I've now fulfilled my oath and proven any series I select for my top anime rankings is worth not only watching but rewatching in full. DanMachi and KonoSuba had blu-ray releases so I was able to rewatch them instantly. Stuff like Selection Project and Edens Zero still don't have blu-ray releases so I can't rewatch them just yet. But eventually everything gets rewatched, proving that everything was worth rewatching.
My top anime rankings are almost perfect. I'd like something to replace Summer Pockets at least until it gets a more definitive announcement. For some reason instead of Summer Pockets we're getting a different key anime called 'Prima Dolls.' Who knows, maybe it will be good. But I wanted Summer Pockets.
The new entries Shikkakumon and Cue! have had a fantastic beginning proving that they totally belong. I'm sure Eminence in Shadow and Ken Tensei will do the same once they start airing. My knowledge of their source works gives me total confidence in them. So that really only leaves Summer Pockets. I'll rewatch the blu-ray of Goblin Slayer and see if that's good enough to replace it. There's a second season of Goblin Slayer planned, so taking it into account that might be sufficient.
Meanwhile, various studies have come out from established, mainstream sources like the Japanese medical authority and John Hopkins University proving ivermectin works, masks don't work, lockdowns don't work -- and Pfizer's CEO himself said his vaccines don't work against Omicron, the only strain currently existent in the world. So now everyone has admitted I was right from the very beginning. The ten trillion dollars of additional debt the USA went into was completely unnecessary. All the violations of our basic freedoms were unnecessary. All the side effects from the vaccines were unnecessary. All the developmental delays to our children were unnecessary. All the uncomfortable masks were unnecessary. All the supply shortages were unnecessary. All the unemployment was unnecessary. All the pitting of the vaccinated against the unvaccinated was unnecessary. All the increase in obesity, drug overdoses, alcoholism, dangerous driving, divorce, suicide, depression, all of it was unnecessary.
I said from the beginning that every single government intervention was wrongheaded and self-destructive, and I've now been completely vindicated. All the data is on my side. But will any supporter of unprecedented tyranny and mass death which their governmental edicts have caused apologize or give me credit for my predictive prowess? No. They're just going to double down and insist on more of the same, long after it's all been proven false. They're going to silence the opposition rather than admit they were wrong and we're going to continue to suffer for no reason forever.
Other countries have already abandoned all Covid restrictions after realizing it was all a hoax, but America continues to clamp down like 1984 tyrants. Remember when we were the 'leader of the free world?' So why are we one of the least free countries on Earth? The USSR never had such restrictive or invasive measures as vaccine mandates or vaccine passports or lockdowns or mask mandates or whatever. You were freer under communism. Thank God I live in Texas and most of the Covid crap never affected me, but it still wrecked the entire economy and, like I said, the US is now $30 trillion in debt. I can't escape the effects of inflation. The future of the United States will be forever dimmed by the aftereffects of the school shutdowns, debt and long lasting vaccine side effects like the surge in cancer rates among vaccinated soldiers which senator Ron Johnson entered into the congressional record and therefore also can't be disputed. Ridiculously, right now, the FDA is pushing to vaccinate 0-4 year olds with a vaccine that the CEO of Pfizer says is ineffective against Omicron. Of course, this virus never posed any threat to children to begin with. It's less dangerous than the flu to children and there has never been a flu shot mandate for kids. So under what logic this is moving ahead is absolutely beyond human comprehension.
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