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Saturday, December 21, 2024

Dragon Quest 3 2d HD beaten at normal difficulty:

The game was simple and short -- too simple and short to be honest -- so it was easy to beat.  In the end there were only a few viable abilities and a few viable classes in the game, meaning the game could be played practically blindfolded.  The biggest benefit of the game was getting to look at the pretty scenery and listen to the pretty music, and getting to experience a very nostalgic, classic, trope-filled game.  But the difference in quality between this and DQ XI is light years.

Perhaps the biggest benefit to DQ 3 is the remixed version of 'Unknown World' they composed with the most beautiful orchestral music as opposed to the NES synthesizer beeps which was my previous copy of the song.  The song is also over twice as long in DQ 3 as it was in the original, so the song is magnitudes better this way.  I quickly upgraded my music hall of fame to reflect this version of the song as opposed to the previous one.

Also today marked the ending theme to the entire Gun Gale Online anime, 'Oh UnHappy Day,' by ReoNa, which was also good enough to enter my music hall of fame.  The full version has an annoying church chorus segment which I eliminated with my Audacity music editor, but other than that the song is great.  To add it in while keeping my pristine 5,500 songs, I merged 'Battle' and 'Battle's End' from Xenosaga Episode 1 into one song.  This is something I wanted to do anyway, because the two songs are actually meant to be played sequentially together, and 'Battle's End' was too short to stand on its own as a separate song to begin with.  I'd been intentionally turning a blind eye to the issue because I had no solution to it, but now that Unhappy Day is here the time to act had come.

Indiana was no match for Notre Dame, but the Playoff rolls on.  Soon we'll see three more exciting matches, all thanks to the new format.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Amphibians for the win:

The current diabolical system that controls everything, including what people think inside their own heads, only lacks sway over two different groups of people:  those who can naturally see through the system's lies, and those whom the system have so egregiously injured that they cannot help but see its injustice.

Being able to see through lies and propaganda isn't difficult to the people who can do so, it's like breathing it comes so naturally.  Everything the system says is obviously a lie and there isn't even a necessary argument to come to believe it.  At the same time it is impossible for people who see through the lies to convince other people the system is lying, because it's like convincing people to breathe through their gills.  It's easy for those of us who have gills, and impossible for those who don't.

Once you've become so victimized by the ruling system that you have to believe it's wrong, despite all your initial instincts and premises, you have also been rendered helpless and powerless precisely due to the severity of that victimization.  If you're only slightly injured by the system, it's easy to shrug the injustice off as 'bad luck.'  You can say 'generally the system works but in my case it didn't.'  But when you're Derek Chauvin and you know for a fact you did nothing out of the ordinary when restraining George Floyd that day and are rotting in jail for murder (of a thug who stuck a gun into the belly of a pregnant woman while invading her home), you finally know the system is rotten and broken to its core -- and you're in jail and your reputation has been shredded beyond restoration.  So you have absolutely no influence on the remaining captured citizens of your country who believe the brainwashing that you're the problem, not the system that demonized you.

This is why it's impossible to bring down the system.  The only people who are not slaves to it have no influence over it.  They cannot persuade the larger public that something is desperately wrong, so perverted and twisted that it cannot be reformed but only destroyed.  There is something biologically different between people who don't believe obvious lies and people who do, they may as well be different species, and they cannot interact.  Like neutrinos we pass through the public our voices unheard.

It's not like we, who believe the truth, have special access to information the rest of the country lacks.  We are operating from the exact same facts that have been published in mainstream news articles and scientific papers all across the world.  The difference is in our ability to interpret facts in a way different from how the government spins the facts.  When I notice that every single aid giving body in the world, including up to the President of the United States, says Israel is denying the Gaza Strip sufficient food aid to survive, I put two and two together and realize this is an attempted genocide aimed at all the men, women and children of Gaza, not an 'anti-terrorist police action.'  For those who can't see this obvious fact and believe the government when they say that Israel is 'only attacking Hamas' and is some sort of humane Western democracy we should all worship and admire, pointing out that every single official spokesman on Earth is saying Israel is attempting a genocide via starvation (the most common form of genocide, by the way -- look at the Holodomor, the Irish famine, the Great Leap Forward, etc.), is not sufficient evidence to break through what they heard from the news or at church or at school, that Israel is a wonderful country and Jews are a wonderful ethnicity that would never harm innocents.  Instead they'll just dismiss everything everybody is saying, including Biden himself, by explaining it all as the ravings of antisemites.

Likewise, when every single scientific study ever made shows there is a large genetic component to IQ, and that the genes that code for higher IQ are unevenly distributed between the races, I can put two and two together and realize blacks are biologically inferior creatures.  The public at large, however, will listen to some expert on the news or at university somewhere say that's 'pseudoscience' and 'real science' says all the races are equal and IQ is a pure figment of the imagination with no basis in reality whatsoever.  In fact, races themselves don't exist and that too is a figment of the imagination, never mind what your own lying eyes are telling you.

