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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Choyoyu's manga adaption isn't all-encompassing:

To my dismay, after buying the 13th volume of the Choyoyu manga and reading it to the end, I discovered the manga doesn't end where the actual story ends.  It ends midway through volume 8 of the light novels, and there are nine light novels in all.  Luckily Yen Press is also translating the light novels, and has translated eight in all.  The ninth is due to be translated in October, so we'll have the end of the story soon enough in light novel form.

The eighth light novel can be found at, so I can get ready for the ninth volume now, picking up right where the manga ends.

The climactic ending to Choyoyu will happen this year, just a bit later than I expected.  As for the quality of the manga volume, it was great, I enjoyed every page of it, so no problems there.  It basically spent the entire volume explaining the back story to the world, something we only heard about in bits and pieces until now.

I upranked 'Way to Go' to a 5-star song, demoting yet another FF 5 instrumental piece to make room.  FF 5 has suffered the lion's share of my demotions because it used a dated synthesizer which makes somewhat unpleasant notes, not the melodious ones you would expect but more brassy or shrill.  This is the fault of the SNES console the game was made for, if the same songs had been composed with later technology they would sound a lot better.  It's a shame, there was nothing wrong with Uematsu's compositions, but the delivery makes the whole soundtrack subpar.

'Way to Go' isn't worth a 5-star rating if listened to in full, but itunes can stop and start a song at any desired point, and if you cut the song off at the 2 minute 33 second mark, it becomes a much better song, and that song is worthy of a 5-star rating.  Previously I'd been rating the song as 3-star for its overall value but now I see the light of its true potential.

Another way of putting what I said yesterday is that your body doesn't belong to you, it belongs to God.  He's the divine architect of your genome which, if left to flower over 20 years or so, delivers the vision of his intended plan.  That's what you're supposed to look like, and as it's God's work of art, no man can possibly compete with it or improve upon it.  Defacing God's handiwork isn't 'bodily autonomy,' it's vandalism, a crime, and all crimes should be punished with the death penalty.  I would also say a girl cutting her hair so short that it doesn't even reach her ears is a similar act of disfigurement that goes against God's will, and should be punished similarly.  God gave girls glorious hair to enhance and frame their beauty, cutting it all off is an act of rebellion against Him.  This also applies to cleanliness and good grooming, allowing your body to be overrun with dirt or body/facial hair is an unacceptable disfigurement that society should not condone.  Everyone knows smooth skin, like polished marble, is superior.

We must tend to our bodies like we would curators in a gallery, treating them as sacred world heritage objects that can never be harmed.  Especially in a woman's case, her body is a work of divine grace that no art gallery can match.  Every male's painting or statue of a girl falls short of the beauty God has given her at birth, they are all potentially better artists than Michelangelo.  But to bring out that potential they must treat their bodies with care.  Just as it's a crime to punch a hole through a Monet hanging in the Louvre, it's a crime to not cultivate the innate beauty of your own form.  In one case it was the petty creation of man, but in the other it was the perfect creation of God.  It's actually worse to destroy your own looks than a painting's.

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