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Sunday, November 14, 2010

HBD Aware Jews Are Still Jews:

One of Lawrence Auster's greatest failings is his anti-anti-semitism.  Because Auster is a jew, he feels threatened by anti-semitism even though it is directed against the Noel Ignatiev's and the Tim Wise's of the world.  He can't seem to think rationally when it comes to issues concerning jews.  The same is true of Half Sigma.  Look how fallacious his reasoning is when it comes to countering 'anti-semitism' in his post on Tim Wise:

Listen to the hypocrisy here:

"The second topic I want to discuss is the anti-Semitic comments left on the post. Many of the comments left on that post wouldn’t have passed comment moderation at my blog, because I don’t believe that allowing Stormfront people to take over my comment section is in the interest of this blog or in the interests of the HBD movement. Sailer should be more proactive in removing those comments, because it makes the HBD movement look bad and diminishes the chance of HBD ever going mainstream."

He wants to censor anti-semitism for the good of HBD, because he thinks HBD can never go mainstream if related to anti-semitism.  But he's fine with publishing a plan for HBD'ers to lie in order to further HBD.  At the top of his page, he details how he would go about using fake sock puppet internet accounts and logical fallacies like appeals to popularity and appeals to authority in order to further HBD, and doesn't see how this could discredit the HBD movement.  Being a liar doesn't hurt HBD.  Being a machievellian with no morals doesn't hurt HBD.  Only being an anti-semite prevents HBD from going mainstream.  Seriously?

Next Half Sigma pulls out the traditional liberal canards he knows are false to defeat the arguments of anti-semites, in a complete about face from his normal HBD-Aware thinking patterns:

"There is nothing in Judaism, as historically practiced, which instructs Tim Wise’s viewpoints on race"

How could an HBD-Aware blogger be so hopelessly obtuse when talking about jews?  Surely he knows anti-semites are talking about the jewish ethnic group, the genetic grouping that is the jewish race, and not Judaism.  And yet he pretends that all the anti-semites are stupidly barking up the wrong tree.  I don't know of a single anti-semite in the entire blogosphere who has argued that Tim Wise's views are inspired by his Jewish faith, every single anti-semite has argued that his jewish identity, his jewish ethnicity, and perhaps his jewish upbringing has led him to his repugnant views.  But Half-Sigma amazingly thinks anti-semites are the idiots for believing something we don't, and then shoots the ridiculous straw-man down that no one else but him ever stood up.  This is not an honest way to argue.  He must, he must know what anti-semites are really saying, or he wouldn't go out of his way to argue with us.  He therefore must know that we never said Tim Wise's Judaism is the source of his bigotry against whites.  Even if in some deranged corner of his mind he thinks anti-semites are attacking jews on the basis of their religion, instead of their ethnic identity, it is more honest to argue with someone's strongest argument and not attack their weakest argument.  For instance, he could say, "It would be silly to say Tim Wise was inspired by Judaism, so let's assume anti-semites are basing it on his upbringing, his identity, or his very genes.  Then they'd still be wrong because of x, y, and z."   This is how honest debate moves forward.  It's clear that Half Sigma is not willing to honestly debate anti-semites, since first he calls for us to be censored, then he completely misrepresents our arguments.

"The idea about helping less fortunate races is firmly rooted in Christianity. Jesus said to “love they neighbor,” and he proved this by healing Samaritan lepers and reciting the story of the Good Samaritan to demonstrate that the others can be much better people than one’s own people."

 This is another terrible argument to use against anti-semites.  Most anti-semites despise Christianity, because Christianity is a jewish invention, written by jews about jews!  Get this through your head -- Anti-semites don't like Jews!  We don't like their philosophy, their religion, or their culture.  We just don't like them Sam I am.  We just don't like green jews and ham.  So if Tim Wise isn't inspired by his Jewishness, but instead by Christianity (read, his jewish-inspired beliefs), clearly anti-semites are wrong about Jews' pernicious influence on the world?  Huh?  Christianity is one jewish lie, just like liberalism is another.  They're all the same.  They're all equally attacks on the white race.  Nietzsche (an anti-semite, just like Fichte, Voltaire, and every other prominent thinker throughout most of time) figured this out centuries ago, and wrote about it in his genealogy of morals.  Christianity was a trick, crafted by jews, to reverse the table of good and bad.  Instead of the conquerors, he said, suddenly victims had the highest status.  This ridiculous overturning of morality was jewry's 'revenge' on the Romans who had beaten them in battle.  Soon enough all the weak, worthless scum of the Earth were jumping on the Jewish band wagon, because it gave them higher self-esteem, at the cost of breaking down traditional morality and the honor and glory it inspired people to attain, to the permanent detriment of Europe.  Indeed, Europe never recovered until it had mostly cast Christianity off again, 1,000 years later with the Protestant Revolution and the Enlightenment.  Whether Tim Wise is inspired by Christianity, Judaism, his jewish ethnicity, Freud, or Marx, it all comes back to Jews.  Jews are the source of all of those influences.  Jews are responsible either way.  These are all malign jewish forces currently warping our world.  ((By the way, Islam is mainly the product of Jewish thinking too, it is a derivative of the Bible and the Talmud, transposed a few miles East and with a new name.  Much of the Koran is directly lifted from these other jewish works.  Thanks, jews.))