People like me who can obviously see that's a lie can point to various correlations between IQ and success in school, at work, in marriage, and even in length of life, proving that IQ is real and explains completely the variation in success between the races, as their success tracks perfectly to their IQ -- Asians at the top, whites next, Hispanics next, and blacks last.  This pattern wouldn't emerge if IQ were meaningless or races weren't real.  Therefore the science is not pseudoscience but accurately explaining the world we see around us every day.

People like me can also point out the scientific studies showing IQ is genetic, not environmental, by pointing to the Minnesota Transracial Adoption study, where blacks were raised by white parents, thus having exactly the same environment as whites, and ended up with the same adult IQ, or maybe a point or two higher, than blacks raised by black parents in presumably much worse environments.  I can also point to the modern statistical wizards who have isolated thousands of SNP's that reliably correlate with higher IQ between individuals, which shows a concrete genetic basis for your total IQ score building block by elementary building block.  These statisticians have already explained something like 40% of people's IQ with the SNP's they've already found, and every year their data samples grow and that percentage grows.  The same person taking an IQ test on two different days has an 80% correlation between the two test scores, and an identical twin of that person also has an 80% correlation, proving that genes account for 80% of IQ.  If you're genetically identical you may as well be the same person.

But no matter how much mainstream, published evidence I provide, no one will listen, because they were trained by the 'experts' to dismiss all such 'kookery' as 'pseudoscience.'  So if you say 'Israel is depriving the Gaza Strip of necessary food, medicine and water, which by logical necessity, because man is mortal and requires certain things to survive, will result in the complete genocide of that population,' you're an 'antisemite,' and if you say 'twin studies show IQ is genetic,' you're a 'pseudoscientist.'  No matter how thorough or rigorous your argument is, it cannot beat the label the government slaps on you, which warns people to dismiss you out of hand, without a hearing, without ever turning their brains on.

Due to various loyalty tests the system runs from school onwards, it's impossible to become an 'expert' which the government gives people the 'license to believe,' and then say the truth.  All truth tellers are rooted out long before they're given their expert status.  If somehow an expert does go rogue all that happens is they strip the person of his 'expert' status and say 'actually he was a kook all along, never mind what he said.'  So long as the majority of 'experts' denounce the rogue 'expert,' people will believe what the majority of 'experts' are saying is the consensus truth.  The system is foolproof.

If you point out that Yanukovych was the freely and fairly elected President of Ukraine before being overthrown by violent riots rather than defeated in an election, which all mainstream sources willingly report, and therefore the new government in Ukraine cannot be deemed as the legitimate reflection of the will of the people (which logic dictates), which then allows for groups seeking liberation from tyranny to secede (as America did under the battle cry 'no taxation without representation'), which also allows said seceded groups to join with whoever else they please (as Texas did in 1845 and America accepted), and if you accept the mainstream, western OSCE and their video tape evidence showing that Ukraine in February of 2022 dramatically increased its massive military shelling of the Donbass weeks before Russia intervened, proving that Russia was acting in self-defense of its allies, then from purely mainstream, acknowledged facts, you can reason that Russia's invasion was not 'brutal and unprovoked.'  It was just and a humane attempt to prevent a genocide, not start one.  You can line up all these logical and historical principles and all the facts that are readily acknowledged by the other side to no avail, however, because the other side can just call you a "Putin fanboy" and your whole argument dissolves into dust.  You see, the real reason I support Russia in this war is because I want to have gay sex with a 70+ year old short bald man, not because of any of the reasons given, and therefore my opinion can be dismissed out of hand.

There are no winning arguments against this overwhelming power of 'experts' backed by 'majorities' who wield labels instead of logic.  I have tried for decades, I'm now well aware how utterly fruitless it is.  When I was young I believed that if I just honed my wordcraft, made my facts more ironclad, my reasoning easier to follow, that everyone would have to believe the truth, that they'd all come around.  If I just wrote the next article a little bit better everything would work out.  Now I realize the complete futility of persuasion and have stopped bothering.

With all that as prelude, I'll finally get to my main point -- the only way to defeat the system is to outlive it, and the only way to outlive it is to be able to succeed while living under it, and be able to succeed when it's finally out of the way.  This is why we must all become amphibians.  We must be able to breathe within the system, and without the system.  The system is self-destructive, it cannot indefinitely continue.  When you live counter to reality eventually reality wins.  This is true of every historical epoch and every land on Earth.  It happened to the communists, it happened to the Romans, it happened to the Incas and Aztecs, it happened everywhere.  It's easy to succeed within the system, you just have to sell your soul to the system, and become one of those 'experts' with a license to lie.  So long as the system survives you'll be rich, popular, earn all sorts of accolades, whatever.  But you'll have lost all spiritual goods like honor and pride, like integrity and freedom, and on top of that you'll also lose all your material goods when the system comes crashing down, like being a member of the politburo of the Communist Party in 1988.  You will be a fish, not an amphibian, and you'll suffocate soon enough.  Or your children will, if you raise them in your values, and the empire comes crashing down after you're dead, which spiritually and genetically speaking is the same thing as if it happened to you directly.

