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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Dissenters in America aren't faring well:

In totalitarian governments dissent is banned, with various penalties from death to gulags to losing out on college admissions.  Strangely enough virtually any small penalty is enough to deter dissent, so totalitarians generally have learned to purge their enemies via smaller and smaller punishments that still carry the day.  America is one such totalitarian government.  It doesn't cut out your liver and eat it, but it finds a way to punish and silence you all the same.

Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox for being a dissenter.  He's being sued for 'fostering a hostile work environment,' which is such a vague charge that anyone fits the bill and can be found guilty.  Fox News itself was sued for defamation not for stating that Dominion stole the election, but just for allowing a guest to come on and be interviewed and claim this is the case.  By those standards simply being present in a room where someone says something untoward would make you a criminal.  Nevertheless Fox News settled which means those are now the standards.

Likewise a group of people participating in a peaceful, permitted torchlit procession at Charlottesville are now being charged with 'burning an object with the intent to intimidate.'  Six years after the fact, suddenly they're being charged with a felony for practicing their first amendment rights of peaceful assembly and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances.  They were given police protection at the time they did that stunt, so why weren't the police arresting them then?  Because of course no one thought it was a crime at the time, neither the police nor the protestors.  It has been retroactively redefined as a crime in our new, totalitarian USA.  Nevermind that torchlit processions have occurred all over the world and all over America's past, and have never been construed as felonies before.  The point is the people who did that act were ideologically dissenting from the mainstream narrative and thus had to be punished somehow or other.

Alex Jones was a dissenter so he had to be shut down.  Yet again they used a novel interpretation of defamation law to say that Alex Jones, who genuinely believed Sandy Hook either was or may have been a calculated hoax by the government in order to restrict gun rights, was guilty of defaming the parents of the dead kids.  Defamation requires you maliciously know something is a lie but lie about it anyway in order to harm someone's reputation.  Alex Jones was not maliciously targeting the parents of these kids, he was just conjecturing based on the evidence that this was a scheme by the government.  He may have been mistaken (I'm sure he was, but that's irrelevant to the law), but that does not make his statements defamatory.

Another famous case of dissent being cracked down upon is some internet humorist making a meme about how you can now text your vote for Hillary and don't have to show up at the polls anymore.  This was construed as voter suppression and the guy has been given a ten year felony sentence.  You can murder someone and serve less than ten years.  There was no actual evidence that the joke, meant as a joke, actually suppressed one single vote, but apparently that doesn't matter.

Then there are the brothers in Romania who are being charged with all sorts of crazy things like rape and kidnapping and whatever, when their only true crime was dissenting on how women should be treated or thought of.  They wanted men to be more masculine and less 'nice and needy' around women, and showed that you could get a lot more action that way.  Apparently broadcasting this truth to the world was sufficient crime in itself because now they're in jail over completely nonsensical charges no one believes.

Donald Trump, former President of the United States, is under arrest for the completely legal act of providing hush money to a stripper so she wouldn't accuse him of an affair.  Supposedly because this was done while campaigning for President he should have listed this as a campaign expense but didn't, and because this somehow was also defrauding the electorate it's a criminal felony.  Another novel interpretation of the law about something that happened 9 years ago, only now discovered to be illegal.

Then there's the elephant in the room, the thousand or so protestors on January 6th who are all in jail today because they dissented on whether the elections were fairly counted or not.  I think the election was fairly counted, but honest people can point to all sorts of facts that would lead to alternative conclusions.  All those people genuinely believed they were protesting a gross injustice, a stolen election, and as American patriots had to stand up for what was right.  Numerous other times protestors have stormed the Capitol Building protesting what they thought were the important issues of their day, and they were never put in jail for it.  All across America today there were groups storming state Capitols demanding more gun control or transgender rights or whatever, none of them were arrested.  No one protesting the Supreme Court's abortion ruling was arrested, even though it is a federal crime to intimidate a judge in order to try to change his verdict.  Somehow only the people protesting this specific thing are all rotting away in jail.  Almost all of them peaceful protestors who thought they were exercising their 1st Amendment rights.

Obviously their real crime wasn't trespassing, it was trespassing for the wrong ideological motive.  If on January 6th thousands of people had stormed the Capitol Building demanding the right to an abortion they'd be lauded as heroes.

