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Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Six Crystal Princesses read:

At some point Piers Anthony has to die of old age, at which point the Xanth series will finally end.  This book was the regular mix of easily-achieved-romance alongside liberal propaganda, something I ordinarily would have no interest in, except that it's titled 'Xanth.'  Xanth used to be good.  I swear.  It didn't used to be about feminism, gays, transgenders, global warming, blah blah blah.  This book was probably the most liberal of all, worse than all that came before, but as a relief it had fewer puns and boring overpowered magical scenes, so at least it was better than Tryst of Fate.

I will outlast Piers Anthony.  I will read his series to the end and he'll die before me, after which I can claim to be a true Xanth fan who read the story from start to finish.

I beat Triangle Strategy on hard difficulty, but I still haven't unlocked the 'golden route' and recruited Avlora, so I can't say I've truly beaten the game.  At this point it's become frustrating how many twists and turns the story can take so that you can never truly be done with it.

Meanwhile, a new poll came out showing among 18-30 year old Americans (prime mating years), 5% are now transgender or 'non-binary', another nonsensical term claiming you aren't the gender you're born with.  A few years ago, before the Caitlyn Jenner media push, this number would have been .1%.  We're now up to 5%, and the movement is still nascent, building momentum and becoming popularized.  Where will the percentages stop?  10%?  50%?  100%?  Based on its exponential growth so far it won't be long now.  It's basically settled fact that anyone transgender or nonbinary isn't going to have kids or have a healthy marriage.  So there's little difference between these 5% being living or dead.  In fact, given that 75% of them report feeling depressed all the time, they'd all be better off dead than what society has pushed upon them.  These are children who, if the Caitlyn Jenner story hadn't taken off, never would have heard of these terms, never would have emulated 'Caitlyn' and would right now be living normal lives like the previous 10,000 years of humanity did.

5% of Americans.  Tens of millions of lives lost, and all their future progeny cut off before they were ever born.  It's a mass murder event by another name.  More deadly than any war or any plague in American history.

Meanwhile in Australia, the country which took the most draconian measures to fight Covid and all are properly triple boosted vaccinated, mortality rates this year are up 20-30% from last year, before they were all vaccinated.  It can't be from Covid because that's already taken into account and at most explains 10% of the rise. What else could be contributing?  Oh, I know, the vaccine itself.  The vaccine is killing everyone and nobody cares.  This is another mass murder on a larger scale than anything in Australia's history.

Surprisingly, most of the increase in mortality isn't stemming from heart attacks, even though we saw that spectacular increase in pro athletes, especially soccer players, all keeling over on the field last year.  This after not a single pro athlete died of Covid, meaning that the risk to healthy people of the vaccine is infinitely higher, literally infinitely, (any number when compared to zero is infinitely larger), than the virus itself.  Apparently the vaccine's avenue of attack is more often a rise in cases of diabetes, dementia, and perhaps cancer.  There's also a large increase in rare nervous system disorders, which ties in to the dementia brain damage aspect.  Male and female infertility after the vaccine has also spiked upwards, meaning that the permanent aftereffects of this vaccination campaign could extend centuries into the future.

After Oregon decriminalized all drug use, including heroin, cocaine, whatever, in the state, the number of overdoses have exploded 500% and overdose deaths 120%.  This is another direct poisoning of our children for no known reason, except that apparently we want them all dead.

The world is becoming so evil so fast I've run out of adjectives to describe it.  You'll note that this isn't pure libertarianism in ascendancy.  It isn't that libertarians have won the philosophical debate and now we're free to use drugs or switch genders because we value freedom.  The vaccine was mandated by the government and in Australia people were being rounded up and put in camps.  The government doesn't even believe you have the freedom to keep the genes you were born with, and thinks it has the right to genetically reprogram you to however it sees fit.  It isn't freedom that's ascendant, or an urgent desire to save lives (which would be the Covid peoples' argument), or else you wouldn't be legalizing hard drugs that are killing 100,000 Americans a year at the same time.  The only thing that is ever ascendant is evil.  Every choice, no matter what philosophical justification is used, even when the justifications are in direct contradiction to each other, will always and invariably lead to more death, mayhem and despair.

Ukraine should have been the simplest moral decision imaginable, but the entire West failed it with flying colors.  We had a group of people who wished to be free, to win elections they had rightfully won by majority vote again, to speak their own native Russian language, and to leave a wreck of a country that was the poorest and most corrupt in the region for a place that was three times as rich with a long history of stability and success.  They declared independence from a tyranny that refused to let them go, and started butchering them indiscriminately, men women and children, shelling kindergartens and bragging about it directly to the press, so there was no doubt that this was their intended target.

President of Ukraine Poroshenko:  "Our children will go to schools and kindergartens, theirs will be holed up in basements."  He bragged about shelling schools so that children must live in terror under his reign.

This went on for eight years until Russia finally intervened.  This after Ukraine had signed a treaty, the Minsk accords, that guaranteed peace and autonomy for the Donbass, which they flagrantly and proudly broke every day since the ink dried.

Look at all the countries birthed in rebellion which we supported -- starting with the United States itself, the Republic of Texas, Kosovo, South Sudan, Bosnia, Croatia, Panama, on and on and on.  Never before did we believe in the 'sacred integrity of borders.'  This principle sprang up out of nowhere and somehow only applies to Ukraine, no other place on Earth or time in history.  And yet it would be hard to argue that any of these countries who we fought to be free were ever as oppressed as the ethnic Russians of the Donbass were.  I'll grant South Sudan, the rest no way.  Note that there is no distinction here between countries which 'just wanted to be free' and countries which later sought to join larger unions with other states.  We supported Texas in its war for independence from Mexico and then later fought another war, the Mexican-American war, for the right to annex Texas into the United States.  No one was talking about the sacred integrity of Mexico's borders back then.  Whether the Donbass wishes to join Russia or stay newly independent countries makes no moral difference.  Just as Texas had the moral right to stay Texas or join America as it saw fit, so too does Crimea or the Donbass.  The principle of self-determination says you can self determine to belong to any damn group you please, large or small.  There is no exception that says you can't self-determine to be Russian.

