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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The benefits of careful accounting:

I did correctly count 300 franchises in my book and in my new post, but I noticed my math didn't add up for either my visual novel or manga halls of fame.  After carefully looking over my visual novel hall of fame, I saw that from my 'new 300' post I had 25 great visual novels, but from my visual novel hall of fame I only had 20.  So I added To Heart 2, Clannad/Side Stories/Tomoyo After, Aiyoku, Dal Segno and Fate/hollow ataraxia to my visual novel hall of fame.  I had originally counted Dal Segno as part of the Da Capo franchise but to reach the nice round number of 25 I broke Dal Segno off.  The 'new 300' post likewise had split apart Da Capo and Dal Segno which was how it had reached 25.

Then I did the math for my manga listings and my 'new 300' listed 86 manga of note.  My manga hall of fame has 75 and 12 were in my 'new 300' that weren't in my manga hall of fame, which adds up to 87, not 86.  So I went on a long and arduous journey to figure out what manga was missing that was making the numbers not add up.  After hours of tedious labor I discovered the missing link, 'Full Moon O Sagashite' was in my manga hall of fame but not in my 'new 300' or my '100 Waifus' book.  Did this mean there wasn't a fictional character from that work in my book?  No, there was, I carefully checked that too.  I just had forgotten to list the franchise from which the character, Mitsuki, was sourced.  So I edited my book to properly list Mitsuki's forgotten franchise.

It's great that I fixed this glaring error in my book.  But unfortunately that meant I was yet again at 301 great franchises, not the 300 I had worked so hard for.  So I did a simple accounting trick and combined the franchises of Da Capo and Dal Segno, since they do share a common world with characters who mention each other.  It's one of those lumpers or splitters options that could go either way, and by lumping the two together I had rescued my ideal 300 number.  Then I corrected my 'new 300' post to match this new reality in my book, resulting in 24 visual novel franchises praised there.

Likewise, because I can lump or split this franchise as I see fit, for the purposes of my visual novel hall of fame, the series remain split, so I can have a nice even 25 great visual novel franchises.  Like a Shrodinger's cat the series can be combined or split simultaneously.  If someday I come across another good visual novel, I can always lump Da Capo and Dal Segno back together again and add in the new star, at which point everything will be lined up again.

The 12 spare referenced manga can be added as necessary to my manga hall of fame in case future anime announcements eliminate any value added to the current 75.  It's good to have this reservoir, as we saw recently with Prince of Tennis and Card Captor Sakura, the manga hall of fame is always vulnerable to being animated and thus no longer being worthwhile as a manga anymore.  But with 12 extra manga to call upon, anytime a new anime is announced, for instance Dragon Ball Super gets a new season, I can quickly slot back in Hunter x Hunter or whatever and all will be well.

When I read through '100 Waifus' for the 38th time I didn't find this error, but via this backwards checking and double checking to make sure all these other posts lined up, I did find the error before my 39th read through, so it's still possible for my 39th read through of the novel to come up with no errors and be perfect!

Meanwhile, Ron Unz made a convincing case that pro-Barak Obama people silenced two or three gay lovers of Obama from his infamous Trinity United church by shooting them in the back of the head during his initial run for the presidency.  Back then having lots of gay lovers was seen as a minus in politics, you see, so these guys had to go.  Their murders have never been solved to this day, which sure is convenient.  It was the deaths of these men which led Larry Sinclair to very publicly talk about his gay sex and drug use with Obama, so that if he were killed later it would look like Obama was covering something up.  I never knew about any of this until Ron Unz's new article, but the evidence is overwhelming and there's no other possible explanation for the known facts.  Obviously Obama must have known about these murders and is complicit in them, otherwise these shadowy forces wouldn't have known who to kill.  So now we have Joe Biden the money-grubbing rapist and child molester, Obama the gay orgy drug using murderer, and Bill Clinton the drug using, child molesting, serial killing rapist.  The last three Democratic presidents of our country have universally been the absolute dregs and scum of the Earth.  And Hillary won the popular vote, who is guilty of the exact same crimes as Bill.  What is wrong with this country?  With democrats?  Why do they vote for these people, and why are they the majority?  How can 330 million people be so evil for so long?

