Thursday, November 11, 2010

More on the Midterm Election:

This is a fascinating series of statistics on the midterm elections:

"White people, especially white Catholics fled from the Democrats in record numbers this past election.
White Protestants voted Republican 69 – 29.
White Catholics voted Republican in an unprecedented 59 – 39. Up 7 points since 2008.
White Atheists voted Democrat 66 – 32. (Fortunately this group is far and away having the fewest children.)
Source: Pew Research.
Republicans won 62% of the white vote nationwide. They won 73% of the white vote in the south.
Republicans won 54% of High School Graduates and 58% of college graduates. Democrats won 61% of High School Dropouts and 52% of postgraduates.
Republicans won 51% of American women and 57% of American men. Much of the increase comes from men and women over the age of 60. 56% of women over 60 voted Republican.
60% of men over 60 voted Republican. Both percentages are up significantly since last year.
91% of blacks voted Democrats (they must be racists)
66% of “Hispanics” voted Democrat
59% of Asian voted Democrat
Source: Fox News.

White support for Republicans is the highest in the South and among Mormons in the west. Ironically the Republican party was originally founded as an anti-South anti-Mormon party in 1854 by remnants of the Whig party."

There are many interesting facts in here.  For one, it shows that Asians are nearly as anti-white as hispanics, and a white-asian alliance makes no sense.  Asians have chosen to side with the blacks and hispanics against the whites.  They are a part of the problem and not a part of the solution.  Why?  Probably fear of the white majority 'cracking down on them' because they are non-white.  If America becomes majority minority Asians would probably be able to have more influence and a more permanent place on our continent than if it stays majority white.  But it doesn't really matter what motivation Asians have, it's inexcusable to vote Democratic because that is a vote for white genocide.  Whatever perceived grievance Asians have with Whites, their voting democratic against the white majority is a far more concrete and serious grievance we could have with them.  Just to remind people, a vote for the Democratic party is a vote for open borders, global government, and massive redistribution of money from whites to non-whites.  It is also a vote to take away our freedom of speech, our right to bear arms, our freedom of association, our freedom of religion, in fact the whole Constitution.  The Democratic party, with its support for limitless immigration from the third world, is an existential threat to white America.  They want for us what happened to Zimbabwe's whites.  Time Wise makes that clear.

Republicans are not the white party, because they do not stand up for white interests.  They are more like the Christian party, if you look at the high level of support they get from Protestants and Mormons.  Unfortunately, their bastardized version of Christianity is too tepid to gain any of its benefits -- like say a healthy hatred of Islam, or a serious denunciation of sinful behavior.  Instead it's some sort of limp wristed charity to the unfortunate, spread the good news of Jesus' salvation, we are all spiritual brothers nonsense, mixed with a potent hatred of science -- like Evolution, Global Warming, Stem Cells, and Eugenics.  This opposition to science is probably half of why atheists are so dead set against Republicans that they'd vote 2 to 1 for the Democrats.  The other half is the libertine feeling among atheists that since there is no God and no Hell, we should be able to do anything we like and there's no such thing as right or wrong, good or evil, virtue or sin anymore, and they resent Christians trying to interfere with their 'fun,' even by just voicing their disagreement to it.  ((I'm an atheist and I voted Republican, so I apologize on the behalf of my fellow atheists for their terrible voting patterns.))  It would be nice if atheists admitted there are moral absolutes again, and Christians admitted there are scientific facts again, so that we can have a party that's right on all issues, not just half of them.  One can always dream.

Democrats remain the party of the dumb and the smart, while Republicans remain the party of the mean.  This is strange.  You would think smart people would all group on one side, and dumb people would all group on the other.  But jews are smart Democrats and that muddies the picture.  Another problem is smart whites tend to isolate themselves from the consequences of Democratic rule by living in posh neighborhoods.  It could also be true that importing masses of low-skilled workers, since it doesn't compete with intelligent people's job prospects, is an economic benefit for upper class whites.  I have no solution to the class divide except inspiring a racial love in the hearts of white elites for their less fortunate, less endowed brothers.  We need a return of noblesse oblige.

Meanwhile, Republicans are not doing enough to win women's votes.  Women want financial security.  Republicans are too tight-fisted.  If Republicans came out with the citizen's dividend, it would assuage the worries of single white women, and their charitable empathy for the unfortunate that all women are born with, while not sacrificing a single important pro-white principle.  We need white women to vote Republican if Republicans are going to win any elections in the future.  Someone needs to sit down and listen to the women who voted democratic and find out why they did so.  Was it for the right to divorce and have abortions?  Then oh well.  Was it for helping others?  Then we could win them over.  Was it for helping themselves?  Then we could win them over.  The natural place of white women culturally is alongside white men.  White men's libertarianism, however, is driving them away.  Ever since women got the vote they've been voting for more and more socialism.  Men are going to have to meet them halfway, or watch their whole country wash away.  The choice couldn't be more stark.  Do we want white women on the side of blacks, Asians, hispanics, and jews, a permanent majority that will forever determine the course of our country?  Or do we want them on our side, a pro-white side, interested in the preservation of white culture, white genius, white philosophy, and white beauty, that could at the very least birth a new nation somewhere on American soil if not reclaim the entirety as a pro-white, majority-white living space?  It's up to stingy libertarian men to decide what they care about more.

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