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Friday, May 26, 2023

Orihime hole filled:

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  Orihime sat across from me at a table in the tavern sporting a grotesque and bizarre assembly of food and drinks. "Until the harvest was in, I couldn't get my hands on any of these things. I'm so happy I can eat something tasty again!" Orihime enthused, her eyes sparkling at the banquet of champions set before her.

  It was hard to remember because most of the time spent with Orihime there was some life threatening, world-ending crisis on the line, and in all of those cases she would wear a face determined to protect her friends or sad to see someone hurt (whether friend or enemy, her infinite empathy extended to them all), but Orihime was actually a ditzy weirdo. A ditzy weirdo who scored at the top of her class when it came to grades, but flunked any social skills or life skills imaginable. She had been a bullied outcast until she found the right group of friends -- so in other words she was just like me. Not only was Orihime bullied continuously within the Bleach series, people on Earth constantly denigrated her too, to the point that it felt like only the actual author of the series and I understood why she was the main heroine and the girl Ichigo fell in love with. I respected Tite Kubo so much for sticking with her, and now I planned to continue that devotion and stick with her for the rest of my life. Orihime wasn't just a pretty face with big boobs, or a girl with ludicrously useful powers that could be relied on every time you got in a pinch. She was someone who took the time to understand and sympathize with your plight, whatever it might be. She didn't criticize people that everyone else criticized, she thanked them, or cried for them, or thoughtfully observed them in the hopes of learning whatever drove them. Maybe because she knew how it felt to be criticized for anything and everything, from her hair to her body to her habits to her weakness, she was the last person on Earth who would ever find fault with you.

  Even when I went crazy and started attacking her savior (from her mind-controlled point of view), she never attacked me or insulted me. The worst reprimand she could give was a hauntingly sad look that two people she loved would ever be at cross purposes. In contrast to many of my other waifus, who were quick to anger and perfectly happy to needle me, I knew Orihime was the safest harbor in the world, and any time spent with her would be so free of conflict, so gentle and soft, that I could let my guard down, make any number of mistakes, not say a single funny or interesting thing, and still be loved at the end of the date. This was what made Orihime special, her wide heart and understanding soul, something I had desperately wanted and needed throughout my life on Earth but never received.

  This was a girl who sacrificed herself to a fate worse than death for my sake, and with only a couple months of training had invaded an entire kingdom in order to rescue her love rival. Selfless and humble, she managed to befriend Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, Fullbringers and prickly heroes like Ichigo and Uryuu, sometimes so effectively that people would switch to her side in the middle of a fight. Orihime was an uncalculating siren.

  "Elf visited the hospital after you abandoned her, you know." Orihime chided between bites of unidentifiable substances. "She said she needed a cure for a broken heart."

  "Was she still nude at the time?" I defended myself.

  "No. She didn't mention that part." Orihime blushed crimson.

  "When diagnosing Elf you should divide anything she says by 99, and then you'll get an inkling of what she really thinks or means." I advised.

  "She really was sad!" Orihime insisted.

  "A nuclear bomb couldn't break her heart." I laughed at the idea of anything getting Emily down.

  "So are all the dates with the other girls in the nude?" Orihime started worrying that she had overdressed.

  "No, that's most definitely an Elf only exception." I almost wanted to say otherwise.

  "Because as your wife you know all you have to do is ask. . ." Orihime lowered her voice to a whisper due to being in public.

  I had resisted the others' temptations so well, but this innocence-!

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'100 Waifus' mentions Orihime a lot, but always as a tool, someone useful or convenient.  I thought she deserved better than that, a section that explained what made her more than a tool, that made her an actually lovable wife you could cheer for and get behind.  I didn't want anyone to think Christopher's motivations for choosing her were anything less than honorable.  So I added in this section to chapter 11, which occurs after his date with Emily but before his date with Haruka Haruno.  It also serves as an explainer for anyone who didn't get the joke of the Elf date that was described in rather cryptic terms, and characterizes Elf a bit more, who also doesn't get as much screen time in this book as she deserves.  In other words it serves a lot of useful functions and fills in a plot hole that should have been filled in long ago.

This is the biggest edit to my 36th edition of '100 Waifus,' but not the only one.  I also cut another 'even' (there are still way too many but oh well, there isn't an easy solution for the others), cut a '-sama' suffix that shouldn't have been there, and swapped two child names to more appropriate and fitting parents.  Before my 36th readthrough is done maybe I'll find a few other things to fix.  But obviously this is the lion's share of the justification for reading through this book yet again.  It was all for this.  So I could see what was missing and fill it in.

Tomorrow or the day after I'll have read through the book and edited it entirely.  It's hard but satisfying work.  So long as it leads to results like these, I have no problem continuing this process for a 37th time someday down the road.

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