Between 1900 and 1950 we invented the airplane, the submarine, the space rocket, the nuclear reactor, antibiotics -- we fought two world wars, tried out fascism, communism, monarchies, republics, and everything in-between. We had a great depression, a roaring twenties, and dozens of countries were born and abolished on a seemingly daily basis. The world kept changing. Ideologically, politically, culturally, technologically, industrially, economically, everything was always brand new.
In the same period of time, from 1960 to 2010, we invented the computer and the internet -- and nothing else changed whatsoever. What happened?
The Baby Boomer generation happened.
From the time they seized power in the 1960's, getting their hippie free love and civil rights movements going, until today, they have continuously reigned and they have never once changed their minds, or their habits, about a single thing in the last fifty years. The baby boom was a worldwide phenomena, so its no wonder that we see the same pattern everywhere across the world. A sudden surfeit of children followed by a continuous deficit thereafter means that the majority of mankind still belongs to this wretched generation of fools, the people who have led the world to nowhere and accomplished absolutely nothing. At the very least, they are the majority of people of voting age, and they hold the vast majority of savings and wealth in the world, which gives them unlimited, absolute power over the rest of us. Democracy or oligarchy, it hardly makes any difference, the baby boomers hold all the cards.
The only debate in any society is between factions of baby boomers -- those who want everything to stay like it was in the 1950's, and those who want everything to stay like it was in the 1960's. The baby boomers haven't had an original thought or desire since then, and all they do is vote between each other which of the two parties, the 50's Republicans or the 60's Democrats, will lead the country next. It's been like this for fifty years. They have dominated for the entire lifespan that everyone else but them has lived.
There hasn't been any noticeable progress in space exploration since the 1950's. In fact, rockets today are less capable than the rockets we were flying right after World War II. This is because baby boomers don't feel like prioritizing space exploration, despite the fact that it's the single most important thing humanity could ever do. No one else gets any say in the equation, and so we watch as NASA is cut in order to pay for Baby Boomer's medicare, social security, and public pensions.
Despite the fact that endless evidence has come in SINCE 1960 that blacks are not being held back by racist whites, but are in fact simply unintelligent and criminally minded of THEIR OWN ACCORD, the time warp baby boomers pretend like we're still fighting against some sort of legalized, systemic racism that is keeping Prometheus bound from his unlimited potential. Apparently, despite decades of affirmative action and welfare, trillions of dollars of free money lavished on blacks in every possible manner, Baby Boomers still think blacks just need to be given a 'fair chance' before they'll show us all that all mankind is perfectly equal in every way. What more could we possibly do for blacks that we haven't already done? We even elected a black president of the United States, and what was our reward? Blacks are poorer than ever before, food stamp use has doubled, the illegitimacy rate is up, ravening mobs of feral black youths are raping, beating, and killing random innocent whites, Hispanics and Asians out of pure racial hatred, and cities and counties are going bankrupt due to corruption and incompetence at every level of local, black-run governments.
It only took Japan forty years to transition from the feudal age -- bows and arrows, horses and swords -- to an industrial and military powerhouse that defeated Russia in an aggressive war. Blacks have now had fifty years since the abolishment of segregation and Jim Crow laws -- and all they've managed to do is put their hats on backward and pull their pants down around their knees.
According to time warp Baby Boomers, who still think it's the 1950's, or perhaps the 1960's, blacks will transition into white people with dark skin 'any day now.' As for anyone else, who realizes it's 2012, 50 years later, and NOTHING has changed, that blacks now behave worse than they ever have in the past, and every single program has failed or backfired on us since the day we started trying to improve their lot, our vote is meaningless and our voice is ignored. We don't have the senior standing, the CEO positions, the university chairs, the money or the numbers to contrast our knowledge of reality with their preferred delusions. Until the baby boomers all die off en masse, nothing can change because they will not ALLOW anything to change. All we can do is watch as they guide the ship of state straight into the iceberg, we are simply pawns for the baby boomers to move around as they please.
And it's not just their blindness concerning blacks. It's not just that an idea that was respectable in 1960, because it had never been empirically falsified, is still being clung to 50 years later when it has been disproven by every possible measure everywhere on Earth -- that colonialism can't be to blame because Africa has been free for fifty years now, that racism can't be to blame because blacks are given racial preferences for the last fifty years now, etc, etc -- It's the same with immigration. They passed a 1965 immigration law saying all new immigrants would assimilate just like the Italians and the Irish did. And then, when that didn't happen, fifty years later, they're STILL SAYING THE SAME THING. Even when we come out with statistics showing that 4th generation hispanics, hispanics who immigrated to America four generations ago and have been living here ever since, still trail well below whites in education, income, and criminality, Baby Boomers pretend that no data, no studies, no time has passed, and that hispanics are still exactly like Irish and Italians, and we only need to wait until 'real soon now' they release their inborn potential and become perfectly like whites with 'sexy accents.'
