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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Bastard S2 watched:

It was a nice season, it stayed true to the manga, and it got Kall Su back to the side of the good guys.  I've been waiting for that moment for a long time, ever since the Bastard oav's in the 1990's.  But with all that fighting you would think a single person would die, it's a little unrealistic how painless their victory was this time.  The show ends on a ridiculous cliffhanger, but it's no use -- the manga also ends on a cliffhanger, so wherever the show stops it would still be awful.  Here's as good a place to stop as any, I guess.

They've been billing up Kall as strong for a long time so I was glad to see him live up to the hype, he didn't lose to Dark Schneider, he decided to switch sides and defeat Anthrasax, which means his undefeated streak has not actually ended.  He's as cool as his icy magic.

Meanwhile Trump has been indicted for a third time, this time for exercising his free speech rights to doubt an election result.  Apparently this is now illegal in America.  I don't doubt the election result, Biden won in a landslide, but I still think the Constitution says you can disagree with this conclusion.  I'm pretty sure it's right there in the very first amendment.

It's tiresome how all these legal attacks are so fraudulent and ridiculous -- paying off a defamatory stripper so as not to be defamed by her is a crime, taking home documents you declassified is a crime, now doubting an election result is a crime (somehow when Gore did it, Hillary did it, and Kerry did it that was fine though. . .).  Meanwhile serial rape and murder isn't a crime if you're Bill or Hillary Clinton, and taking obvious bribes from China and Ukraine isn't a crime if you're Joe Biden.  The double standards are so blatant and egregious.  A democrat can do the most obvious and horrendous of crimes and all you hear is crickets.  Meanwhile if a Republican does anything, the most legal of all legal things, like voicing an opinion, suddenly that's punishable by the death penalty.

Democrats don't get it, though.  They can not prosecute Trump away.  A criminal can still be elected President, and once President he can just pardon himself.  There is no stopping Trump 2024.  He's up in the polls, and the more obviously martyred he is the more independents will side with him in order to stop the obvious injustice from taking over the American political system.  We want election integrity, that means both sides get to field their candidates and you can't arrest or assassinate your opposition.  This is the most basic of basic rules, the difference between a civilized country and a banana republic.  We will not be deterred with endless new charges.  Charge him with blowing up the moon too while you're at it.  We're still electing Trump and after that he's going to fire every single member of the deep state so there will be no one left to investigate him anymore.  Enough is enough.  This is our country, it belongs to the voters, not the justice department, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, or whoever arrogates to himself the right to choose who is an 'acceptable' candidate to run for office.

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