If your soul is so utterly crushed by the injustice of the system that you cannot find any way to coexist with it, then you'll die long before the system does, which makes you a reptile, not an amphibian.  You could not breathe in the water until the tide receded and left you free to breathe the air.  You failed just like the fish failed.  This is the vital question in life, how to coexist with a system while not becoming part of it (if you integrate into it then you'll be a fish, not an amphibian).  That CEO shooter Luigi failed to coexist with the system so now he's in jail for murder.  He failed.  Every drug addict or homeless bum failed.  Everybody who's unhappy or commits suicide failed.  They were crushed by the system and found no way out (other than joining the system, at which point their souls disappeared and they became fish).

One of the points of this blog is to show people that it is possible to be an amphibian, to succeed, to be happy, living under this system, while not becoming the system, and being ready to live in a future that's radically different from this system.  By constantly reminding people that there is a happy present that can escort us to the free and just future, I dissuade people from becoming reptiles who are crushed by the system or fish who are suborned by the system.  I give people a golden path.

The key to amphibious life is to never lie, to accept whatever loss in status, friends, lovers, wealth, job opportunities, etc. it takes, but never lie.  Never support the official version of events that justifies genocide or jailing innocent cops or whatever.  Never become the injustice.  Hold your tongue if you must, but never lie.  At the same time, it's important to realize that all those friends, all that status, all that wealth, was never the key to happiness or spiritual wellbeing to begin with.  That happiness can and should be found elsewhere, in the innate goodness of things, and by having a direct relationship with those things, that no outside human intermediary can deny you.  The goodness of God, the goodness of art, the goodness of the fictional characters displayed within that art, the goodness of the virtues and values those fictional characters embodied, the goodness of your own soul and emotions that respond to said forces.  You can coexist with the system by realizing they can't take anything important away from you, no matter how hard they try.  You can obey all their laws and not be sent to jail or shot in a battle or whatever and just outlast them.  You can peacefully, patiently await their doom.  Because you're operating from a calm, serene, happy place that could potentially live in this same manner forever.  Amphibians do not choke or need to hold their breath underwater.  They can stay underwater as long as required of them.  It doesn't take an extreme exertion or heroic effort to breathe underwater.  They can do so effortlessly.

I have trained my soul to be happy within the world of anime, games, music, visual novels and books I can surround myself with at very low price -- basically the price of an internet subscription and a new computer every ten years.  If I can do it anyone else can too.  By constantly talking about the newest happy activity I'm undertaking I prove that this happiness is genuine, not a 'sour grapes' cope, and a healthy alternative to vices like smoking, drinking, gambling, drugs, overeating, etc. -- and a healthy alternative to selling your soul to Satan and becoming a government worker/propagandist.  I want to show that there is something better on offer for those who wish to be good but also don't want to suffocate to death like the other reptiles.  I want to offer my open hand to them to join me on this journey through life towards redemption -- in a political future that recognizes obvious truths, or in the afterlife where ultimately God will reveal whose side she was on all along.  Sooner or later we will all be vindicated, so the key until then is patience.  Just breathe, as it were.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Demons Crest:

While Reki Kawahara slacks off and doesn't write the rest of SAO's Unital Ring arc, he apparently has plenty of time to write a new series called 'Demons Crest.'  It's sort of like a ripoff of SAO that's worse in every way.  Unfortunately, SAO is so good that even a worse ripoff is still worth reading.  At least in manga form, which is generally speaking an improvement on books.  I've now read all the available manga of Demons Crest and eagerly await new releases.

I posted my novel 'The Greatest Vision' to Scribble Hub, figuring it deserves more readers.  Unfortunately so far it's only gotten one reader (maybe I shouldn't have published it in the middle of the night, where it then got buried by other people's releases, so nobody looking at the latest updates page would ever see it. . .), but fortunately that one reader already gave it a 5-star rating (the top possible rating), so just for that one fan who's clearly enjoying the book my act was worthwhile.

I finished the available plot of Heaven Burns Red yet again.  It ended on a fantastic note, with the resignation of one of the main characters from the party, something I totally didn't see coming but on reflection makes perfect sense.  However, the actual game continues from here, and I'm dying to learn who the replacement for the now missing squad member will be.  There could be so much more characterization of the original five now that they're in a different situation with a new person, they won't be able to act predictably anymore.  Hopefully the game publisher, Yostar, will get around to adding more content in a timely manner, like for instance next month.  There's nothing I want to do more right now than see the next day of this game.  Just one day of content would tell me so much I'm dying to know right now.