To make matters all the more ridiculous, Ukraine itself is a newly founded country, only born in 1991, after centuries of belonging to Russia as part of the Russian Empire or the USSR, whose only justification for existence is the very principle of self-determination that the west has completely rejected in favor of the sacred integrity of borders.  In which case, ipso facto, Ukraine in its entirety must return to mother Russia, right?  You can't have it both ways.  There is no coherent logic that allows the USA to support Ukraine in this war, and yet we are.

The only coherent logic is if you support evil in all situations, from Ukraine, to vaccines, to drugs, to transgender surgeries on children.  That is the only thing that stays consistent.

Two allies of Ukraine who insist that no portion of Ukraine is allowed to break away from Ukraine and become independent states have allowed referendums in their own lands to do just that!  Canada and the United Kingdom recently had votes on whether Quebec and Scotland should leave their nations and become free countries of their own.  These nations both felt it would be immoral to stop these sections of their own countries from leaving them if they so chose, based on the principle of self-determination.  Then when parts of Ukraine do the exact same thing as Scotland or Quebec, have referendums on independence and then honor their results, they go to war with Russia.  This is absolute insanity.  There is no pretense of trying to stay consistent.  They don't even bother!

I have long hated the ruling powers of this world for their lies on black equality, their destruction of the nuclear family, etc.  But all of it pales in significance compared to what they've done in just the last few years.  Odds are the coronavirus was designed in a lab funded by the United States in the first place.  This entire world plague never had to happen.  And then the vaccine was mandated which was far more deadly and might be sterilizing to cure this problem that never had to happen.  Transgenders never had to happen, they were a vanishingly small minority that no one ever thought twice about, until the demonic Democrats had to turn it into the coolest new fad in the press and on tv.  Drug overdoses in America were not a big deal until around 2000 and even then were nothing compared to the numbers we're seeing now.  School shootings never used to happen but now they're every other week.  Everything is getting dramatically worse all the time.

Now America is seriously facing regular power blackouts, baby formula shortages, the attempted assassination of a Supreme Court justice -- everything is spiraling into a typical third world shithole.  Political instability, every election is contested, riots all the time, a 30% increase in the murder rate, crumbling infrastructure, hyperinflating currency -- does this sound like 1st world problems or 3rd world problems?  This wasn't the case even five years ago.  I was mad at our rulers five years ago!  What can I feel for them now?  There aren't any adjectives left.

When you stray too far from the truth, when you choose consciously as a society to believe what ought to be true instead of what actually works, this is the result.  Things fall apart.  The center cannot hold.

We learned from South Africa and Rhodesia that the lives of most people don't matter.  You can maintain civilization if only 10% of your populace is productive.  So I do not predict a Mad Max style collapse of America.  I wish that would happen because we as a people deserve it, but it won't happen.  Instead we'll just slide, slide, slide, down and down into worse and worse standards of living, until we're on par with Mexico or Brazil or whatever.  Maybe South Africa.  We can see the slide in real time, it's not necessary to be a prediction.  We are watching it unfold.

We have had untold opportunities to admit the errors of our ways and turn back to what we know works -- capitalism, the nuclear family, the basic virtues of 'courage, temperance, piety and justice', self-determination, science and statistics.  But none of them gave us the answers we wanted so we rejected them all in favor of this mess.

Now it's too late.  People are already triple vaccinated.  Their bodies and even brains are permanently destroyed.  You can't walk back a change to your very genetic code.  40% of young people are already LGBT or, apparently, 'non-binary.'  You can't change their minds about their identity now, it's become a part of their soul which they can't live without.  Blacks have been indoctrinated to hate whites and whites have been indoctrinated to hate themselves.  It's impossible to convince them that differences in outcomes are due to differences in evolved IQ and personality as a result of the different living environments Europeans, Asians and Africans had over the last 100,000 years.  If they had been taught as children that America was a fair country where anyone who had the right stuff could get ahead, they would believe it.  But you can't teach them that now, not after George Floyd.  It is burned into their psyche that the white race is evil and must be destroyed, there is no other way to achieve the golden path of equity.

America will never recover.  It will never overcome any of its problems.  It will only get worse every year.  Only a new nation founded on better principles which teaches children different things and bans the poison pill, the siren song of liberalism from ever reaching their ears could possibly succeed.  I call it Vinland.  It can be founded out in outer space, on Mars, Antarctica, Alaska, Greenland, a remote island in the Pacific, Siberia, a sea steading, I don't care.  Any place we could call our own, however small -- give me 100 mating couples and sovereignty and I could give you Vinland.

At some point America will become so awful that Vinland will start to look more attractive than 'staying the course.'  At that point there will be thousands, millions of willing volunteers, and then life can resume anew in some small corner of the universe.  Instead of this nightmare hellscape.  Until then all we can do is watch and wait, wondering how much worse things can become before people start to care.

While I wait, I can read the new SAO Progressive volume 8.  And watch the new season of Vinland Saga, now scheduled for 2023.  I can outlast Piers Anthony and I can outlast America too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, It's just always so deranged, and the fact you are so clearly unhappy makes me take delight in all the pleasures of not being you. Keep doing you Hector.