"Ironically, the anti-Semites who hate Jews because they allegedly want to sell out white people to benefit minorities also hate Jews for the Orthodox viewpoint that Jews should look out for themselves. Anti-Semites seem unable to grasp the inconsistency of their hatred of Jews."

Ironically, Half Sigma doesn't fathom the possibility that jews are looking out for themselves by selling out white people to benefit minorities.  Apparently this giant leap of logic, that jews are trying to create a minority coalition of which they will be the head to supplant whites, is just beyond him.  We're 'inconsistent,' we're creating 'paradoxes,' by believing such a thing.  This isn't to say that it has to be that way.  I could be an anti-semite because jews are just too damn nice to minorities.  If jews are these well-meaning idiots who just want to hug blacks and hispanics and muslims all day long, I'd still be an anti-semite, because it isn't so much their awful motives but the awful results of jewish action I'm worried about.  Even if jews weren't looking out for themselves (hard to believe when they have the only explicitly ethnic state in the world with built in discrimination against non-jews, plus they're the richest ethnic group in the world. . . it sure looks like they've been taking care of #1 to me. . .), they'd still be the enemy.  So this giant 'paradox' he's attempted to trap us into only displays his own irrationality when it comes to anti-semitism.  Is his ignorance real or feigned?  How can anyone know when Half Sigma has already endorsed lying in his next post?  How can we ever trust Half Sigma when he says anything anymore?  He would lie if he thought it was to his advantage, he's already made that clear.  So when do we know he isn't lying to us?

Then Half Sigma spins and pretends Tim Wise isn't even a jew, when Tim Wise has said he's a jew himself:

Then Half Sigma spins and pretends Tim Wise is anti-Israel, and therefore can't have jewish self-interest at heart, when he could easily be anti-Israel because he thinks this puts the Jewish diaspora's interests at heart, of which he is a member.  Or it could be that he thinks a more moderate treatment of Palestinians is in Israel's, and thus jewry's, best interest.  Another much more sensible theory than that Tim Wise must hate jews or lack any ethnic identity because he is for better treatment of Palestinians.  Lastly, it could be that Tim Wise genuinely hates Israelis as evil racists, but he'd still be a part of the problem because a true believer anti-racist is a grave danger to whites.  If his stupid beliefs extend to all the college students he goes on tours to indoctrinate across America, his jewish tongue will have robbed America of the white race, and turned it into a third world hellhole not fit for our descendants to live in.  So it doesn't matter if Tim Wise is selfish, selfless, cares about his ethnicity, or doesn't.  What matters is he a typical jew pushing typical jewish lies in an attempt to destroy the white race.  That is the crux of our complaint with Tim Wise.  Not that he's being selfish while killing us.  That he's trying to genocide us is plenty!  Whether Tim Wise is a 1/4 jew genetically, or a 3/4 jew, it hardly matters.  He clearly inherited all the typical jewish traits of liberalism, genocidal anti-whiteism, and the love of lies.  So whatever jewish ancestry he received is the dominant feature of his existence, whether it was transmitted genetically or culturally or religiously, whatever.  His actions speak for themselves.  No white would have written that vile anti-white screed.  As proof -- no white did.  It took a jew, whether 1/4 or 3/4, to be that hateful.  The jewish part got the better of his soul.  It won the internal war and now only the jewish 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4 sees out of Tim Wise's eyes.  Perhaps in another 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4 jew the result would be different.  But in Tim Wise's case we know which part of his soul is talking.

There's another problem with Half Sigma's approach.  He takes 'liberals like Tim Wise's' (ie, jews') thinking at face value, attributing them with all of the highest motivations and feelings:

"So here’s the meaning: Wise believes that racism is the greatest evil in the world. He believes that the wealth of the United States was built on evil racist acts like stealing the land from the Indians and using blacks as slave labor. He believes that pervasive racism persists, because how else does one explain the persistent gap in outcomes between minorities and whites? He believes that the Tea Party movement is racist. He believes that whites who vote Republican are racist. Whites are the beneficiaries of what people like Tim Wise call “white privilege,” and that it’s therefore white responsibility to fix these problems until there is no longer a gap in outcomes between whites and minorities.
Now, I’m not saying that I agree with Tim Wise’s view of the world, but that’s the way that Wise really sees things. He is pissed that someone as good as Obama would be spurned by white people. It is their racism that makes whites vote against Obama, and racism is the most evil thing in the world."

Fine.  I'm all for giving people the benefit of the doubt.  Maybe Tim Wise genuinely does think all of these things.  Maybe he's just ignorant of human bio-diversity and therefore has fallen into a mental trap of always blaming innocent whites first, but if only he knew better he would be a good fella just like us.  But then notice the complete change of tone when addressing anti-semites.