Multiplying the emotional impact of the game's pseudo-finale is that I actually beat it with the plot party this time, the ones shown in the plot to have actually been fighting.  My plot party has a long way to go to catch up with my power party, but at least they were strong enough to finish the plot.

The last boss was taken down by the combined might of all 8 Seraph Squads and all the technological acumen of humanity's amassed military.  It was the most epic fight in the game.  I can't praise Heaven enough.  It goes from strength to strength.

With my inability to progress Heaven's plot any further, it's time to switch to Dragon Quest 3 for a while.  I have plenty of games to play, Heaven or no.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

2024 in review, the year of editing:

2024 is the year I finished editing all of my various megaprojects -- my top 200 anime rankings, my 5,500 song music hall of fame, my 1,099 entry '100 Waifus' music playlist, my 'fictional character hall of fame' and '100 Waifus' itself.  I spent all year editing and proofreading and finally wrapped everything up right before year's end.

Let's start with anime:

2024 Year in Anime Reviewed:

How did 2024's great franchises stack up against each other and what were they?

1.  One Piece (Wano arc completed and Egghead arc begins)
2.  Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest
3.  Oshi no Ko S2
4.  Monogatari Series Off and Monster Season
5.  DanMachi S5
6.  Hibike! Euphonium S3
7.  Wonderful Precure + Precure All Stars F movie (finally translated)
8.  Sousou no Frieren (2nd cour)
9.  Girls Band Cry
10.  Love Live! Superstar S3
11.  Bleach TYBW part 3
13.  Boku no Hero Academia S7
14.  Sokushi Cheat
15.  Ao no Hako (1st cour)
16.  Kimetsu no Yaiba S4
17.  Dragon Ball Daima (1st cour)
18.  Girls und Panzer das Finale ova 4 + taichou war
19.  Idolm@ster Shiny Colors
20.  Prince of Tennis U-17 World Cup Semifinal
21.  Spice and Wolf (2024) eps 20-25
22.  Kimi ni Todoke S3
23.  KonoSuba S3
24.  Uma Musume New Era movie
25.  Oomuro-ke oav

Three new great series isn't bad, especially this late in to anime's history, but 2024's saving grace was sequels to classic works.  Very classic works.  Works that date back to the 80's like Dragon Ball, 90's like One Piece, 00's like Bleach, Monogatari and Precure, and 10's like Love Live! and SAO.  For some reason there were very few shows with definitive endings -- Hibike! Euphonium and Girls Band Cry is basically it.  Love Live and Idolm@ster might end this particular group of characters, but they'll probably resume with some similar group like Precure always does.  So only three beginnings and only two endings, making this very much a bridging year.  Girls Band Cry stands out as particularly good precisely because it has a start and finish, something the rest of anime seemingly can no longer manage.

In addition to the 25 great anime that aired this year, many new 'good' (worth watching in full) anime also aired:

Saijaku Tamer
Dungeon Meshi
Henjin no Salad Bowl
One Room, Hi Atari Futsu, Angel Included
Yoru no Kurage
Dorei Elf no Yome
Seiyuu Radio ura no Omote
Tensei Kizoku
Shuumatsu Train
Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau
The Boy and the Heron
Isekai Suicide Squad
Nanare Hananare
Terminator Zero
Code Geass: Rose the Recapture
Too many losing heroines
Mob Kara Hajimaru
Atri My Dear Moments
The Elusive Samurai
Alya Sometimes Speaks in Russian
Wistoria of Wand and Sword
Failure Frame
Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai
Isekai Yururi Kikou
Naze Boku no Sekai wo Daremo Oboeteinai no ka?
I Parry Everything
Sora no Aosa wo Shiro Hito yo
Hitoribochi Isekai
Nageki Bourei
Chiyushi Tsuiho
Nina the Starry Bride

31 new series or movies isn't bad.  Anime was still in a healthy state in 2024.  My worries aren't for 2024 or 2025, when there's still more Bleach, Fairy Tail and Kimetsu left to animate, it's for what comes after that.

Though it wasn't me doing the editing, anime received two vital edits this year as well -- all of Precure came out in an English subtitled bluray version, and all of One Piece came out in a fan-edited condensed version.  I'll be enjoying these two edits well into 2025.

At the start of 2024 there were some obviously undeserving ranked anime like Kamitachi and 16bit Sensation.  At the end of 2024 every anime in my top rankings was obviously deserving of those rankings.  There are only 18 ranked series left that have the twin faults of only being 12 episodes long and lacking a decisive conclusion.  I've had a 'top 200' rankings for a long time but the average level of those ranked series has continuously risen all this time, until today where the quality is nearly perfect.  The only new series that's likely to enter my rankings from here is Summer Pockets in 2025.  But they butchered Rewrite so there's not even a guarantee that Summer Pockets will qualify.

