According to the newest CIA World Factbook numbers, the per capita GDP of the world, in purchasing power parity, is $12,500. Anyone can live a princely life, with all modern accommodations, spending $12,000 a year on themselves. They would lack for nothing -- a car, a house, food, clothing, health insurance, electricity, internet, clean water -- whatever you could ask for, can be had with $12,500 per person. For a family of four that's $50,000 a year.
If the world has reached a level of prosperity that can meet all needs, how much moreso has America?
Speaking of $50,000, the CIA World Factbook reports that in 2012, the per capita income of Americans is $49,800. So let's just round up to $50,000 to make life easier on ourselves. If we look at merely production, every single American could be spending $50,000 a year on themselves alone. Never mind food and shelter, with this kind of money, everyone could go buy themselves their own personal space station. For a family of four, that's a staggering $200,000 a year income. You could buy a new house every year for the family just for fun. This kind of money is so ridiculously high it's kind of meaningless to keep discussing 'economics' any more. Perhaps for the third world, they need to concentrate on libertarian ideas a little longer, things like free trade, deregulation and a strong work ethic coupled with efficient use of resources and people's time could still be the necessary direction of these economies. But it's laughable to state that poverty in America is due to lack of implementation of necessary measures to increase our economic output/efficiency.
We are producing so much money per person that even if we burnt half of it every year we'd still be filthy rich.
Therefore, saying the solution to poverty is to help 'job creators' by increasing America's business climate is a lie. We already are so productive, so efficient, so free, that there's plenty of money flushing through the system to satisfy everybody's dreams. There isn't a lack of money to help the poor, there is only a lack of will. We don't need to get rid of unions or bring in more immigrants or increase spending on Research and Development or lower tax rates or do anything else to help big business anymore. All the Republican/Libertarian 'solutions' are searching for a problem that doesn't even exist. Yes, technically, it is possible to get even richer than America is today. Perhaps if you lived in Luxembourg or Singapore you'd be doing even better than $50,000 a year. But can anyone realistically say that what America lacks today is the production, the efficiency, the business climate necessary to take care of our poor?
$50,000 per capita, and we need to increase our productivity via libertarian policy decisions such that we reach $80,000 a year, or $100,000 a year, after which point we'll finally be ready to take care of our poor? Give me a break. At no point will we ever be making enough money that Republicans will relent on their welfare stances. As far as they are concerned, unemployed people are subhuman and deserve to die in various ditches. This is why they stood by and did nothing under the Hoover administration, and this is why FDR was elected and Democrats became the majority party for an entire generation after the Great Depression. For a split second people saw the true face of the arguers on the side of economic growth. It wasn't for the sake of having a larger pie to share with the poor, it was simply greed and selfishness, with no thought to anyone but themselves.
Anyone still fooled by Republican rhetoric about how they want to help the poor too by increasing 'wealth creation' needs to wake up already. There is enough wealth already created to go around. We don't need any more policies that grow the economy and we haven't needed them for decades. Americans are already wealthier than they could ever need to be to meet any legitimate need in life. We don't need to grow the economy to create more jobs or get rid of the deficit or whatever Republicans are currently claiming their efficiency policies are for. The economy is already roaring along like a jet fighter, outputting $50,000 a year per two-legged mammal walking across our soil. So every time a proposal by democrats is offered about how we could grant the poor more money, the only people left in America who still need more money (since the rich can already afford their own personal health spas and particle colliders), stop listening to the Republicans who say such ridiculous things as "this would hurt our economy," "we would become less competitive," "this kills jobs," "this will grow the deficit," or whatever. All of their doomsday scenarios are jokes. Whether it lowers our production by 1%, 10%, or 50%, America will still have plenty of GDP to go around. The problem of production has been so over solved, we have such an enormous safety cushion of wealth, that literally nothing can possibly go wrong. It's not even true that our economy is going to shrink in the future. With the advances we've made in oil and natural gas drilling, we have a guaranteed source of income for the next one hundred years. Even if we do nothing but sell our raw resources to China, we'll make trillions of dollars doing so and be able to buy all our manufactured goods, medicines, etc we could ever want from them in return. America is the next Saudi Arabia and we could all live like Saudi princes if we desired to do so. Therefore, the problem of production is so oversolved, so dead in the water, that we can't mess it up even if we were trying to do so.