Half Sigma understands and empathizes with Tim Wise, his fellow jew.  He doesn't agree with Tim Wise, but he sees where he is coming from, and still believes in Tim Wise's fundamental goodness.  Tim Wise isn't motivated by hate, but only love of minorities and love of justice, which would allow them to be equal to us whites, the unjust oppressors.  We anti-semites though, we really are motivated by hate!  No love for us!  No explanation for our way of thinking!  No long preamble of trying to show how we got to our conclusions!  NO, ANTI-SEMITES ARE MINDLESS HATERS!  Tim Wise calls for the genocide of white America, a few uppity anti-semites complain about this, and this just shows how noble Tim Wise's aspirations and motivations are, and how evil and depraved the motivations and aspirations of anti-semites are.  Are you following me here?  Fascinating.

Anti-semites, you see, are willing to believe impossibly contradictory things just to satisfy their hatred of jews.  Everything we do is inspired by hatred, nothing by love.  In fact all our arguments about everything are just roundabout ways of hating on jews:
"Ironically, the anti-Semites who hate Jews because they allegedly want to sell out white people to benefit minorities also hate Jews for the Orthodox viewpoint that Jews should look out for themselves. Anti-Semites seem unable to grasp the inconsistency of their hatred of Jews."

We couldn't be trying to protect the white race from jews because we love whites.  We couldn't be trying to dispel evil libels about the white race spread by jews in the name of fairness or justice.  We couldn't want to promote white self-worth by showing them what they could be like free of jewish interference.  No, we just want to hate on jews. It's our diabolical nature that propels us.  It's Tim Wise's holiness that propels him.

Could it be that Half Sigma's double standard when it comes to giving people the benefit of the doubt is because he is a jew biased towards jews and against anti-semites?  Just maybe?

Furthermore, how could Half Sigma ever make this mistake when he is so well versed in the statistical arguments of Human Bio-Diversity?

The central principle of Human Bio-Diversity is that on average, different genetic groups have disproportionate scores on various scales.  Blacks, say, are disproportionately stupid or violent.  Jews are disproportionately intelligent.  Whites are disproportionately good swimmers.  Human Bio-Diversity quickly trains people to look at group averages and to study things on a per capita basis, not to look at groups as individuals, or as anecdotes, or as raw numbers.  If you told a HBD aware guy that 'whites still do most of the crime in America so why are you attacking blacks?"   A good HBD aware guy like Half Sigma would immediately retaliate, "Yes, but I'm talking about group averages, I'm talking about the per capita chance a black will be a criminal as opposed to a white.  Even if there are more white criminals than black criminals, the rate of black criminality can still be higher than the rate of white criminality, because whites outnumber blacks nearly 5 to 1."

You would think that Half Sigma has, by now, memorized this argument and can recite it in his sleep.  Half Sigma must thoroughly understand the idea of per capita, rates, disproportionate results, average scores, etc.  But what does he do here?  He makes the most elementary mistake possible when attacking anti-semites:
"As much as I wish that there weren’t as many Jewish liberals, unfortunately it’s not uncommon to find prominent liberals who are Jewish. Anti-Semites, however, exaggerate the Jewishness of the left. The majority of leftists are gentile. Nancy Pelosi is a gentile. Barrack Obama is a gentile. Al Gore is a gentile. The Norwegian Noble Committee members, who awarded the Peace Prize to Al Gore and Barrack Obama, are gentile"

You see what he did right there?  He stopped talking about averages, about per capita, about rates, about everything an HBD'er knows and loves, and resorted to the most idiotic fallacy of HBD-deniers everywhere, he started talking about raw majorities.  Because the majority of liberals are whites, anti-semites are completely exaggerating how liberal jews are!  Fascinating.  It doesn't matter that whites outnumber jews at least 50 to 1, so it would be extremely strange if we didn't have more liberals than them, as well as more of everything else!   Anti-semites never said something so stupid as, 'there are more jewish liberals than white liberals.'  What we've always said is that liberalism is disproportionately dominated by jews.  This is not a concept foreign to HBD-ers.  We could say, for instance, that nobel prizes are disproportionately dominated by jews, and Half Sigma would be quick to agree.  He would also understand that this does not mean jews are the majority of nobel prize winners.  But suddenly, SUDDENLY, the moment we say something bad is disproportionately dominated by jews, all logic flies out the window, and he offers this ridiculous fallacy that since whites are the majority of liberals, jewish liberals can't possibly be blamed for anything.  GAH!

How do you argue with such ridiculous hypocrisy?  With such blatant bias?  With such rampant dishonesty?  Luckily we don't have to anymore.  Now that Half Sigma has announced he's fine with lying, there is no reason to argue.  He's discredited himself.  All anti-semites need to do is say, "Self-Described Liar Half Sigma said today. . ."  and that should pretty much dissolve any argument he makes.  Yet another anti-anti-semite bites the dust.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing text!! I'm desiluded about "hbd" and one of the worst hbd bloggers is exactly "lionnel du blogosphere". He use completely stupid argument as "anti semitism is a irrational feeling" or "jews are a religion, not a race". Jesus christ!!! I'm boring about "hbd".
hbd have lot of jews, antitesis. " sexually liberal" jews create problems. "concerned" conservative jews appear to solve problems which was caused by other jews. Take the control of "oposition". Syntesis and antitesis.
