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Thursday, July 13, 2023

Hai to Gensou no Grimgar volume 19 available:

I finished my reread of Soul of Fire, book 5 of The Sword of Truth, so now I can turn my attention to an actually new novel.  All the while I listen to my ultimate music playlist (with songs' frequency of being played weighted by their quality) and occasionally make corrections when I find one song is better than it's rated, or another song is worse.  It matters very much what a song is rated because it will then play more or less often in the future, giving me a strong incentive to get everything right.

Listening to this much good music and caring so much about exactly how good each song is, so I really listen to it, has made me into some sort of incarnation of music.  My brain is all music all the time.  If only I had six new good songs to replace the bad songs in my 1-star hall of fame I'd reach musical nirvana.

The main character of Soul of Fire isn't Richard or Kahlan, it's Dalton Campbell, a man only interested in competitive masculinity.  He wants to be the top of the totem pole, and he'll do anything to achieve it, and part of that 'top' is to be loved by the prettiest girl in the realm.  He lies about everything to everyone, kills who he can't trick, and achieves all his dreams, only to find it's all ashes at the top.  The girl he won was a worthless slut who only cared about status, not him, and dumps him for a higher-status man.  The country he became Prime Minister of was conquered within a week and ceased to exist.  The loyal followers he'd recruited with various feel-good lies all came to bad ends.  By the time he'd won he'd lost everything, when before he embarked upon this program of continuous ambition he actually had quite a lot.  If he'd cared about the means instead of just the ends, he wouldn't have ended up where he did.  But he lost track of the actual goal.  The actual goal isn't to be at the top of a totem pole, but to surround yourself with interesting people you respect, who feel the same way about you.  That's where happiness comes from.  The moment you start sneering contemptuously at all the people you have to deal with in order to achieve your goal you've already lost.

What's funny is I just watched a long interview of Andrew Tate by Tucker Carlson, and his life philosophy is very similar to Dalton Campbell's.  "Do whatever it takes, think whatever it takes, believe whatever it takes, to get ahead and make yourself attractive to attractive women."  Make money (even if the work is soul-destroying), go to the gym (even though a ripped body is of no use in this new machine era and so you're frivolously throwing all your time and energy away for an illusion of a bygone evolutionary era), don't worry about truth but what empowers and motivates you to fuel your ambitions (Islam makes you feel powerful, especially around women), smoke nicotine and drink ten cups of coffee a day because it's energizing, nevermind it makes you a weak addict whose mind is now not your own, but a chemical's.

Andrew Tate is Dalton Campbell, and like Dalton Campbell after actually achieving all his goals he still ended up rotting in a cockroach-crawling jail in Romania.  The poetic justice is almost the exact same as what happened in Soul of Fire.

Now, most of what Tate says is true, and I commend him for it.  Stuff like Covid-19 and Ukraine being a hoax, and most people being media manipulated buffoons.  He's 90% on the side of light, but his obsessive focus on winning meant he compromised the things he really should have wanted -- a stable marriage instead of a turnstile of girlfriends -- which is the phony basis for his prosecution.  If he'd stayed in America and focused on a moral life instead of an ambitious life, however phony the charges, they never would have happened.  I wish Andrew Tate the best, I liked the interview and found him to be insightful and humorous, but I also liked Dalton Campbell and admired the way he went out with a flourish too.  Dalton still didn't end up happy.

Some other interesting tidbits have come out in the past few days.  The Ivy League school, Brown University, reports having a 40% LGBT+ student population.  I've been stressing this 40% statistic for a while now so I'm happy to see other sources now reporting it.  I'm not making this stuff up, the LGBT+ plague has, all of a sudden, become the gravest threat to America's future, tripling in the past 10 years.  How many more times can it double?  When will it reach 100%?  Two more years?  If there are no sane adults of breeding age left that is the end of life.  There's no way around that.  I was worried about whites dying out by 2100 but this is much faster, and it doesn't care what race you are.  LGBT's are evenly distributed across all races, devouring everyone.  They are coming for all the children.  It's indistinguishable from rat park, when the whole colony goes crazy and then goes extinct.  If LGBT's are not defeated nothing else matters, there's no future to worry about, no future calamities even have time to happen.

Steve Sailer's latest article points out that 32% of girls, nation-wide, not just at Brown University, are something other than 'normal' now.  Girls are the source of babies, if they aren't right, it doesn't matter how many boys are, the bottleneck is girls.  Destroy a nation's fertile girls and it will wither on the vine, there's no way around that.  He putters around about how maybe social media is giving girls low self esteem because they aren't as pretty as instagram models, and the only way for them to feel special again is to become some sort of exciting exotic new model of human to which beauty standards no longer apply.  That's way too convoluted.  The simple explanation is schools and authority figures have, for decades now, encouraged people to become LGBT, and women conform to whatever the ruling power/message is, so now they're LGBT.  It's not difficult.  It's obvious this would happen.  The moment gay sex was legalized, and then gay marriage was legalized, all of this was obvious and inevitable.

