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Sunday, June 4, 2023

Prince of Tennis anime resumes in 2024:

I'm impressed.  I thought Prince of Tennis had been abandoned by anime for not being as popular as it used to be, but now I see they intend to animate the whole manga to its conclusion.  No one in their right mind would animate the semifinal contest and not the climactic final match, so this pretty much ensures a Prince of Tennis Final Season as well.

You'll note that Saki hasn't received a semifinal or final season even though it's a much better series.  But Saki stopped being animated before the semifinal, it knew better than to quit right before the final.  That would be teasing the audience too far.

The world cup stuff isn't much good, so no matter how many seasons they do it won't improve the franchise in my rankings by much.  A little but not much.  Prince of Tennis had a perfectly good ending before the world cup series began.

An Economist article reveals that Russia is only spending 3% of its GDP on the Ukraine war.  My complaint since the beginning is Russia could win so easily if it just fought seriously, and here's proof.  If it can gradually gain ground with only 3% of its GDP committed, how would things look if it used 61% of its GDP like it did in World War II?  The war would have ended long ago.  And all these civilians being shelled every day would still be alive today because the Ukrainian military would have vanished from the Earth by now.  But oh well, Putin wants to save money and fight an eternal, sustainable war, and attrit the entire NATO weapons stockpile.  Using a barebones force and barebones funding, he'll win in his own good time, maybe ten years from now.  Or maybe he's just waiting for Trump to win the Presidency so he can sign a peace agreement with him.  I'm not sure things will go that way.  It seems to me the deep state would simply assassinate Trump before allowing that to happen, but who knows, maybe they wouldn't dare be that blatant.  Perhaps the warhawk Republicans in the Senate would combine with the Democrats to impeach Trump for his foreign policy and remove him from office -- even though the constitution explicitly says you can only impeach a president for a crime, not a political decision, nobody cares about the constitution anymore so I'm sure they'd go along with it.

Speaking of the world cup, apparently the Women's World Cup starts in July.  America always has a good chance to win this tourney so it's worth checking out.  Maybe it will be on Peacock like the men's World Cup was.

I'm on book 36 of my Xanth reread.  I really like how this series is structured.  It introduced a bunch of Bink's (the protagonist of books 1 and 2) descendants in earlier books, and now is marrying them off one by one, each romance being the focus of each sequel.  Book 36 should be the last of Bink's descendants in need of marrying, Harmony, after which the series should have ended with a happily ever after, but at least for this last book the story is still relevant and intriguing.  Because Harmony has showed up in so many previous novels, the reader already likes her and is rooting for her, so to see her romance come to fruition after having to wait so long is a real reward.  The same was true of Dawn in book 35, Ida in book 34, Eve in book 33, Rhythm in book 32, etc.

I'm 3/4 of the way through Star Ocean the Divine Force, but progress is slow because it's such a bad game.  The gameplay is unplayable so just to make it faster and easier on myself I set it to the lowest difficulty level.  Like this it's basically a CG movie because all I do is zoom from cutscene to cutscene.  The problem is it isn't even a good CG movie, because the plot and the characters aren't that good either.  But I already bought the game so all I can do is get my money's worth by playing it all the way through.

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