Following the airing of the KonoSuba S3 oav's in theater in Japan, an announcement was made that more Konosuba anime was in the making. It didn't specify whether it would be more oav's, a tv season or a movie, but common sense dictates it will be Season 4. After all, there's still tons of light novels for the anime left to adapt.
KonoSuba was on my anime wishlist, so now that my wish has been granted I replaced it with a wish for a new season of Prince of Tennis. I want to see the dramatic finale to the series where Ryoma takes on Ryoga. I suppose the manga would have to actually publish the event first before I can expect an anime, though.
Now that I've rated Heaven Burns Red #1, I wanted a commensurate number of wonderful fictional characters that its station deserves. So I also promoted Karen, Hisame, Yuina, Misato, Ichiko, Mari, Adelheid, Kozue and Erika to my fictional character hall of fame. Now Heaven Burns Red has 14 famous characters, equal to Jun Maeda's other top work Clannad, which also hosts 14 names.
All these girls are worthy inclusions. Karen is a beautiful, docile girl with great fashion sense, poise and singing skills. She's nigh maxed out on all feminine traits. I don't mind her murderous side -- after all the people she killed were a bunch of rapists.
Hisame is a genius sworsdman with impeccable loli looks -- short, flat and twintailed -- and a high voice. She's prone to misfortune but she takes it well and troops on. No one can doubt her courage, and she's constantly reaching out to help her kouhai.
Yuina is the old guard leader of the entire Seraph army. She's beautiful, determined, effective, charismatic, kind and earnest. She's also a prophet. She's like an archon who lives up to the title of Seraphim perfectly. But she doesn't mind taking second fiddle to Ruka and Squad 31-A when they burst onto the scene. Instead she's relieved that finally there's a competent squad beside hers that can lead humanity to victory, and does everything she can to support Ruka on and off the battlefield.
Misato is a genius Go player who has extended her knowledge of the game into tactical mastery of the battlefield. She leads her squad (31-D) of, frankly, incompetents, to impressive results purely on her Zhuge Liang like management. She's pretty in a very classical Japanese getup who enjoys a very classical Japanese pastime to the extreme -- (I also enjoy Go so I can sympathize). But what's really great about her is her love for her grandfather who introduced her to the game and her gratitude to him that she can repay by winning the war and keeping Go alive via keeping humanity alive.
Mari is the consummate shopkeeper who somehow manages to stock everything you would ever want and run every shop in home base at once all on her own. She has a great fake business customer appreciation voice and smile that cheers you up even though you know it's fake. On top of that she's a ninja do-gooder who went around saving little girls long before the war began and now goes around saving humanity. On top of that she also promised her mother that once the war ends she'll achieve a woman's happiness of marriage and children, realizing there are worthy female as well as male pursuits. And of course she's beautiful.
Adelheid is the little girl Mari saved. She then grew up determined to be a beautiful ninja herself, with long blonde hair, blue eyes and a prominent rabbit-ear-like red ribbon. Her ninjutsu skills are amazing, and she has a cheerful attitude to go along with it that means she'll happily perform for a crowd (or even act in a movie) with said skills. A friendly beauty is a rare combination -- usually the more beautiful a girl becomes the more standoffish she becomes because too many people hassle beautiful girls. But she doesn't mind being hassled and thus keeps the bright attitude. She's fought to the brink of death fearlessly to save her squadmates, though thankfully she didn't have to actually pass over that brink.
Ichiko is the eldest of the sextuplets and the most reasonable, also their squad leader. She loves her imoutos and does everything for their sake. A brave and responsible leader, she also draws manga from a young age up until today to entertain her family -- and she's a gifted artist, though not so gifted a writer -- but even that flaw only makes her efforts more endearing. She selflessly shields and buffs the rest of her squad in battle rather than take on any of the flashy rolls, which is exactly how she's been since birth. She's beautiful and wears an awesome cape and beret that accentuates that beauty.
Kozue is a paranormal specialist with an eyepatch covering her mystic heterochromia eye. Her short skirt and sporty laced sneakers are an amazing combination, simple, subtle, yet utterly captivating. She's constantly going around helping the dead and the living in ways they're not even aware of, selflessly toiling without thought of award. She's the host of a radio show where she uses her beautiful voice to charm the masses. A peacemaker of disputes instead of an instigator, she acts like a proper girl.
Erika died so that Ruka's squad, and thus humanity in general, might live. There could be no greater or more consequential act of heroism than her last stand against the Crimson Vertex. Lots of people are willing to die on the battlefield, but Erika went beyond that. She encouraged Ruka to fight when Ruka wanted to run away, so she willingly placed herself in grave danger knowing she was putting herself in grave danger. And once there, she summoned hidden reserves of strength she'd never shown before or knew she had so that she could accomplish her mission. She didn't just do everything in her power to win, she did everything beyond her power to win. Even now, much deeper into the war, no one has channeled the same spiritual strength through their seraphim as Erika did on that day, creating a pillar of white light that could be seen for miles. In other words, her determination remains peerless.
Erika is also lovable off the battlefield. She has a traditional suite of feminine virtues -- modesty, love of animals (and the ability to get along with them and take care of them), musical talent, studiousness, obedience and a desire to avoid confrontation. Even with short hair and low-key fashion she's a beauty -- maybe because her inner beauty shines through.
Heaven reigns supreme, so it's about time their fictional character total did too.
My Heaven playtime continues to expand as well. I decided to go back to the beginning using the 'relive memories' feature and play the game all over again. But this is an ongoing game, so what I'm doing isn't really 'playing again' but 'still playing.' I'm still gaining skill levels, experience levels, enhancement materials, personality trait growth points, etc. The main benefit of the replay is all the new dialogue I get to see due to the visual-novel like branching dialogue options. Last time through I took all the most reasonable dialogue choices, but now I get to see what happens when I say unreasonable things instead. There are a lot of branching dialogue moments so I'm actually getting to see a lot of new content. I didn't want to set the game down and voila, I didn't have to. Now I can keep playing all the way to March Madness.
And in 2 days I'll receive another SS guaranteed recruitment ticket as part of the Chapter 4 Part 2 release celebration. Odds are I won't recruit anyone new or anyone good, but there's always a chance I could get Megumi. . .