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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Republicans Embarrass Themselves with Lala-land Logic:

But over the past year, a new majority-Republican school board backed by national tea party conservatives has set the district on a strikingly different course. Pledging to "say no to the social engineers!" it has abolished the policy behind one of the nation's most celebrated integration efforts.

So far so good. Whites elected a republican majority who then went on to serve white interests by re-segregating the schools. What could be better?:

Logical consistency in how they came about reaching these conclusions.

Why is it that Republicans can't say what they really think, or even think what they really think, when it comes to why they pass the measures they do? If only Republicans would forthrightly stand up for white interests, the interests of their voters who got them into power, and say 'we are doing this because we think it is in our best interest, and the best interest of our children, to do it,' they wouldn't have to come out sounding like such lying, cowardly, idiotic bumblers as they do in this article.

Without a diversity policy in place, they say, the county will inevitably slip into the pattern that defines most districts across the country, where schools in well-off neighborhoods are decent and those in poor, usually minority neighborhoods struggle.

Unquestionably true. All the evidence and all the facts from all across the country shows that black and hispanic schools have lower test score results than white schools.

But have no fear, here is the scintillating logic of the Republican rebuttal:

"If we had a school that was, like, 80 percent high-poverty, the public would see the challenges, the need to make it successful," he said. "Right now, we have diluted the problem, so we can ignore it."

Ah, you see, the only reason why blacks and hispanics have low test scores is because the public has been 'ignoring' the problem, and 'diluting' it. If only we concentrated minorities into one place, we could quickly raise their test scores as high as we liked. Only, there are thousands of pure black and hispanic schools all across the country, and none (or a statistically negligible amount) of them have managed to raise their test scores. Why would North Carolina be the first one to succeed? What brilliant plan does he have to raise their test scores once they have all been sequestered in their appropriate ghettos? Why is he so cavalierly suggesting they can easily do the impossible and surpass all known educational achievements worldwide? No one has ever closed the test score gap, in any school, in the world, between blacks and whites. But he just knows that if the public would stop 'ignoring' the problem, it could be solved in a jiffy? How? Why? How can he assert this bald-faced lie with a straight face?

"Basically, all the problems have roots in the diversity policy," said Kathleen Brennan, who formed a parent group to challenge the system. "There was just this constant shuffling every year." She added: "These people are patting themselves on the back and only 54 percent of [poor] kids are graduating. And I'm being painted a racist. But isn't it racist to have low expectations?"

The 46% failure rate of blacks and hispanics is all because of the diversity policy? Seriously? So if only we re-segregated the schools blacks and hispanics would become rocket scientists and easily graduate high school? This is fascinating given that there are plenty of segregated schools all across the country and none of them have 100% graduation rates. So if all failure in North Carolina is due to integrated schools, what is the reason for failure of fully segregated schools in, say, southern California? Is this Republican even listening to herself?

Then the hilarious defense, "I'm not racist, the real racists are the liberals!" But it's impossible to argue that liberals are the real racists when liberals are composed of, supported by, and work for blacks and hispanics. If liberals are the real racists, then blacks and hispanics sure are stupid, or apparently hate themselves quite a lot, to continuously vote democrat. If liberals are the real racists for giving blacks and hispanics exactly what they want and what they ask for, what is the meaning of racist? It's not like she's saying liberals are racists because they are anti-white. No, she's saying liberals are racist because they are anti-black. And how are they anti-black? By giving blacks what they ask for, being voted for by blacks, and often being black officials themselves. Apparently Obama is also an anti-black racist for being a democrat and thus, by extension, for integrated schools.

The problem is, calling liberals racist is itself racist because you're calling blacks, hispanics, and jews, the mainstays of the liberal left, racist! And not an intellectually credible 'racist' like anti-white mind you. They are claiming that they are racist against their own race -- race traitors of all things. So Republicans are so crude that they are calling their opponents a bunch of self-hating race traitors who are trying to destroy their own race's educational abilities by insisting on integration, when everyone knows that segregated schools score so much better. Do Republicans ever stop and listen to themselves?