The next megaproject was my music hall of fame.  Thanks to games like Heaven Burns Red, Terra Wars, Fantasy Life, Unicorn Overlord and Granblue Fantasy Re:link, as well as various new anime theme releases, I was able to replace around 100 songs in my music hall of fame.  The new songs are much better than the old, which were either merged into longer songs because they were too short to stand on their own, or deleted entirely because they were never worth listening to.  The purge was important, but there was also a purge within each song, as I used the new Audacity music editing tool to get rid of the most offensive portions of otherwise good songs.  This improved the quality of my music yet again in an almost invisible manner, since the same song titles remained before and after.

In addition I fixed the ratings of hundreds of songs by promoting or demoting them.  At least 25 new songs entered my 5-star tier, the most important tier, since I listen to it about as often as all the rest of the music combined.

The most impressive aspect of all this editing is I managed to keep my song total at exactly 5,500 and five evenly distributed tiers of 1,100 throughout.  Keeping things stable sounds easy but it was by far the hardest part.

I finally reached a stable conclusion to all my edits at the end of the year, but the release of the Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest ost on Christmas day means 2025 will also include music editing.  I plan on kicking out subpar Valkyrie Profile songs to make room for the new crop.  But at least for now the year of constant turmoil is complete, and the remaining changes required are marginal compared to the tsunami of edits 2024 saw.

Through heroic attention to detail, I managed to match a good song with every featured fictional character in '100 Waifus,' creating a playlist of maximal nostalgia which I can enjoy long after I tire of reading the book.  Now I can listen to a song and enjoy not only the song but also the character it represents, reflecting back on how cute or cool that character was from whatever story they came from.

The new permapost, 'Wonderful Fictional Characters,' is also a chance to reflect back upon and honor all the best people from the best stories, but this time unbound by the conflicting needs of the '100 Waifus' novel.  It can focus on its sole priority, honoring the right people, and thus is a slightly better version of the same idea that is embedded within the book.

By far the most work I did this year was editing '100 Waifus' itself, though.  I did add a few pages of bonus content, like Christopher's date with Levy in Chapter 11, and Cheria's new scene in Chapter 31, which are incredibly good.  But the edits were generally far more mundane and thankless than that.  Most of the time I was paring back the superabundance of the words 'just,' 'even,' and commas.  I was rephrasing sentences into intelligible English so readers weren't tripped up by them or put off by how bad they sounded, or deleting them entirely because they weren't actually necessary.  I was correcting outright spelling and grammar errors, or details about characters which were straight wrong.  (Because I use characters from other works, I don't have control over what is correct about them, which means I have to be extremely diligent in matching my story's details to the official canon.)  I was improving the children's names by replacing them with new children from new works, and increasing the number of unique names in the book so that they were easier to remember for the reader.  I was improving the relationship between mothers and children by matching them more intelligently.  So many of the edits at first glance are invisible, but when taken all together they transform the book to a whole new level of satisfaction.  I want the book to be as easy to read as listening to normal daily conversation, while being as profound and meaningful as Kant or Plato.  Thanks to the eight editing sessions I did across this entire year, I've reached that goal.

Part of the pleasure of reading has nothing to do with content and everything to do with delivery.  A well delivered twist or turn of phrase, with alliteration or parrallelism or whatever, can be enjoyed independently of whatever is going on in the story.  It's like sweetening the pot, adding in little rewards for the effort involved in traversing such a long tome, making it so that even impatient, immature minds can be bribed into reading a little bit further, a little bit longer.  If you dope/spike/spice your book with enough of these witticisms, you might get the reader all the way to the end of the story.  I know rereading the book this time was a lot easier than it was a year ago.  I felt far less exhausted at the finish line than I had been previously.  Part of that was because I didn't have to make many edits, and part of that was the fruit of past editing.  Editing equals exhaustion for the author, but exhilaration for the reader.  I finally got to benefit from the flip side of that equation.

Finishing 'In Another World With 100 Waifus' after six years and 47 tries is such a monumental event that nothing else in 2024 really matters in comparison.  But I'll try to summarize the other important moments of the year nonetheless.

As mentioned before, there were several great video games released this year -- FF7 Rebirth, Unicorn Overlord, Granblue Fantasy Re:Link and Heaven Burns Red (now ranked 23rd in my great video game rankings).  There was also a new expansion of World of Warcraft I enjoyed well enough.  In any other year I would have described this as the year of great games.  I loved Unicorn Overlord so much I replayed it twice at the highest difficulty.  I kept searching for an excuse not to put it down.  FF7 Rebirth and Heaven Burns Red made me cry.  I don't think 2025 will have as many good games as 2024, and I still expect 2025 to be the year of video games.

