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Thursday, January 25, 2024

Latest survey says 28% of Gen Z is LGBTQ:

I'm not making this stuff up.  Essentially 1/3 of all children in America have been murdered, as it's impossible to live a fulfilling life while stuck in dead-end sex-based (instead of child and family based) relationships.

Nor am I making up the unenviable position of LGBTQ'ers.  On their own surveys they say they're more depressed, more mentally ill and more prone to suicide.  There is a direct correlation between engaging in unnatural and unproductive sex acts and unhappiness.

Nor am I making up LGBTQ'ers risks to others as well as themselves -- obviously they are trying to spread their ideology to vulnerable children, who will also become unhappy if convinced -- but putting that aside these people are 10 times as likely to be sex predators and 100 times as promiscuous, which then leads to the spread of novel dangerous diseases to everyone via bisexuals.  They are a public danger and a public health risk.  Australia decided it was okay to round up all the unvaccinated and put them in camps because they might spread Covid, so it stands to reason that LGBT people, who might spread STD's, should also be rounded up and put in camps.  After all STD's are far more damaging and deadly than Covid ever was.

This gay wave is the biggest problem in the first world right now.  Everything else pales in comparison.  Suppose I were to say that a mysterious disease has spread among the youth, sterilizing 1/3 of them.  Wouldn't that be the biggest issue in America today?  And yet a mysterious mental fad which makes people choose to be sterile is met with total silence and apathy.  Sometimes mental viruses are more damaging than physical ones.  When they produce effects this dramatic quarantine measures are more necessary than we already have for tuberculosis.  Anyone can see it.  The logic is simple.

A culture that cannot replicate itself is evil and destined to fail.  The very first requirement of any belief system is that the people who hold it can survive and reproduce into the future.  Any morality that results in death, whether immediate or 100 years from now, is a priori false.  Morality is meant to guide humanity down a path of flourishing, with more and better life than what came before.  If it can't do that it can't be called morality.  If a system is guiding people towards their own unhappiness and death that's called Satan, and anything pertaining to that system is called Satanic.  We have now created the Satanic States of America and schools are nothing but Satan clubs for kids to learn how best to become servants of Satan.

Meanwhile, the nation's youth struggles to afford basic amenities like food, rent and utilities.  They are behind on utility payments more than ever before, and a larger percentage of their income goes to rent than ever before.  Forget about owning a house, that dream is more out of reach than ever before as well -- if you compare annual salary to the price of a home, it was easier to own a home at any time in our past than it is today.  So the children are being squeezed from all sides.  On one side is the economy which suits the old and the entrenched and the rich and the powerful and on the other is the media/schools which preach a deathstyle to them starting at age 3.  Of course, crime is also way up, which also tends to hit 20-somethings harder than anyone else.  And of course drug overdoses are at all time highs, which also impacts the same youth group.

If the country were trying to genocide Gen Z it wouldn't be doing any better than it is doing today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The dude who writes a mary sue novel about fucking anime children is worried about what gen z is doing.