It is ludicrous to worry about 'deficits' and 'job killing measures' in an economy of $50,000 per person. If we were a poor nation that couldn't spare a dime for anyone else, I could understand. If we were like China and making $9,000 a person instead, I could see the need for libertarian reforms. But we're making $50,000 a year. We can give any child we want health care, and we can easily afford the consequences. The fact that there are still 7.6 million American children without health insurance is because we have directly decided their lives don't matter to us. Not that we can't help them. But that we simply won't. The problem in America, the sole cause of poverty in America, is that the people with money refuse to give it to the people without. It isn't corruption, lack of free trade, war, drought, unions or restrictions on foreign investment. There is no libertarian explanation for poverty in America. We have already done everything Republicans told us to do and garnered all the money they said we would -- and yet still there are 7.6 million children without health care in America. Nor is taxation 'forcing' the rich to hoard all their money to themselves. The rich make plenty of money over and above any personal needs, be it a mansion or a personal amusement park. Even if we lowered taxes on the rich, they still wouldn't donate a single extra cent to charity. This is because they've been able to afford donating to charity all along, but haven't wished to do so since the beginning of time. It simply isn't in their mental makeup, no matter how much money we give them, to give any of it back to the unfortunate. In fact, in terms of percentage of money given, the poor, who can least afford to give to charity, are the most charitable givers of all. Whereas the rich, who can most afford to give to charity, give the least of all. Therefore the libertarian solution to poverty, "let private people give to charity," is one of the most obnoxious statements of all. What they are basically saying is, "let the poor take care of the poor," sort of like Jesus' statement, "let the dead bury the dead," because only the poor have any charitable impulses in the first place. Even if it is true that poor people would look after even more destitute people out of the love in their hearts, this is no excuse for letting poor people carry the entire burden of poverty in our society, while the rich give absolutely nothing back to the country which made them prosperous in the first place. No taxes, no charity, and nothing but yachts as far as the eye can see is the libertarian utopia. But for anyone outside the top 1%, it's just a heartless hell.
A true utopia looks like Japan. Japan makes far less money per capita than we do, but the gap between the rich and the poor is small. 99% of Japanese belong to the Japanese ethnicity, whose presence on its homeland has existed since the beginning of recorded time. Everyone in Japan speaks the same language, their own native language. They are all descendants of the same ancestors and share the same history as their neighbors. They all belong to the same religion, celebrate the same holidays, and live under the same Imperial line that has been unbroken since the dawn of history. They have their own special cuisine, which when rated objectively by prestigious foreign magazines has the most 5 star restaurants in the world. They have their own clothing, their own dances, their own musical style, and their own architecture. In addition, they have the highest average IQ on Earth, the lowest crime rate on Earth, spend virtually nothing on their military, the longest life expectancy on Earth, and virtually no problems with obesity or malnutrition. Artistically, they are the foremost innovators on Earth, being the source of virtually every good television show, video game, toy, movie, or song. Scientifically, they have been at the center of a number of important groundbreaking inventions, including induced pluripotent stem cells, while also leading in the much more important field of applied quality of life improvements, with the highest per capita patent rate in the world. Their schools are models of efficiency, with everyone sitting down in unison at the bell, everyone in the same school uniform, and everyone passing through the curriculum that tracked them into a school level appropriate for them. Japanese marriages are extremely solid, with one of the lowest divorce rates in the world, and single motherhood/teen pregnancy is basically unheard of. Japanese athletes continue to distinguish themselves in every single international competition, from baseball to soccer to the Olympics, including the most prestigious fields of gymnastics and figure skating. Japanese women won their World Cup, and the men have reached as far as the semifinals, the most prestigious sports trophy in the world. Their cities are completely clean, there are no 'bad parts of town', no graffiti, no litter, nothing but beautifully polished modernity or anciently preserved marvelous temples, castles and shrines. Tokyo, Japan's capital, is the largest city on Earth, and yet there is no problem with smog or sewage like you would find in its competitors from India, Brazil, Mexico and China. Unemployment is far lower than in America, but health care is a basic human right provided for by the government, not attached to any corporation that can suddenly yank the carpet from under your feet. Efficient public transportation means you can get anywhere in Japan in a few hours, there is no threat of terrorism requiring long lines and body pat downs to board an airplane, and it is completely unnecessary to own a car. Everyone in Japan lives a train and bus ride away from beautiful pristine mountains to hike in or sandy beaches to swim in.