If you want to stop LGBTism among women, the solution isn't to warn teenagers about the dangers of low self esteem that comes with watching too much tik toc.  The answer is to make any positive mention of LGBT's illegal, as well as any visible act of the same, like real, healthy countries do -- countries that don't have these problems like Russia or China.  We all know the solution, it's all around us, there are places on Earth right now that aren't 40% gay.  We don't need to theorize some triple-bankshot solution that preserves our precious freedoms.  We need to give up our freedoms in order to save the sanity of womankind and the future of all children just having the right to be born.

That life continues is the paramount goal, must be the paramount goal.  It trumps any other consideration.  Whether that's freedom of speech, association, or whatever.  Without life there's nothing else -- no love, truth or beauty.  If some love is sacrificed so that the rest of love can continue, that's obviously a worthwhile deal.  The same for anything else that must be sacrificed.  If life is lost then all is lost, all is sacrificed.  There's nothing left.  This isn't a difficult ethical dilemma or whatever.  The cost versus the benefit is so blindingly clear.

Gays are going to destroy the entire portion of the world which has decided to 'tolerate' them, this is now clear, the math cannot be debated anymore.  It isn't something that affects a few crazy outliers or whatever, it isn't something a rich and powerful nation can easily carry, like Atlas holding up the world, an act of charity for a small genetically unfortunate segment of the populace, it's the end of all sanity, all family formation, all children.  You're either 0% gay or 100%.  The science has now shown, the lived experience of America has now shown, that there is no inbetween.  Once you accept any number above 0% it inexorably climbs, ever upwardly, ever triplingly, to 100%.  We have now seen the full flowering of this Satanic Beast.  40% is enough evidence to see this is never going to stop.  There is no end point, no natural culmination of the LGBT+ cadre.  It will continue to recruit young people until it's caught them all.  All that is necessary for LGBT+ people to triumph is for straights to do nothing.

In other good news Biden admits we are out of artillery shells to provide Ukraine, which basically means the war is over and Russia has won, it's just the mopping up phase now.  Artillery is the king of this war and kills over 70% of everyone who has died in this war.  If you don't have shells you don't have an army.  Meanwhile Russia, throughout this entire conflict, has only increased the amount of modern weaponry it owns and deployed.  Every wing of their armed forces is larger and deadlier than before -- its nuclear weapons, its drones, its missiles, its artillery, its submarines and frigates, its air force, its helicopters, its tanks and the size of its infantry -- the number of troops enrolled in the army.  Everything is growing and growing every day.  In fact, even Putin's popularity is growing every day, and is now up to 90%.  America admits it's out of everything, that all the NATO nations are out of all stocks of weapons and can't lend Ukraine any more conventional artillery shells, while Russia reports factories churning out three times, ten times as much stuff as before the war began.  Anyone can see where this is going.

And Russia is just the B-team of the non-gay world.  We couldn't even beat the junior varsity squad, with all of NATO and South Korea and Australia and all the rest of the rainbow world combined.  China didn't even have to lift a finger.  Taiwan needs to realize things would go no better for them than it has for Ukraine, and America will be no more effective against China than they have been against Russia, and do what it takes to not antagonize their neighbor like Ukraine did theirs.  If America can't produce enough ammunition for a one-front war, what are they going to do about a two-front war?????

It turns out nations with real men outcompete nations of feminized faggots.  Who could have guessed?  I hope the rest of the world is watching and learns the appropriate lessons.  The death of America and its rainbow allies, which may as well rename itself Sodom and Gomorrah, is another golden opportunity to learn the exact same lessons all our ancestors had already learned and already told us about for the last 10,000 years.

The Chinese economy is growing so fast it will soon be larger than all of America and Europe combined.  Chinese science already publishes more, and more highly cited, scientific papers than America.  China is the leader in green energy.  The world is going to be a very different place, very soon.  God doesn't let you brag about molesting children ("We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children," and genociding them, (Poroshenko jokes in a tv press interview "Our kindergartners will be going to school while theirs huddle in basements to avoid our shelling,"  (Why would kindergartners in the Donbass have to fear precision weapons unless those weapons are specifically being aimed at them????????????????????????????????), and stay the preeminent power on Earth.  The laws of nature don't work that way.  Murder-suicide gene lines don't propagate, and neither do murder-suicide cultures.

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