Sunday, November 14, 2010

Can Jews Ever Stop Lying?:

I say this with all due respect, but when I come across articles like this, I don't know what to think:

"How to spread the truth of HBD  [Human Bio-Diversity, IE Genetic Racial Differences]

I asked the question recently. After thinking about it a few days, I have come up with the answer.
We need to understand that people believe what they believe for emotional reasons rather than logical reasons. Thus rational arguments about all of the scientific evidence in favor of HBD fall on deaf ears. The HBD-denialists have the more powerful emotional arguments. Primarily, they can call people who believe HBD racists, and everyone knows that racists are the most evil people in the world and no one wants to be a racist. This is similar to the tactics used to keep people believing in Christianity. Christians have convinced people that if they believe in the truth (which is that the story about Jesus being the son of God is fiction), they will go to hell. Because no one wants to go to hell, they will choose to believe in what will preserve their immortal soul. There was also a time when Christians had real power to punish people for speaking blasphemy. Today, they HBD-denialists hold that power. Publicly speaking the truth about HBD can cause you to get fired from your job.
The truth, however, now has a very powerful ally, and that’s the anonymity of the internet. HBD-believers can go throughout the internet and spread the truth. But they are mostly going about it the wrong way. They are attempting to convince people by citing facts. However, no one cares about facts, they need to be swayed to the truth through emotion rather than fact. The best way to spread the truth of HBD is to convince people that many other people, just like themselves, believe in HBD, but they just keep this knowledge to themselves because of the taboo nature of the topic. This is how the global warmists have spread their beliefs. They argue about the “consensus” of “scientists”. This appeals to two emotional arguments: (1) the appeal to authority (“scientists” believe this); (2) the appeal to the desire for belonging (there’s a “consensus”).
The only way to spread the truth of HBD is, ironically, to lie a little. You need to make up stories which demonstrate to people that belief in HBD is common, but just suppressed. And that such belief is not common among skinheads, but rather among smart people, people just like you, people who vote for Democrats and who recycle and eat organic food.
A story about how you used to believe that HBD was racist nonsense because that’s what your sociology professors said when you attended Brown, but then you had doubts so you were motivated to discover the truth, and now you hide it from everyone because you don’t want to lose your job at the art museum, but you once discussed the topic with your closest friend while you were drunk, and you discovered that he also believed in HBD but also kept it a secret. A story like this is a hundred times more potent then quoting facts from The g Factor.
Use the power of sock puppets. Don’t get into online arguments with people. It’s much more powerful to simply log in as a different user and say that you agree with yourself, but you would only say so on the internet or you would be fired from your job as a school teacher. This creates the illusion that many people believe in HBD."

Half Sigma is one of those 'rightist' Jews who is aware of racial differences, particularly that blacks are stupid criminals.  He's a bright guy, and a reasonable guy, when not talking about anti-semitism.  But then his 'inner jew' takes over and he comes up with a strategy like this.  So let's get this straight.  In order to convince people to believe the truth, we need to trick them into believing it by appealing to their basest motives.  We need to lie, manipulate their emotions, and eventually corner them into self-destructively revealing what they think is not a 'toxic' idea, never understanding the reality of whether it's true or false themselves, while remaining our manipulated pawns from start to finish.  Worse, this isn't even justified with an 'ends justify the means' divine mission or anything.  He just thinks it would be amusing at best.  He goes about trying to solve the issue like any other mental puzzle, like "how would one go about fitting a model sail-ship into a bottle?"  Whether the world is revolutionized by accepting HBD is besides the point.  How clever his scheme to accomplish it is is the crux of the matter. 

The multiple levels of how wrong this behavior is makes it hard to start somewhere.  Here we have a naked Macheavellian discrediting the entire HBD movement because he is willing to lie to further HBD.  How many other HBD'ers are lying about their facts to further HBD?  How many other HBD'ers don't care about tricking people, hurting their social status by manipulating them into believing unpopular beliefs, or winning arguments through tricks instead of fair and honest debate?  If HBD is just a place Machievellians gather to hatch plots against the unsuspecting public, what are the odds that their public policy proscriptions are in the interests of society?

This isn't about whether Half Sigma is 'caught' though.  I'm not just worried about what happens to 'us' if we get caught lying.  It wouldn't matter if we weren't caught, it would still be wrong to pursue his strategy.  What gain is there if we convince people through a means other than the truth that we are right?  The same means could convince the same people to think the exact opposite thing tomorrow.  If people don't believe things because they are true, they will believe anything, at any moment in time, that is to their best advantage.  Such a fickle conversion is worth less than the sand it's written on.  It won't change anyone's minds in the long run.  In the short run, all it would do is embarass some idiot who thinks he is 'cool' for believing in Human Bio-diversity, only to be told by all his friends he is the exact opposite of cool.  Then, chagrined, realizing he's been duped because no one he knows believes in HBD, even though he was led to believe that everyone he knows did, he will quickly abandon his beliefs, apologize to his friends, and hate Half Sigma forever.  He will be even more anti-racist from there on, because we 'racists' betrayed him and lied to him before.

But let's suppose, miraculously, that Half Sigma's lies worked.  Everyone read the 'sock puppets' on the internet, converted all at once together, and then told each other in a giant confession that they all believed in HBD now.  What has been won?  Since we have fed people lies on a particular fact, and not the ideals of a complete life philosophy, they will just be stranded on the vine.  Even with HBD suddenly popular, nothing else would change, because there is nothing connecting HBD to anything else.  What would HBD created in this manner connect to anyway?  Lies, manipulation, Machievellian maneuvering, appealing to base instincts and not to higher principles.  This is no way to create a new foundation, a new morality, from which people could truly improve themselves.  It offers no political platform and no spiritual principles.  It is a hollow, barren victory.

Not that lies can ever win in this competition.  This is because for every jewish liar like Half Sigma, there are 100, 1,000 Jewish liars like Jared Diamond, Stephen Gould, Ashley Montagu, Boaz, and Freud saying the exact opposite lines.  They will be using the same tactics, the same cunning, the same methods, the same appeals to the same base emotions, only they will be more numerous and better than anything Half Sigma could hope to produce.  In a war between how 'jewish' we can be, ie, how deceitful, manipulative, and scummy we could be, the more 'jewish' side will always win.  They are the masters of deceit.  We are the masters of truth.  Whites are the most honest, gullible, trusting, and decent people on Earth.  We cannot beat jews by becoming them.  We are entirely different breeds of mankind.  We must do what we do best, and that is appeal to logic, fairness, objectivity, honesty, truth, and righteousness.  That is how we win hearts and minds.  It doesn't matter if it takes a thousand years, because in this case the victory is permanent -- lies can never replace the truth once the truth is established, but truth can always replace lies no matter how long lies are established.  No one thinks the Earth is flat anymore, or that the Sun orbits around a stationary Earth.  The Truth always gains ground, clears up mysteries, and becomes the prevailing wisdom.  It just takes time, and the courage to hold to your convictions in the face of earthly penalties.  Copernicus won.  Not by coming up with some fanciful trick that could deceive his opponents into believing him, but simply by being as logical, honest, and objective as possible.  This is how whites win ideological ground.  This is how we fight.  Not like vipers in the night.  Not like the eternal jew.

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