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Saturday, May 20, 2023

She-Hulk and Ant-Man 3:

Though it's hard to believe, She-Hulk is the better product of the two.  She-Hulk is a feminist show that declares the real supervillains in the world today are men who say mean things on the internet and don't text you after you choose to have sex before marriage with them.  Also men who don't respect your qualifications at work, men who make you uncomfortable during a date by praising the wrong thing about you, men who are too smug about belonging in the top 1% of socio-economic or power status, etc.  Men are always the problem.  You would think this man-hater would just become a lesbian already but no, instead she's a slut who sleeps with three different men in the course of just nine episodes.  She really gets around.  She hates men but can't stop bragging about laying with them to the camera.  Yes, she actually turns to the camera and brags 'I smashed him.'  What tramp of a woman brags to a stranger that they had sex without commitment with a guy they just met?

I get that women are desperately unhappy with the modern world, but they're the creators and enforcers of this world so where do they get off whining about it?  You don't get to vote for Democrats which are for sexual liberation and zero crime enforcement and then complain about how dangerous it is for a woman to walk the streets at night and how men don't text you after you sleep with them.  This isn't the world we wanted, we wanted Victorian England.  This is your world, you chose it, so don't complain to us about it.  Instead of whining, how about you change your mind, vote Republican, go to church, don't have sex before marriage, admire good men instead of insulting them for being too 'smug', let us execute criminals (like we did even pickpocketers in 1800's England), and bring back dueling for those who insult your honor so that women are never harassed or maligned again?  That was our world.  That's what we wanted.  You took all that away and said you wanted this.  So here you go, this is what you get.  If that makes 57% of you depressed or mentally ill, then suck it.  That's called karma.  It's just a shame your world also kills over 100,000 overdosers a year, mostly men, who also can't stand your shitty world, but don't have enough votes to overturn it like women have, so are powerless to stop it.  Those 100,000 overdosers a year were not originally all low class gutter trash.  A lot of them were intelligent and productive people before they got dicked over by your world so badly they found drugs to be their only recourse.  Children screwed by their parents' divorce, men who lost their jobs for bullshit reasons (like not wanting to take a deadly vaccine), men who were divorced for bullshit reasons, men who were pushed out of the university system for bullshit reasons (like not wanting to take a deadly vaccine) or not even allowed to attend in the first place due to affirmative action, men who are bored out of their minds because there are no decent women left to interact with and thus no children to be had and thus nothing to do with their capabilities, etc., etc.

Victims are people who can't do anything about their situations.  Women could solve all their problems whenever they want, by not voting Democrat, so they don't get to be the victim in any story.  Especially a liberal woman has no right to complain about anything that happens to her.  Men are the only victims in the modern world because we are the only powerless group oppressed by the overwhelming power of the government and the majority cultural consensus. And when we're victimized it doesn't result in sad little sob stories and therapy sessions, it ends up with more deaths than the entirety of World War I every single year.  I want stories about men who are unhappy due to constantly being screwed over getting lucky breaks and turning things around.  That would be a nice balance to all this man-hating which is apparently the whole point of American shows these days.

But at least, at least, She-Hulk has an understandable plot where cause determines effect in a linear manner.  You can't say the same of Ant-Man 3.  In Ant-Man 3 nothing follows from anything, everything that happens is entirely random.

It's entirely random that they get sucked down into a quantum vortex.  It's then entirely random that they meet aliens there who are randomly hostile to them, then not hostile, and then new aliens appear and attack the previous aliens and the heroes randomly decide to fight to protect them even though the previous aliens were about to torture and kill them seconds ago.  But then it turns out the old aliens and the heroes combined aren't enough to defeat the new aliens but luckily a colony of ants have developed into an alien super civilization and decide to attack the newer old aliens at just the right moment so the heroes win after all.  Not that any of the heroes' decisions at any time affected the outcome, and really it could have all been left to the ants from the beginning.  Oh and Yellowjacket from the first movie has been turned into a floating head called M.O.D.A.K. who randomly brags about how great he is and then randomly changes sides and dies helping out the heroes, though I have no memory, based on the first movie, why he would do such a thing.  This is about as bad as writing can get.

There is no coherency, no continuity, nothing happens for a reason, ever.  Oh and meanwhile Ant-Man all movie long is insulted by his teenage daughter for not being a heroic enough hero even though he's saved the world.  She literally rejoinders him with 'yeah but what have you done lately?'  I would have said, "paid for the food you're eating and the roof over your head, but I guess since you don't care I can always stop."  I have no patience for ingrates.  Oh, and his battle-ax wife who keeps secrets from him and conspires with his daughter against him has shorter hair than Ant-Man himself.  That haircut is a greater abomination than shaving your head bald, it is a deliberate, malicious act of uglification, that only a woman who has no interest whatsoever in pleasing her husband would ever choose.  There are plenty of beautiful women with short hair, and then there is that.  A skullcap?  What the hell is that?

But oh well, I watched a lot of stuff during my month of Disney+ and caught up with everything that had been happening in American entertainment.  HBO Max had better television and better movies, and that will continue to be the case what with a new Mortal Kombat and Dune movie coming.  Disney has fallen a long ways from the days of Aladdin and the Little Mermaid (who isn't black, she's white with red hair, by the way.)

I gave up on all the She is Legend band songs from Heaven Burns Red, reducing my song total to 54.  It's still going to take forever to listen to them all 100 times, but at least I'll enjoy listening to the music this way.

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