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Monday, March 4, 2024

Dune: Part 2 was great as expected:

I had already listed Dune in my great movies hall of fame, and now the movie has been released in its totality.  This is truly one movie covering one book, the two parts don't make any sense without each other.  The plot was pretty simple -- the Fremen were more powerful than the Harkonnen so they liberated Dune from the occupiers, with Paul taking the opportunity to become Galactic Emperor while he was at it.

What stood out about this movie was the immersive visuals.  All that sand, the fleets of futuristic vehicles, the impressive Fremen prayer gatherings and war meetings with everyone shouting and lifting daggers.  Everything felt so epic, dangerous and big.  In particular Paul riding the Sandworm and how just being on one meant enduring a sandstorm blowing in your face was amazing.  This is a movie really designed for a movie theatre screen.

Meanwhile, Trump was also triumphant today, as the Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that states did not have the authority to remove him from the presidential ballot.  Now that he's allowed to run for President his victory is virtually assured.  He's way up in the polls and the situation in Ukraine and Gaza is only going to worsen for Biden before November.  Only an assassination could stop Trump now.  Hopefully Trump's victory will be accompanied by a red wave that secures the House and Senate for us too, so we can really enact change, but I'm not sure.  It may be that Biden personally is unpopular because he's a decrepit criminal, while the democrat philosophy is actually more popular than the republican.  I suspect it will be a divided power like always.  But there's lots Trump can do on his own.  He's the commander in chief so he has sole control over foreign policy.  He can issue executive orders to enforce already passed laws about illegal immigration.  He can veto bad bills and appoint good judges.  It's still going to be great for America.

I've downloaded the good songs from the Granblue Fantasy Relink soundtrack but haven't had much time to judge them, because I'm busy with FF7 Rebirth.  But it is an amazing soundtrack.

FF7 Rebirth is everything I wanted it to be, massive, beautiful and emotional.  Yuffie is so appealing in this new version of events.  They've made her into such a strong and deep character compared to the original.  In this first playthrough I ended up on a date with Tifa at the Gold Saucer, which is fine by me, but rather strange because Aerith was in my active party the whole time while Tifa wasn't.  I thought for sure I'd be dating Aerith.  Maybe she's harder to get than Tifa?  When all is said and done, and all three parts of FF7 Remake are out, this will be the best game ever made.  I hope the next game comes soon, not four years from now like this time took.  But for now I still need to beat this part 2 of the game.

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