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Thursday, June 22, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI arrives:

The game is highly rated and comes from the most prestigious brand in gaming, I expect a lot of good things from it.  I also like that it created a storm of controversy by not including any 'diversity' in its cast.  That's the kind of product I want to play.

There is a concern that all the original people who worked on FF are long gone from the company and these people are just borrowing the brand name, but that was already true of FF 15 and it was a good game, as was 13 and 13-2.  Whoever works at Square-Enix now is still capable of making good games, they also have a track record of success.

FF 16 gives me a good excuse to stop playing Star Ocean 6, which I still haven't beaten.  I'll get back to it eventually.  It's also a good excuse to not reread the rest of Apoca Lips, the last book of the Xanth series and the only one I haven't finished rereading now.  It lets me drop a lot of subpar activities and get back to a par activity worth my while.

If the characters of FF 16 are any good they might show up in my fictional character hall of fame embedded in '100 Waifus' soon enough.  Today I edited '100 Waifus' to correct a capitalization error and add half a sentence to Chapter 59:  'So aside from a brief introduction of Eden's founders and founding principles perforce the study of history was the study of their origin world, Earth, which mostly meant a study of every wrong thing Earth did in its long but inglorious course.'

This was to keep the story in line with Chapter 58, which said all 100 waifus were taught about in history class.  It was a plot hole needing to be filled, and now is.

A recent article over at said not just 3 million but probably 10 million Germans were killed after World War II, if you look at census figures.  I doubt we'll ever know the precise numbers but the overall fact remains that the Allies did a Holocaust more grave and less justified than the Axis did, and nobody cares and it's never mentioned.  This is why I hate people getting all morally outraged over this taboo or that taboo -- they don't actually care about the millions of dead women and children, their outrage is always selective, and serves only to justify the institutionalized power of the status quo.  If they cared about the lives of the innocent they would be crying twice as hard over the German dead than the Jewish, but all they do over German graves is shrug or chuckle.

Likewise the press goes into paroxysms of mourning whenever a Ukrainian civilian dies, but jokes about how many Russian civilians have been slaughtered and thinks it's great.  There's no such thing as an innocent Ukrainian, by the way, because they live in a democracy and they voted to bombard the innocent civilians of Donetsk for 8 years, over multiple election cycles.  The blood is on all of their hands and I don't care if a reckoning comes for them all.  Ukraine still has 90% support for the continuation of this war, which includes continuing to shoot storm shadow missiles at summer camps for children and refugee camps for civilians fleeing the flooding of Kherson.  These people are despicable monsters.  The worst people on Earth.

Sadly Ukraine has stopped its offensive and its casualties are reduced back to a slow trickle after realizing they couldn't achieve anything.  I had hoped they would just keep charging like lemmings to their doom.  But all it does is slow down the inevitable result of the war.  Ukraine is bankrupt and out of people, while Russia is only spending 3% of its GDP and hasn't even needed to institute a draft.  The balance of power is infinitely on Russia's side.  Western aid isn't sufficient to change anything and frankly, even if the entire NATO army invaded I suspect Russia would just beat them too.  Western weapons have already shown themselves to be totally worthless on the actual battlefield.  NATO couldn't even beat Afghanistan, so why do we think we could do better against Russia? also has an article with a statistic stating that 70% of unmarried women voted Democrat in 2022, and that rises to 80% if you look at college-educated unmarried women.  These are the only women available for courtship, and yet they're all basically unavailable because dating a Democrat is like bathing in sewage or kissing a snake.  How could you date anyone who wants to mutilate children?  Just stop right there.  There is nothing left to say.

My disgust for women grows and grows.  Yes, yes, some tiny minority, 20%, are still somewhat sane (though Republicans are actually Democrats from just a few years ago if you look at their policy platform), but what's the use?  Since most men are Republican, and they're all competing for this tiny minority of women, unless you're a billionaire rock star trying to get one of these phantom women is a fruitless waste of time.  It's demeaning to go begging to these tiny few girls to look your way in a crowd of 1,000 suitors all throwing roses at their feet.  Who wants to be a part of that charnel heap?