Even if technically everyone at January 6th did do some crime or other, as first time offenders and otherwise law abiding Americans, at most they should have all been given probation or parole or whatever, and that would have been the end of it.  Instead they're in solitary confinement for years, treated worse than murderers, with accounts of being tortured by their jailers.  There's clearly a double standard when it comes to 'crimes of dissent.'

Then there's this leaker of the Ukraine memos.  Other leakers in the past were lauded as heroes, including the leaker of Trump's phone call to Zelensky, and Comey leaking his meetings with Trump to the press after he was fired.  Of course the Pentagon Papers were leaked, and they won a Pulitzer Prize for that.  Now though, because the leak is gainsaying the mainstream narrative instead of supporting it, the leak is criminal and the guy is under arrest.  Julian Assange, for allowing the leaks of Hillary's emails, is likewise continuously prosecuted for various nonsense pretexts, even though the press has always published publicly relevant material leaked to it as their job to inform the public of powerful people's dubious deeds.

The pattern should be clear by now.  Anyone who dissents from the narrative and successfully messes up the elites' plans by gaining a mass audience or performing an audacious publicity stunt is destroyed.  That's the sign of a totalitarian government.  Not even the U.S.S.R. managed to kill every single dissenter in the country, it had to restrict itself to the most visible and effective dissenters.  It couldn't have eyes and ears everywhere.  It's the exact same in America.  You can get away with dissent if you fail to convince anyone or achieve anything with it, but the moment you become high profile, somehow or other, you are destroyed.

My one successful post on this blog, 'A certain group of people aren't human,' that got the most pageviews, comments and links from other websites, was censored by the administrators, while the remaining posts that never generated similar buzz were allowed to stay.  It's okay to dissent so long as all it does is make you disliked and ridiculed by the outside world, but if you say something effective that actually changes people's minds, the hammer comes down.  In a way my unpopular writing style, that is too blunt and direct about the level of evil there is in the world and the correspondingly necessary severity it would take to counter it, has been my salvation.  If my dissent had ever taken off I'd be in jail or sued by dozens of people and bankrupted on various made up charges like all these other people were, but because no one cares what I think I can think whatever I want and get away with it.

Of course Andrew Anglin's website is more often than not offline because the world is intent on silencing him, and they'd love to arrest him too if they could ever find him, because his writing style is too effective and has too many fans.

Eventually, at this rate, I'll be the last voice of dissent left in America.

Not that I have anything against totalitarianism or cracking down on dissent in principle.  If I were in charge I would execute all dissenters.  The difference is A) I'm not a hypocrite.  I don't claim to be the land of the free, a democracy, a beacon of human rights or any of this crap that these people pushing the arrest of their political opponents do.  B)  When I crack down on dissent, it's in order to stop satanic, evil lies from destroying my people by poisoning them into bad, self-destructive behavior that inevitably and always spills over into harming innocents, including children.  I would not allow lies to promulgate like 'if you're feeling sad it's probably because you were born in the wrong body and need to take lots of expensive and dangerous drugs and surgeries to set things right again,' to freaking kindergartners.  But the dissent they are cracking down on are truths that would elevate and improve people's lives, like the advantages of stable marriages and children, or hewing to moral absolutes and an Absolute creator of those moral absolutes, things that would make them happier if they believed, more successful in life, and as a spillover would give the children of the nation better circumstances growing up and a better upbringing.

The truths they are stopping us from telling lead to more art, science, virtue, love and life.  The lies I would like to prevent lead to nothing but depression, disease and death.  This whole world is rotting away from within with all these liars spreading all this nonsense about everything.  It's getting to the point that no one can live a normal happy life -- why else are 57% of teenage girls depressed?  57%!  Because all these lies have ruined them, and made it so every decision they make only worsens their situation, because no one is giving them good advice anymore.

Banning people from recommending dangerous and worthless masks or vaccines would save lives, money and people's general wellbeing.  Banning people from discouraging the use of masks or vaccines of course produces the opposite result.  Though it sounds like the two are very similar, they are actually exactly opposite policies.  Totalitarianism in service of good is absolute good.  Totalitarianism in service of evil is absolute evil.  And libertarianism, saying we should let people say anything and encourage anything, is half good - half evil, because it means evil gets just as much of a platform to spread lies as good gets a platform to spread the truth.  Since lies can be much more persuasive or enticing than the truth, under libertarianism as often as not lies prevail, causing great harm to the fooled.