As for manga, many great or at least good series came to an end, including Kodomo Natchaimashita, Datenshi Ron, Isekai Shihai no Skill Taker, Fire Emblem Record of the Holy War, Mikakunin de Shinkoukei, Oshi no Ko, Kimi ni Todoke ~ Soulmate ~, Ken Tensei Another Wish, Broken Blade and Edens Zero.

For books not titled '100 Waifus,' I actually read quite a few.  Most importantly Solzhenitsyn's Red Wheel volume 6, but also more Bakemonogatari, Haruhi, Parchment & Wolf, Ryuuou no Oshigoto, Choyoyu (the all important ending), Index GT, Sokushi Cheat, KonoSuba (including the ending), and Kamitachi (which I'd rather forget about.)

As for visual novels I enjoyed the beautiful Irotoridori no Sekai and the raunchy Majikoi Ryouken After, but overall the pickings were far too sparse.  On the other hand you could classify Heaven Burns Red as a visual novel in which case things were fine.  There was also a very sexy but otherwise empty visual novel called 'Life with a flirty Step-sister.'  Like Imouto Paradise it doesn't worry about plot and gets right to the point, which is that imoutos reign supreme.

There was one great new tv series, Shogun, and 1/2 of a great new movie, Dune part 2.  So much for America's contribution to great art.  And Shogun is about Japan featuring mostly Japanese actors, so you could call it a Japanese work too. . .

Sports were fun this year, with the Kansas City Chiefs winning an improbable second Super Bowl in a row and the beginning of the College Football Playoff system.  The Paris 2024 Olympics were beautiful and had many satisfying results like Djokovic's tennis gold or Suni Lee's gymnastics bronze.  Unfortunately the Olympics were tainted by politics so we didn't get to see Russia compete.

Which brings things to politics.  The best event of 2024 was the Republicans sweeping the House, Senate and Presidency in the election.  Starting in 2025 Republicans will have total power and have the chance to turn around this desperately troubled country.  We can grow the economy, shrink the deficit, reduce crime and illegal immigration, make peace instead of war abroad, restore justice and dismantle the deep state.  For the first time Trump has over 50% approval and a true popular mandate, including the majority of young people and large numbers of racial/ethnic minorities.  He's President of all of America this time around.

Meanwhile Russia scored several major victories in their just war against Ukraine and the united west which supports Ukraine.  They took the fortress city of Avdiivka and then spread from there all the way to the city limits of Pokrovsk.  They took the fortress city of Ugledar and then spread up to Kurakhove.  They are very close to taking two more fortress cities, Chasiv Yar and Toretsk, which if they manage to do will spell the death knell for the Donbass area as a whole.  For some bizarre reason Ukraine didn't try hard to defend their own soil and instead invaded Kursk, which only led to them getting massive casualties and a few hamlets and trees.  The war really couldn't have gone any better this year, with gains as dramatic as we saw during Russia's initial invasion.

There were no good guys in Syria and there are still no good guys in Syria so despite things changing on the surface really nothing has changed here.  The civil war continues, just with new actors.

The war between Israel (and the USA) and a variety of Muslims continues, but it does look like Israel has gained the upper hand.  Less important than the results of the war are the lessons that can be learned from the war, though.  What the world learned is that genocide isn't a real crime, invading and annexing territory isn't a real crime, attacking U.N. peacekeepers or charity workers isn't a real crime, the only thing that goes against the 'rules-based order' is defying America.  And in a more universal, abstract sense, the only war crime is losing a war.  If you win a war everything you do is blessed by history.  Israel has gotten away with absolutely everything, which means anyone else who wins could do the same.  If you defeat America, you become the 'rules-based order,' which means you weren't in violation of the rules-based order after all.  I expect many nations have learned the right lessons from this war, including China, and I'm looking forward to seeing the hypocritical lying tyrannical America knocked off its high horse.  Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday.

I wrote some good political posts for this very blog this year, like '2/3rds of South Korean Women don't want children,' 'the party of life versus the party of death,' '45% of American women aged 25-44 are expected to be single and childless by 2030', and '100 Waifus is just saying what all men feel out loud,' which were added to my permaposts, but there's little to say that I haven't said before, so mostly I focused on tilling the fields in front of me, the things I could control myself.  I like to think that my political posts contributed at least slightly to Trump's victory, though.

Overall 2024 was a great year.  Basically everything went my way.  Even my stocks went up.  I spent the entire year working hard and producing results, something I doubt I'll ever do again.  (It was a lot of work, I don't want to do that ever again.)  I'm going to enjoy the fruits of my labor during 2024 for many years to come.  Honestly, I think I'll enjoy the fruits of my labor this year in heaven, and the fruits will be even more rewarding then, but even on Earth the rewards are plentiful.  I expect 2025 to be an even better year, with more Russian victories, including the complete capitulation of Ukraine, more Republican triumphs that improve life in the USA, more thrilling NFL Playoff games, more thrilling College Football Playoff games, more anime endings, more manga endings, more video games, more visual novels (like Kud Wafter and Rewrite Harvest Festa), more everything.