But more importantly, we're talking about the 80% of women who are young and pretty and intelligent enough to be worth paying attention to being moral monsters.  They support Ukraine shelling civilians, so they're just as bad as the Ukrainians.  They support the Covid vaccines, which in Pfizer's own trials led to over a 20% rise in mortality.  They want to mandate these vaccines for children before they can go to school.  So they want to shell children in Ukraine and poison children in America, when they aren't trying to convince children to cut off their own body parts and become grotesque hormonal mutants.  They support Satanic groups like the "Nuns of Perdition" and "After School Satan Clubs" being set up in elementary schools.  They bring toddlers to drag queen story hours where freaks in makeup and weird outfits recruit children into their lifestyle.  When they aren't trying to kill (abortion) or torture (gender-affirming care) children, they're still out to destroy men's lives -- 50% adultery, 50% divorce, 40% illegitimacy, pro affirmative action, pro letting criminals loose, pro deficit spending and high taxes (since men make most of the money and women get most government benefits basically they're pro stealing men's money and giving it to themselves), pro open borders immigration, anti fossil fuels which are the only reliable and cheap source of energy which can maintain our living standards, pro banning free speech and canceling anyone who tells unwelcome truths, etc., etc.

These women are the bane of our existences.  Rather than courting them, we would be much better served killing them.  It would be so easy to win all elections if this group of people were permanently erased.  Then, with proper laws in place, every other problem in America would disappear and the rest of us (the unmarried men, the married men and the married women) could live in a utopia.

There is nothing naturally bad about life.  We live in a technological wonder world that can cater to all human needs with the snap of a finger.  Entertainment from all corners of the world stream freely through the internet right into our homes without having to get out of our recliners.  Properly policed cities, like NYC under Giuliani, basically have no crime, ever.  America has a thousand year supply of cheap natural gas and coal.  If America stopped accepting a flood of immigrants, our food production would vastly outscale our consumption, and the vast open spaces of America could let us all live in mansions.  With our nuclear arsenal as a deterrent against invasion, we need never fight another war.  If not for these women ruining everything there would be nothing lacking in life.  It's possible in the near future that A.I., plus virtual reality or robotics, could make wonderful girl lovers and companions straight from our dreams.  Girls who will never betray you, won't get jealous no matter how large a harem you want, more beautiful than anyone alive, and modeled after the heroines of all your favorite stories.  In a world like that who needs unmarried women to court?

Just wait twenty years and get a fake girl that far exceeds anything the current crop can offer.  Oh, and the fake girl won't require you work 60 hours a week to give her the socioeconomic status she feels she deserves and won't respect you otherwise.  Instead she'll enjoy spending her free time with you watching anime or playing video games.

This is a superfluous group of people who bring no assets to the table but endless liabilities.  To make matters worse, they're a huge percentage of the population.  Much larger than blacks, Jews, gays or anyone else you could gripe about -- the voting power, the economic power, the influence of this group dwarfs all other Democratic constituencies combined.  Without them the rest of the Democratic party would scatter like roaches, evaporating into thin air.  Unmarried women are the backbone of strength that allows every other group to act out and get away with it.  Without them the blacks would be in jail, the Hispanics would be in Mexico, the Jews would be in Israel, the Muslims would be in Libya, the gays would be in their closets, and God would be in his heavens, and all would be right with the world.

Of course in my ideal society there would be no unmarried women, the category would not exist.  You would either be a child or a married woman, proceeding directly from the first category to the second.  But to get there, from where we are now in America, the first thing we need to do is rid ourselves of these shrieking harridans.  Over 50% of Americans aren't married.  The 'unmarried women' category isn't some small group. . .it's the entire enemy army.  They are the roadblock between us and paradise.

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