shorn from them like this.  The new composers honored in my music hall of fame are chiefly Mitsuhiro Kaneda, with 17 points worth of Unicorn Overlord music, and Yoshimi Kudo, with 12.

This is the last time I merge music to make room for a soundtrack, though.  There aren't any overly short songs left to merge.  Plus I'm already punishing completely innocent short songs from the higher tiers just to make room.  From here on if I want to add music I'll simply expand my 5500 top favorite songs to whatever the new total is.  No subtraction, only addition.  Also, I don't plan on keeping the tiers even any further than this.  If I want to add in a new 5-star song, I don't have to find a 'bad' 5-star song to demote.  There aren't any bad 5-star songs to demote, so I'll just add the music wherever I see fit and subtract nothing.  Starting from five even tiers of 1100 the balance will still hold in the main for quite some time.  I said after Granblue Fantasy I would never put this much work into my music hall of fame again, and I stand by that sentiment.  This is the best organized the music hall of fame will ever be.

While I was at it I also promoted taiju no mura to 2-star and demoted track 69 from FF 14 to make room.

For people who want to check out the hall of fame while it's still pretty, there's always my permapost on the right bar with all the details, which has all been updated to the present moment~

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