There won't be an Olympics or World Cup next year, but with the blizzard of other things going on I don't think anyone will notice or care.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Music Hall of Fame finally finished, Haruhi novel read:

I've been trying to wrap everything I started in 2024 up before 2025 and I've finally reached the finish line.  Of course new projects will begin in 2025, but it's nice finishing something.  Completing something.

Basically I had to do music maintenance due to moving the files from one drive to another, but this somehow spiraled into having to flip dozens of ratings, identify and eliminate remixes, delete the bad middle portions of otherwise good songs, fix my '100 Waifus' music playlist, find lots of all new good songs to plug holes that kept opening up, listen to those new good songs 100 times as required before their entry to my hall of fame -- ::shakes head::  So much work!  How did it come to this?  But at least at the end of this tunnel I have a magical music collection for the rest of my life.  From 2025 forward it won't be music maintenance, it will be music enjoyment time.

From the very beginning of the year I was adjusting my music hall of fame to the very end.  This project was just as big as editing '100 Waifus', and just as important.  Due to some computer glitch dozens of my precious songs were overwritten and had to be rediscovered by searching through labyrinthine backups.  I think I managed to retrieve all but a couple from that unfair void.  Meanwhile I had to make room for the soundtracks to Unicorn Overlord, Granblue Fantasy Re:link, Heaven Burns Red and various anime themes while still sticking to exactly 5,500 songs broken up into 5 tiers of worst to best, 1,100 per tier.  I've been adding and subtracting, promoting and demoting my music for many years now, but this year was the most challenging ever.  So challenging, in fact, that I've openly given up on ever doing it again.  Starting in 2025 my music hall of fame will lose its symmetry and songs will just be rated whatever, and the number of songs will be whatever, because I can't put in this much effort again.

While I was listening to the last of my 5,500 songs I read the latest Haruhi Suzumiya novel, the theater of Haruhi Suzumiya.  The book wasn't very good.  Basically the characters were thrown into a variety of different genres, like gangster, western, sci-fi, fantasy, greek myth, pirates, etc., and the question was what was going on and how could they get back to the real world.  Eventually the author deus ex machina'd the situation by saying Yuki Nagato did something or other and everything was fixed.  So through no decisions of the characters involved did they get into the predicament, and through no decisions of the characters involved did they get out of the predicament.  I consider a story to be about decisions and their consequences, and this book had none.  What this book did have, though, is a ton of illustrations of our leading ladies in various costumes suited to each new genre they entered.  It felt like there was a new drawing every five pages, a real visual feast.  I could look at Haruhi and crew in different dresses all day and never grow bored.  They're that beautiful.  So actually I would say, in the end, this was a good book.  The plot was an excuse for the art so, okay, fine by me.

With my two big projects complete, I can officially declare the year over and present my thoughts on the year as a whole.  I love reflecting on all that I accomplished over the course of a year, but I fear 2025 onwards I won't have any accomplishments because I finished everything this year.  ^^;.  Well, that's for my 2025 in review writing self to worry about.

Winter 2025 Anime Preview:

Here's the anime to look forward to starting next year, only a few weeks from now:

Continuing Good Anime:

Wonderful Precure

Dragon Ball Daima

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest

Ao no Hako

DanMachi S5

Rurouni Kenshin Remake

Ranma 1/2 Remake

Returning Good Anime:

Mahoutsukai Precure Mirai Days

100 Kanojo

BanG Dream! Ave Mujica

Grisaia: Phantom Trigger

Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon

Debuting Good Anime:

Class no Daikirai na Joshi

Possibly Good Anime: (worth trying the first episode)

S-rank Behemoth

Izure Saikyou

Salaryman ga Isekai

Ameku Takao

Momentary Lily


Kisaki Kyouiku

Mahoutsukai no Yakosoku

Kono Kaisha ni Suki

Kuroiwa Medaka

Botsuraku Yotei

Hazure Skill "Kinomi Master"

Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku

Tasokare Hotel

Magic Maker

Honey Lemon Soda

Arafou Otoko

Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Oji-san

Douse, Koishite

Nihon e Youkoso Elf-san


Guild no Uketsukejou

Ubel Blatt

Sakamoto Days

A-rank Party wo Ridatsu Shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiegotachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu

Sentai Red Isekai

Fuguushoku [Kanteishi]

Okinawa de Suki

Sorairo Utility


So 13 assured good things to watch and another 30 chances for something good to happen.  It won't be as good as this legendary fall was, but it will do.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

'In Another World With 100 Waifus' read and edited for the 47th time:

It all started with the new knowledge gained from reading Ryuuou no Oshigoto volume 18, that Ai was suffering from some mysterious illness that was eroding her ability to play top level shogi.  Well, if she were suffering from an illness, then she should have lined up with the other girls in Chapter 1 to be cured of that illness -- which the newly edited version of the book now has her do.  Now she can go on playing professional level shogi in my story regardless of her problems in the original.