And no, having low expectations of blacks and hispanics is not racist. It's realist. All test scores, all evidence, all facts makes it inevitable for any sane person to have low expectations for blacks and hispanics. Democrats are simply stating the facts, that segregated schools score worse than integrated schools. It is impossible to deny these facts. It is impossible to disbelieve this fact. If it is racist to accept or believe facts, then racist has no meaning. Racist is supposed to be PREJUDICE, it's supposed to be BIAS, therefore the Truth can never be racist because the truth is post-judged, once all the facts are in, not pre-judged, before we know any facts, and is objective, observed and verified by any and all parties from any possible angle, thus unbiased, not subjective, which would be biased.

When democrats say the sun is brighter than the moon, no one calls them 'moonist' for having such low expectations of the moon. It's so FRICKING OBVIOUSLY TRUE that no idiot could ever expect the moon to someday outshine the sun. But when democrats say whites score better than blacks, that's 'racist' because of low expectations, only expectations that are based on all objective facts ever recorded in the history of mankind. Fascinating. The case for the sun being brighter than the moon, and white schools outscoring black and hispanic schools, are both equally statistical slam dunks. There is no way either of them could ever turn out false. They are as well supported as any fact can ever be. But it's apparently racist for democrats to base their assumptions off of facts this well grounded and supported, they must instead believe in the same fairy tails and shroom-fantasies that Republicans apparently live in from dawn till dusk.

Nor can Republicans trap Democrats with a claim that they are racist for thinking blacks and hispanics will score lower in segregated schools, because the only reason that could be true is if they thought blacks were dumber than whites, which is 'obviously untrue and thus racist'. This is because liberals have spent fifty years giving artful explanations for why blacks and hispanics perform worse in segregated schools, none of which have to do with inborn intelligence differences. If you listened to what the democrats say, they will claim that blacks and hispanics will always have lower scores because they are disadvantaged, because they lack equal opportunity. If only we gave these people equal opportunity, they would obviously score as well as whites. But disadvantaged people can't give themselves these opportunities because part of their disadvantaged state is that they Can't give themselves the opportunities that would allow them to cease being disadvantaged. It's like when a wheel is stuck in a rut. It CAN'T get itself out. It needs help from outside. If it ever got out of the rut, it would roll just fine, but no amount of effort from within the rut can achieve anything.

Republicans refuse to understand or see the logic of liberals and insist they are hinting at the un-mouthable theory of black intellectual inferiority, when liberals are the last ones who would ever admit that and would claim that if whites had been stuck in this rut they would feel the exact same way about helping whites, it's just that historical forces have not made that the case. There is absolutely nothing racist about wanting to help any disadvantaged group get out of historically arbitrary and unfair ruts. It's just a laudable love of fair play, justice, and human decency to save those in need.

it's as if the best we can do is dilute these kids out so they don't cause problems. It sickens me."

So says the idiot Republican, who is sickened by the reality of life and the world, and sickened by anyone willing to accept the life and reality of the world of racial inequalities. Instead everyone should live in lala land and just eat shrooms all day long, since admitting any inequality is so racist it's sickening. If the best solution democrats can come to is to dilute the disadvantaged children out amidst the more advantaged children, republicans are 'sickened.' They expect that concentrating them all into a ghetto would be so much better. They would solve all black and hispanic educational needs in a jiffy. If only they could place black and hispanic kids in a ghetto, they would show the democrats what for, and have those students all be Harvard-bound in no time. How? Do Republicans have any plan for how they will deliver such miraculous, unprecedented educational feats? Of course not. Because it's sickening to think they can't achieve them, because that would mean it was hard for some reason for blacks and hispanics to excel, which is such a forbidden, heretical, awful, sickening thought that obviously we must assume otherwise.