It must be a time warp. In the 1950's, or 1960's, we didn't know a thing about hispanics. They could well be just a bunch of Spanish speaking whites, who could assimilate in a single generation, just like Italians, Irish, Germans and Swedes had beforehand. But why is it that in 2012, when endless education scores, endless poverty rates, endless crime rates, endless IQ tests have been given about this demographic section, and they all come out saying the same thing -- NO, HISPANICS ARE NOT LIKE ITALIANS OR IRISH -- do baby boomers keep repeating the same things they said fifty years ago, completely blind to the intervening time that TESTED THEIR THEORIES AND FOUND THEM EMPIRICALLY FALSE?
How exactly have we ever held Hispanics back? When did we ever have an institutional barriers discriminating against Hispanics? From the very beginning they've received nothing but affirmative action. Even so, Hispanics are not to blame, it's the legacy of white racism that makes them poor, violent, or pregnant at fifteen. What else is a girl to do but have sex with a no good boy who she never sees again and then go on welfare to support the resulting child when Whites are whispering, somewhere, anywhere, that Hispanics aren't the model immigrants we had hoped they would be?
Why is it that Republicans still believe in the sanctifying force of work, that simply having something to push or pull around all day gives people a moral foundation which nothing else can replace? Are they living in pre-industrial times? Are they farmers working their own subsistence plot of land? Do they whistle to work with straw hats on and a hoe on their shoulder?
Listen to Republicans and they're all saying the same thing -- welfare is too posh, we're giving away that which should be earned by 'an honest day's work.' The reason blacks and hispanics do poorly is because liberals have coddled them. What they really need is tough education, starting with calculus in kindergarten, followed by tough job markets where we compete evenly with the whole world, including any immigrant on Earth who wants to come here and take our jobs, and a tough love approach where those who fail at this don't eat until they 'get their act together' and 'start trying.' Yes, because EVERYONE can do calculus by kindergarten and EVERYONE can outcompete the entire world's workforce, here and abroad, by being more productive than the Chinese slave laborer who's currently committing suicide due to their working conditions making the newest ipad.
It's a time warp. Because when baby boomers entered the workforce, it was easy to get a job and succeed (after all, the previous generations had all killed themselves off in two world wars, so every position in the market was open to anyone, there was plenty of infrastructure to rebuild because everything had been blown to smithereens, and there weren't any massive waves of immigrants or any global trade networks competing for your spot on the manufacturing assembly line), obviously it's easy for non-baby-boomers to get jobs too.
Never mind that automation has spent fifty years figuring out how to make machines more efficient workers than humans. Never mind that solar panel factories can work day and night without a single human being lifting a hand. Never mind that cars can now drive themselves. The job market is exactly like the baby boomers remember it, rosy and full of promise for anyone 'willing to work.' The fifty percent unemployment among youth is all due to laziness. Worldwide laziness, an entire generation, just one giant mass of bums.
This goes beyond mistaken. What we are seeing is a human community trapped in Amber. We are in the Jurassic Age and the baby boomers keep inventing new medicines to make sure the living nightmare never ends.
If those who could see were in charge, if those who could realize the significance of the fact that we now have more people on Earth than viable jobs they could be doing, we could regulate birth rates such that only exceptional parents could have exceptional children. In that case, we could drastically lower Earth's population back down to sustainable rates, while also drastically improving the lot of each individual child born on Earth. Currently children are born to the worst type of parents, idiots, broken homes, abusive homes, full of drugs and alcohol, generally on some sort of welfare. In fact, almost every child in America born today qualifies for free school lunches in school. What was supposed to be an unfortunate tiny minority has now become the vast majority, none of whom have any reason to even be here, considering the world has not doubled in size even though mankind has doubled in population. None of these children should have ever been born. But Baby Boomers, fresh off of two world wars, think the world is infinitely vast and there's plenty of room for everybody. They are living in a time warp. They're still thinking of Hiroshima and Dresden and how we need to quick reproduce and repair all the damage -- when we're shooting past 7 billion people and heading for 10 billion a few years down the road.
They cannot see! They cannot see that the solutions of yesteryear do not apply to the problems of today. They haven't changed their minds about anything, even though the world has changed again, and again, and again all around them. They just hit it with the same old hammer of 'it worked in the 1950's' or 'it worked in the 1960's' over, and over, and over again.
Automation is real problem, unemployment is a real problem, neither hard work nor education will change these problems in any way. But in the 1950's all it took was a high school degree and a strong right arm to earn $30,000 a year. Good for them. But their solutions will not work for us! Our life is nothing like theirs -- and yet they get to decide the laws dictating how we live it!