Since Biblical times we have noted that humans are easily seduced by lies if they give people a license to do what they already wanted to do.  Allowing liars and known lies access to people's minds is a recipe for disaster, because most people are easily fooled into truly wicked and abominable beliefs.  It isn't a coincidence that kids who grow up in Muslim countries believe Islam is true.  Despite it being a horrible religion that teaches the most vile of men, a rapist mass murderer, is God's chosen one, it turns out that if you allow people to hear such lies they will readily accept them.  There is no filtering mechanism in the mind that can sort out truth from lies.  Only wise people can do that, and they are few and far between.  It is therefore incumbent upon these wise people to shield the general public from hoaxes they would fall for if they heard them and keep them on the straight and narrow path.  Not doing so is a dereliction of duty, it's a sin of omission, it's like letting someone walk unknowingly off a cliff when you could have stopped them by grabbing their arm.

Not only does it lead to personal harm to the fooled, it eventually adds up to societal wide harm that brings down the entire nation, destroying everything, including the wise people who never accepted the lies in the first place.  Which means it's an existential conflict, if you wish to live at all, you cannot allow destructive lies to proliferate, because eventually those lies, and the addled zombies they have infected, will come for you.  What happens when lies cause a nuclear war and Russia is nuking your home city?  Libertarianism can't save you then.  Only if you had banned lies about Russia long ago could you have prevented this disaster.

Libertarianism is not the opposite of totalitarianism -- it is the midway point.  The opposite of totalitarianism is totalitarianism with opposite objectives.  This is why America was totally fine with allying with the U.S.S.R., but Germany was existentially opposed to the U.S.S.R.  Nazi Germany and the U.S.S.R. were both totalitarian nations, but since what they were supporting as a governmental vision was opposite of each other (in one case supremacy and the other equality), they hated each other far more than their 'liberal' neighbors.

I wish to annihilate evil from the universe, to utterly crush it and never let it rise again.  Libertarians want to coexist with evil.  And liberals want to annihilate good from the universe, to utterly crush it and never let it rise again.  I am the opposite of the liberals.  I am their enemy, not the libertarians.  The libertarians are the 'useful idiots' communism bragged about on their way to worldwide ascendancy.  Nor are liberals libertarians, as shown by their crackdown on all dissenters through various absurd pretexts, they are playing for keeps.  They will not allow a single effective voice for the other side to survive.  The moment Elon Musk started making signals about allowing free speech on twitter he was accused of rape by some anonymous girl.  These people play for keeps.  We must also play for keeps or we'll always be on the back foot.  (Which we've continuously been for centuries now if you haven't noticed.  We have lost every single issue for over a century now and we're still losing right now because whenever we win we are 'nice' to liberals and whenever they win they throw us in jail.)

Liberals often admit they're straight out Satanists who worship evil and display art of tortured naked kids in their personal mansions.  But usually they're more subtle.  They will make some absurd claim, not backed by any evidence, and then on this factual absurdity will logically construct a world where what they're doing is good and beneficial and what we're doing to oppose them is bad and harmful.  The idea that men and women are equal, or interchangeable, for instance, is not based on any evidence.  Our genes are different, our appearances are different, our behavior is different, the real life outcomes across history have been different, all evidence says this is a lie.  The same for the outlandish claim that blacks and whites are equal.  Where does this come from?  There is no evidence for this -- not in our genetic codes, our appearances, our behavior, or our history.  There are plenty more lies like this -- like the Covid vaccines are safe and effective, or that global warming is going to destroy the planet in 12 years, or that Russia's invasion of Ukraine was unprovoked, etc.  All said without any evidence, no basis whatsoever.  Then once they get their fingernails into you via one lie or another, they can construct thoroughly logical and convincing arguments from there.  Oh yes, of course we need to shut down all the lifegiving and prosperity enabling electrical plants on Earth because otherwise we're all doomed in 12 years.  We must stop eating cows and start eating bugs, it's all so logical.

With one lie they can convince you to do anything, even mutilate kids!  Remember, the Aztecs got everyone in their community to support human sacrifice with the one simple lie that said the sun wouldn't rise without them.  Well, we can't have the sun going out, we'd all die in freezing darkness without the sun, so logically the human sacrifices must continue.  All it takes is one ridiculous non-fact and you're off to the races.