Since I had to make that edit, I figured I may as well make some other edits too, since the gates of hell were already opened.  As a result I fixed multiple other minor errors -- Rydia referring to the Kingdom of Baron as an 'Empire' has been fixed to its proper title of 'kingdom.'  And Christopher now claps twice, not thrice, before praying at the shrine, in keeping with Shinto tradition.  A sentence that could be read as calling for a 'thousand classrooms' was clarified to specifically mean a 'thousand students' for the sake of the reader, 'depend on' was changed to 'depend upon', three commas were deleted and a 'that' added to make sentences flow better.  'Delight' was deemed redundant as a virtue given that 'joy' was already listed by Cute and was therefore replaced with 'devotion.'  'Still' was deemed redundant since Kobato was already described as 'motionless' so it was replaced with 'silent,' which had been my original intent.

In addition, I switched out a child's name from Botan to Ruka.  This is because Heaven Burns Red is a video game/visual novel by the greatest composer and storyteller who has ever lived, Jun Maeda, that's already made me cry multiple times while Kitakubu is a pointless empty comedy series best known for its random seals in the background.  Honestly Heaven is a better comedy than Kitakubu too, so it's just strictly superior.  The actually tough part here wasn't whether Heaven should take Kitakubu's place, it's which character should represent Heaven.  Because Heaven Burns Red uses comic exaggeration to help differentiate its 50 characters, virtually every character in the game is flawed/annoying in some way.  Some of the girls are normal, but they're such minor characters it's hard to make them the banner girl of the whole franchise (this tanked Misato's chances.)  Sumomo, Tama and Tsukasa are all beautiful girls who would serve, except that all their names are repeats and the last thing I need is more repeat names in '100 Waifus.'  So by order of elimination Ruka was the only reasonable option left, the main character of the whole game.  Ruka too is flawed but somebody has to represent this artistic masterpiece, and she is a great warrior, a good friend and an inspired musician.  Surely that's enough to make the cut.  (The 'who gets which song' 100 Waifus appendix post was also updated to accommodate the change.)

None of these edits were proof that I needed to reread the book for the 48th time, just minor adjustments of a few words.  But if I'm going to go through the entire effort of rereading the book I may as well take advantage of the opportunities to improve it when they present themselves.  Undoubtedly I will reread the book for a 48th time, just for fun, someday down the road, when it's faded from my short-term memory.  But I'm no longer required to do so, because this project is officially done.  And when I do so, it will just be as a reader, not a writer anymore, because I refuse to write this book any longer.  Six years of editing is enough.  The book is as good as I can possibly make it.  So for people who have waited to read it until they're assured it's the final product, here it is, the final product:

I'm still of the firm opinion that this is the best book ever written.  It would be impossible to read a book 47 times and think otherwise.  Even for the 47th time, the book was overpoweringly erotic.  But it was also overpoweringly heartwarming and insightful too.  I came away from the story fully convinced that the love the characters displayed towards one another was the ideal romantic love no one in real life or any other story has ever matched, that the things they said to each other were the most loving things anyone has ever said to anyone in real life or fiction.  And what's so amazing about this book is there are 101 romances in it, so right after you read one confession that's more loving than anyone in real life has ever said to anyone, there's another, and another, and another, all of them surpassing your wildest dreams.

I was a bigger fan of the sections of the book that had more content and fewer long name lists, but that's mostly due to my fatigue of having to read those names 47 times in a row.  I would be more forgiving of the name-centered chapters if the book was actually new to me and I was looking forward to learning who had reached the 'fictional character hall of fame' generation by generation like a normal reader.  But for anyone daunted by the long name lists, go ahead and skip them all, they aren't vital to the plot and can be ignored at no cost to the comprehension and appreciation of the rest of the book.

I would classify this book under the 'romance' genre, but that kind of obscures its real genre, which is straight out holy writ.  The book creates a new, reasonable God people of the modern world can actually believe in.  A new reasonable afterlife people can believe in.  A new reasonable Utopia people can aspire to build.  A new reasonable Ten Commandments people actually need to follow.  Within the book I discuss how children are taught a new Bible, the 'Book of Cute,' as a vital part of their education, but in truth '100 Waifus' is that very 'Book of Cute,' the new Bible the whole world needs to read and learn from.  It has all the answers, and more importantly, it has the answers to the intractable problems the modern world faces today and is drowning under.  '100 Waifus' is the way, the truth, and the light, and the world will either embrace it or perish.