The environment is a real problem, global warming is a real problem, there won't be any more green revolutions that can invent our way out of it anymore. That was then, when we still hadn't picked the low-lying fruit of agricultural advances -- this is NOW, when we've done everything technology possibly can. The ONLY solution for our generation is birth control. The only solution is population control. It would take four Earths for everyone in the world to consume at American standards -- which are modest compared to the living standards of the rich. If we assume that the rich find their houses and cars and pet horses an important part of their happiness, how dare they deny all future generations these blessings by irresponsibly multiplying the population to a point beyond which anyone can achieve these things? Why do they prattle on about freedom when they are denying us the freedom to consume resources at the same rates they do? By necessity, if you double the population, we must half our consumption, and become the poorest generation in a century. Is that freedom? If it is, what use is it to anyone? Can you eat freedom? Bread is a finite resource, only so much soil can plant so much wheat a year, and its price goes up non-stop. Why? Because of our freedom to birth more, and more, and more hungry mouths. Egypt overthrew its government because the price of basic food staples went up. They didn't want freedom. They wanted bread. The same is true of the French Revolution and the Russian revolution. All they ever wanted was cheap bread.
How are we to have affordable homes, affordable food, affordable gasoline, when 10 billion people are all in a bidding war over resources only ever meant to supply two billion people? Freedom should feel liberating. It should feel like we can go anywhere and do anything. It shouldn't feel like hunger gnawing in the pits of our bellies, cold winters where we don't dare turn the thermostat up, or tiny concrete floored, ceiling dripping apartments with the sound of gunfire and police sirens outside all night every night, because we could never save up enough to get a place of our own.
We now understand the genetic nature of intelligence. We have figured out how to sequence the human genome for a mere thousand dollars a pop. We could, tomorrow, sequence every living human on Earth, discover every specific gene for intelligence in the world, and design our babies accordingly. We could do this today. Every child born in the future could have every intelligence gene, every long-life gene, every beauty gene, every physically robust gene we can find in the collective human genome. We have thousands of eggs and millions of sperm to choose between. If we took the right egg and the right sperm and combined them together, then implanted said dream child in the parents' wombs, they would be the same as ever biological children of their parents, but ALSO the best children those parents could have ever produced, million-to-one miracle children, every one of them, who surpass their parents in every way.
Am I the only one who sees this? Why do baby boomers ban such policies from ever getting off the ground? What is their grudge against the living, that we can never plan our futures ahead and have the children every parent should dream of having? Why must we be burdened with hereditary illnesses, the retarded, the insane, the sexually deviant, the psychopathically violent, the sociopathically scheming, and every other malaise evolution has given to us? Why can't we start anew, and this time choose for ourselves who we wish to bring into this world?
A child costs a million dollars to raise to adulthood. But we aren't allowed to plan our investment. No, it must be a crapshoot every time. We're sunk the million dollars and twenty years of effort either way, and we're not allowed to even decide who we get. Thanks, baby boomers. Thanks for being allergic to progress simply because such technologies didn't exist in your era, and therefore to you they're 'unnatural' and shouldn't exist.
The reason why nothing has happened in the last fifty years isn't because nothing 'could' happen. The potential for all sorts of revolutions has been among us for decades. We could've had a computer revolution, we could've had a virtual reality revolution, we could've had a genetic revolution, we could've had a space revolution, we could, presently, have been anywhere in the universe, living in any sort of manner, doing any sort of thing we pleased, with the bounties of a thousand suns beneath us -- but we couldn't overcome the numerical weight of the Baby Boomers.
Sort of like how bugs weigh so many collective tons on Earth that they make humans look like a speck of dust in comparison, the baby boomers make sure that we stay impoverished, unemployed, stupid, hedonistic, powerless and hopeless. All the generations after the baby boomers could manage was a cynical sarcasm, a sense of ennui as they watch their best years go by, unable to meet anyone, unable to accomplish anything, unable to get ahead as wages have stagnated for the past 40 years. They produce movies like "Clerks," which are in black-and-white, because that's the only drab gray color the world has ever looked to any of us.
The Baby Boomers got to see the world in color, they got to watch the Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, and The Sound of Music. We get to watch Clerks and Schindler's List. The sun never rises on generation X. Like vampires, our parents have drained us completely dry, and left us with nothing but another visit of the taxman, to pay for their next life-extending bill. They have put us 120 trillion dollars in debt. That's a debt our generations could never pay off even if we worked 40 hours every day. Do they care? No. Why should they? It isn't their problem.
The environment, the debt, automation, immigration, dysgenics, resource failures, overpopulation, not their problem! Let the children handle it. Except, they aren't allowed to vote, because we're still the majority. So let them handle it -- in such a way that best profits us.
As though such a solution were possible! The baby boomers were a harder barrier than fusion power or artificial intelligence. We could easily achieve anything like that. But we could never run our own lives for our own benefit, we could never throw off the chains of the baby boomers. We could never free ourselves from their stultifying, ancient, ridiculously temporally displaced ideas, that just went on and on, like a broken record, decade after decade, the undead generation that never, ever dies.
But even Chucky and Freddie die eventually. Even baby boomers can't live forever. In twenty years, the last of their wretched kind will be gone. And the world will breathe free, for the first time, in nearly a century. Then we can change everything, using the knowledge we gained about modernity that they never did. Then the gears of time will start whirring again. Then, and only then, will you see an era like 1900-1950.
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