Which means aside from some of the cynical higher ups who really do worship Satan and take pleasure in the harm they do, 99% of liberals are well-intentioned people operating logically from the starting point of some ridiculous, ludicrously wrong fact.  But if they are never challenged on these essential facts, if no one is allowed to set them straight, how will they ever know they're wrong?  If everything they see and hear, everyone they know confirms this fact to be true -- oh yes the sun won't rise without a proper beating heart offering a day -- how would you know any better?

It is absolutely necessary to ban lies to save these people.  The vast majority of people are evil, and the vast majority of those people are evil because they've been misled, not because they mean ill towards anyone.  Even the Aztecs thought they were doing a benevolent deed.  Banning lies and liars would literally save the world.  Not banning them dooms the world to the present we see before us.  Lemmings led off any and every cliff with the most obvious and odious of lies.  So long as 'the experts' or 'the majority' believe something, no matter how absurd it is, people will believe it.  And once believed the most horrendous of deeds can be cheerfully and willingly embraced without a second thought.  Whether it's human sacrifice or burning witches (she turned me into a newt!) or banning fossil fuels or going to war with Russia.  Once the lies have taken root it's too late to do anything about them.

Look how many Ukrainians now have to die, hundreds of thousands, possibly millions by the end, for the one lie that the people of Crimea and Donbass didn't actually want to be part of Russia but were being ruthlessly oppressed by Russian conquerors.  All those stupid kids dying in Ukraine for a completely unnecessary war.  They think they're liberators when actually they're genocidal maniacs shelling children.  But the experts and the majority said they were liberators, so in their heads they're dying as martyrs for a good cause.  And since dissent is banned in Ukraine and anyone who reports they aren't liberators or that Crimea genuinely does want to be part of Russia is eliminated, none of those soldiers being fed into the meatgrinder will ever know they served and died for an evil cause until they wake up burning in Hell.

Lies do more harm than anything else on Earth.  Lies are the bane of human existence.  Get rid of lies and everyone, operating logically from the basis of their instinctual desires combined with their true knowledge of how to sate those instinctual desires, would be happy and healthy.  The truth is the solution to everything.  An engine that is constructed on the basis of the true nature of reality will correctly propel your car.  An engine built on lies will break and not drive you anywhere.  Every problem on Earth is due to a lie somewhere or other in the system.  Root out the lies and everything works!  This is why God said "I am Truth," and Satan was "the father of lies."  Good and evil is truth and lies.  It's that simple!  You cannot be neutral in a contest between good and evil, you must actively support good and stamp out evil.  So you cannot be neutral in the face of liars or lies.  You must stamp them out, or you are not good but at best neutral.

We don't let bacteria fester in our system and let the sickness develop as it pleases, we use antibiotics to purge them.  Why should we allow lies to fester, unaddressed, undeterred?  We should use force to eliminate them too.  If you're bitten by a poisonous snake, we don't sit and wait for nature to take its course, we give you an antitoxin.  So why should we sit idly by as people poison the public with lies?

It makes you wonder if libertarians are truly principled or just cowards who don't want to fight evil but just give in and let them win.  As Burke said, 'all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.'

Sadly I'm a minority of one or so.  Maybe a handful of other people are with me.  Most are with the liberals, saying crushing dissent is a good thing because it is necessary for evil lies to prevail.  And the remainder are these goofy Republican libertarians, who say it's a shame all these Republicans are being prosecuted for their beliefs but there's nothing we can do about it, our hands are tied, shucks, it would be wrong to fight back, we must all be pacifists and maybe with enough hopes and prayers and entreaties to the democrats to be nice they'll stop hurting us.  I have less respect for Republicans and their libertarian beliefs, their pacifist loser-dom, than the democrats who fight effectively for their cause and are willing to actually fight for it.  Nothing is more disgusting than a spineless coward loser who does nothing but get trampled upon.


Anonymous said...

Chris, you don't even have basic facts right about the court cases you cited in your rant. Don't talk about "truth" being the solution to everything when you refuse to do the bare basics to find out what the truth actually is.

Anonymous said...

Also, just gotta say, "Nothing is more disgusting than a spineless coward loser who does nothing but get trampled upon." It is quite the hilarious take from a dude who only seems to complain about everything on this blog. All your life is, is getting trampled on by society, women, better men.