Why is Japan so infinitely better than America? Why does it have such a ridiculously higher quality of life than we do? Is it because they are 'freer' than us and have allowed their 'job creators' to import low-wage immigrants into Japan to do 'jobs Japanese won't do?' Is it because diversity is their strength like liberals keep telling us? Is it because black slaves built Japan and they are exploiting the poor like Jesse Jackson says? No. It's because Japan not only used technology from the west to solve the problem of production, they went on from that point and also solved the problem of redistribution. By keeping their population to its native base, they allowed even unskilled labor to earn a decent wage. By keeping their population to its native base, everyone was basically as smart as everyone else, so skilled labor was not able to monopolize access to high-paying jobs. These two forces kept the country united around a single middle class, instead of the extremely poor and the extremely rich. Because the entire country consists of the same people, with the same genes, culture, looks, and language, their democracy did not split into factions but stayed under the same unanimous rule, which served all Japanese, not just the winning coalition. People in Japan actually love each other, as opposed to America where all the different tower of babel inhabitants hate each other and want each other dead, and vote accordingly in every election while in between shooting each other in the streets. Therefore, the Japanese government makes sure to take care of everyone, including public transportation, public health care, generous welfare benefits, so forth and so on. There are no unfortunate people in Japan, victims of circumstances beyond their control. In America, this portion of the population is fast becoming the majority. People who lost their jobs due to off-shoring or Mexican immigrants. Victims of black crime. Disabled veterans of retarded wars with Islamic terrorists half a world away. Husbands who have lost their fortune, their wife and their children to the whimsy of one selfish woman. Children without parents who are regularly abused by their mother's newest 'step-boyfriend.' Schools that are so violent and chaotic that no one can hope to learn, or even live through them. Millions of people dying every year for lack of adequate health care that everywhere else in the world would have been provided for free. The list of victims just goes on and on. Perhaps worst of all, even supposing someone escapes becoming a victim to American joblessness, poverty or crime, due to political correctness no one escapes having to tell known lies to the public. The same soul-crushing, brain-smashing terror that ruled the Soviet Union and ground its people into the dust of alcoholism and drugs for the last fifty years now rules over us. We are not allowed to say basic truths like X is smarter than Y, or men and women are different, or gays have more problems than just their desire to engage in unsanitary sex. In Japan, anime can freely present heroines driving around in German World War II Panther tanks complete with iron crosses on the side and no one thinks twice about it. In Japan, true freedom of speech reigns, in that there is no opinion supported by evidence and facts that you would lose your job over saying. There are no sacred cows or taboos you aren't allowed to talk about, no fictional events you can't portray. If a story has a terrorist conquering the world through terror and bloodshed, it can become a bestseller -- like Code Geass. If a story has virtually every sexual taboo ever made, it can become a bestseller -- like Card Captor Sakura. If a story talks about God or the afterlife, it can become a bestseller -- like Angel Beats. Furthermore, everyone in Japan is so intelligent and knowledgeable that Japanese can make references to dozens of different languages, from English to French to Russian to German to Spanish, and still expect even children to keep up. They can and do refer to famous philosophers, artists, writers, and historical events all across the world as though it were their own personal history. In comparison, Americans can't even find America on the globe.
The freedom to think, and the fact that Japanese actually do so, is a greater blessing than all the money America can ever buy. This, too, is something libertarians have destroyed by making universal secular humanism the only allowable thought in public. By drumming out all thoughtful opposition, like Joe Sobran, Sam Francis, Patrick Buchanan or John Derbyshire, the only remaining thought in our 'free' America is whether we should legalize gay marriage before or after we legalize illegal immigration. Unrestrained freedom is like a disease, it's no different from unrestrained cell division in a body, otherwise known as cancer. Once you have the freedom to swamp a country and turn a homogenous whole into a splintered Babel Tower, once you have the freedom to divorce your husband and have bastard children, once you have the freedom to make billions and squirrel it all away in the Cayman Islands, once you have the freedom to sell 'toxic' assets to gullible fools with 'triple A' security ratings, the original freedoms that made America the beacon of the world, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, become utterly impossible. Just as endlessly splitting cancer cells disrupt the originally healthy organs of the heart and brains, the original healthy freedoms Americans enjoyed have been invaded and destroyed by the unlimited freedoms libertarians have hoisted upon us.
If America wishes to be happy again, like we were in 1950 or Japan is today, it must destroy the libertarians. We need to refocus from production to redistribution. Whether we do this by restricting the labor supply so everyone can get high paying jobs, or by simply handing them a blank check to support themselves with, is almost an irrelevant question. First we need to establish that this is our priority. And libertarianism must not only be destroyed in the field of economics, to be replaced with the national socialism you see in Japan, but it must also be destroyed in the field of 'women's rights,' with the return of the stable family as the only praiseworthy life, it must be destroyed in the field of 'education,' where diversity studies should be replaced with cold hard facts and science, it must be destroyed in ethics, where 'freedom' isn't the source of happiness but instead virtue is put back in its Platonic Place. Everything libertarians have said and thought for the last century, from Ayn Rand to the sexual revolution to the rainbow coalition, must all be unraveled and undone and destroyed forever. Otherwise, the malignant cancers that currently rule American life will eventually grow so powerful, so numerous, and so crippling that we will undergo total civilizational collapse. Without the family, without virtue, without a homogenous population that naturally cares about each other, without state support for the unfortunate, without a state devoted to the well-being of its own citizens, the average individual in America will be no better off than their Haitian neighbors next door.
Just as it is possible to be too incompetent at production to live a good life, like say North Korea or Zimbabwe has managed, it is possible for a country to be too incompetent at redistribution to live a good life. It is a very peculiar issue to have $50,000 per person and yet for most children in America to be born into poverty, but we have managed to do exactly that. We are fixing to be the first nation in history to destroy itself due to our congenital inability to think about the welfare of the average person instead of the hyper elite. The richest nation on Earth is rotting from the inside out by also being the cruelest, most selfish, and greediest nation in history. While our nation's lifespan, if it continues to follow this trend, can only be measured in decades, until it either breaks up like Yugoslavia or becomes such a failed state that it only exists as a shadow of its former self, Japan will continue ruling itself like it has for the past thousands of years -- thousands of years into the future. And the only difference is that Japan produces less than us, but redistributes more. It's just that simple. Why don't we try to do the same?
You don't understand what "per capita income" means, nor the difference between various measures of central tendency.
Per Capita Income is very simple, it's the GDP of the country divided by the population. What is there to not get?
As for 'central tendency' you're right I have no idea what you may be referring to. . .
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