No other leadership class of any other country is so rife with personal sins.  Many other countries have cold blooded killers as their leaders who, say, genocide millions of undesirables as a matter of political policy.  But no other country has installed (or attempted to install) four rulers in a row who, for nothing but petty personal desires, goes around murdering, stealing, raping and molesting children.  It just doesn't happen.  It's unthinkable.  Killing for political reasons, sure.  Taking cocaine and engaging in gay orgies and then covering it up by killing everyone else in the orgy?  Never.  Unthinkable.  Either the person would never rise to power if he did stuff like that, or he wouldn't do it in the first place because he wanted to rise to power.  America is, once again, uniquely evil in all of world history.  We just keep making new records of perfidy and depravity.

Speaking of perfidy, the New York Times now admits that Ukraine missiled its own city, killing lots of civilians, and then blamed it on Russia.  Now that it's established by the newspaper of record that Ukraine does this, that its government is willing to do this, why can we not question how the people really died in Bucha, Izyum, Mariupol or anywhere else Ukraine has claimed Russians killed civilians?  How do we know for sure those weren't also false flag attacks?  Once you establish you're willing to do something once, it's established you're willing to do it for all time, for many times, for as often as it benefits you.  And what has benefited Ukraine more than Russian atrocity propaganda?

Are we crazy conspiracy theorists for saying Ukraine did the exact same thing in Bucha that the New York Times said Ukraine did in Konstantinovka?  Why is one different from the other?  Where is the evidence that the two are any different?

This fact, which democrats admit to so cannot be contested anymore, requires all intellectually honest people to rethink everything they've ever heard about this war.  Every single press statement that came out of Ukraine must be considered suspect, because it is now ironclad proven that Ukraine is lying to us about civilian deaths.  (Actually it's lying to us about everything, but whatever.)

Who really broke the dam?  Who was shelling the nuclear power plant all this time?  Everything must be reconsidered.  An intellectually honest person would realize they've been bamboozled by evil liars for years now, that atrocity after atrocity has been false flagged against Russia while actually being Ukraine all along.  That the enemy of the world isn't Russia, but Ukraine, for attempting to genocide innocent civilians, and then attempting to start World War III and kill us all when Russia attempted to stop the attempted genocide of civilians.  This one fact should be enough to make everyone turn their entire conception of the war over in their heads.  It should be enough to prove I was right all along.

It is now established fact that Ukraine will kill civilians and then blame Russia for it for political gain.  The New York Times tries to paper it over by saying it was an 'accident,' but there's nothing accidental about knowing you did something and still blaming it on the other party.  Even if it began as an accident, it ended as a false flag attack, because that's what they turned it into.  Maybe all the people who died at Bucha were also 'accidents.'  It doesn't matter if you accidentally kill someone or deliberately kill someone, once you've lied about it your word is mud for the entire duration of the war.  You can't be trusted about anything, including whether it was really an accident at all.  That's how honor and integrity work.  If Ukraine had taken responsibility for the missile and apologized, everyone would have understood.  Friendly fire happens all the time, Russia has bombed its own city too during this war.  They didn't do that, instead they chose to lie.

Which brings us back to MH17.  A buk missile, ordinarily used by Ukraine, blew up MH17.  Russian air defenses are much more advanced, and normally speaking if Russia shot down a plane it would have been with a S-300, S-400, or S-500 system, not an ancient Buk.  It's possible that Ukrainian separatists got their hands on a buk missile somehow or other, and then accidentally shot down MH17 while aiming for a jet that was bombing them, which they then denied because it would make them look bad.  But given what we know about this missile strike, what the New York Times has now proven beyond all doubt, the much more likely scenario is that Ukraine shot down the plane, either deliberately or again 'accidentally,' and then blamed it on Russia.  This would fit the exact modus operanda as we see here.  Ukraine kills a bunch of civilians and then false flags it to the other side to drum up hatred of their enemies in the west.  So, reckless separatists, or lying Ukrainians?  Which is more likely given what we know about the two factions?  What we now know?

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