If Democrats said the sky is blue Republicans would say that is sickening because it implies inequalities in the refractive qualities of molecules in the air. Such a thought, that other colors should just be 'diluted' out, instead of giving all colors in the sky equal capacity to shine, is just sickening to Republicans. They refuse to be content with the sky being blue, unlike those evil sickening Democrats. They will just sequester all non-blue light and give it what for until it learns how to outshine the blue in the sky. They could do it in no time. It's sickening to think they couldn't.

The voice of reason and objective facts finally gets a say at the end of the article:

"It's not as if this is a new idea, 'Let's experiment and see what happens when poor kids are put together in one school,' " said Richard Kahlenberg, senior fellow at the Century Foundation, a think tank that advocates for economic integration. "We know. The results are almost always disastrous."

Democrats are simply reporting the facts. If you segregate the schools, the black and minority schools will have disastrous test score results. They'll probably also be full of crime, drugs, teenage pregnancy, and Lord knows what else. Teachers won't teach there because the students are too dumb, loud, violent and dangerous to be worth teaching no matter how high the pay. There will be no outstanding students who could help tutor their neighbors in the classroom and give them the answers during group-work sessions. There will be no good role models or environments where blacks could settle down and listen to their teachers and peers for a change. It will be pure chaos all day every day. We already know this is what will happen because this is what happens in American schools all around us every day. The facts are in. Facts are simply facts.

But Republicans refuse to face these facts head-on. They lie and swerve, they are cowards who avoid reality and ridiculously call their opponents anti-black racists for trying to look out for blacks' best interests. Republicans are the worst kind of slug people. Lying cowardly hypocrites.

Obviously the real anti-black racists between the group that wants to segregate the races in order to have higher quality education for white students 'undisturbed by that minority riff-raff' and the group that wants to keep schools integrated for the sake of 'cultural diversity' are the Republicans. Obviously they are segregating the schools not for the benefit of black people, which is on the face ridiculous and all black people themselves say they don't want, but for their own benefit. Obviously they themselves know blacks can't measure up and that's why they want to separate from them -- otherwise they'd be fine with racial integration and just use their magic education powers to raise blacks to the test scores they say they can achieve via 'high expectations.' Obviously if teaching blacks were so easy, they wouldn't be trying to segregate the schools but would just close the racial test score gap within integrated schools. Obviously, obviously, obviously everything they are saying is a venomous, fork-tongued lie.

So why can't Republicans stop lying, stop being hypocrites, and endorse the positions of Steve Sailer and Charles Murray? Why can't they say, "We can't close the black-white test score gap because intelligence is genetic and whites are smarter. What we can do is track students so intelligent blacks and hispanics have as good an opportunity as intelligent whites within our public school system. What we can do is go back to effective teaching methods and effective school discipline so that even the dumbest minorities have a good environment to learn in that teachers can feel safe teaching in. What we can do is carefully fund and supervise the funding/administration of black and hispanic schools to make sure they have all the tools they need to succeed. But what we won't do is sacrifice our own children's opportunities and safety in life just to avoid hurting anyone's self-esteem. Our children are not human sacrifices to be thrown on the altar of Diversity every year by the millions, immolated so that we can go on living a lie and pretending we're the 'right sort of people.' If anyone must suffer, let it be me, the parent, for mouthing this politically incorrect truth, and not my innocent child who has never done anything to anyone by being stuck in a dangerous, friendless, bully-filled, ineffective school. I will sacrifice my prestige, money, friends, and everything else, before I sacrifice the welfare of my children to this lie. So go ahead and throw me in prison, or do what you will with me, but you cannot stop my child from going to a lily-white school."

If the good citizens of North Carolina were willing to say this, we could be forever free from this awful curse of political correctness. Instead they support their decisions with ridiculous, hypocritical, libelous lies that undermine any possible justification for listening to or following anything they say. These slinking curs will vote for segregation, they'll enact segregation, but they won't justify segregation. Disgusting.

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